#!/bin/bash # # this is the script run by the Jenkins and gitlab-ci continuous integration # build services. It is a thorough set of tests that runs all the tests using # the various methods of installing/running fdroidserver. It is separate from # ./tests/run-tests because its too heavy for manual use. if [ `dirname $0` != "." ]; then echo "only run this script like ./`basename $0`" exit 1 fi set -e set -x if [ -z $WORKSPACE ]; then export WORKSPACE=`pwd`/.. fi if [ -z $ANDROID_HOME ]; then if [ -e ~/.android/bashrc ]; then . ~/.android/bashrc else echo "ANDROID_HOME must be set!" exit 1 fi fi apksource=$1 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # cache pypi downloads if [ -z $PIP_DOWNLOAD_CACHE ]; then export PIP_DOWNLOAD_CACHE=$HOME/.pip_download_cache fi #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # required Java 7 or later keytool/jarsigner for :file support export PATH=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/bin:$PATH #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # run local tests, don't scan fdroidserver/ project for APKs cd $WORKSPACE/tests ./run-tests $apksource #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # find pyvenv, to support Ubuntu/trusty's python3.4-venv if which pyvenv; then pyvenv=pyvenv elif which pyvenv-3.4; then pyvenv=pyvenv-3.4 else echo "pyvenv required to run this test suite!" exit 1 fi #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # test building the source tarball, then installing it cd $WORKSPACE python3 setup.py compile_catalog sdist # make sure translation files got compiled and included tar tzf dist/fdroidserver-*.tar.gz | grep locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/fdroidserver.mo rm -rf $WORKSPACE/env $pyvenv $WORKSPACE/env . $WORKSPACE/env/bin/activate # workaround https://github.com/pypa/setuptools/issues/937 pip3 install --quiet setuptools==33.1.1 pip3 install --quiet dist/fdroidserver-*.tar.gz # make sure translation files were installed test -e $WORKSPACE/env/share/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/fdroidserver.mo # run tests in new pip+pyvenv install fdroid=$WORKSPACE/env/bin/fdroid $WORKSPACE/tests/run-tests $apksource #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # test install using install direct from git repo cd $WORKSPACE rm -rf $WORKSPACE/env $pyvenv $WORKSPACE/env . $WORKSPACE/env/bin/activate # workaround https://github.com/pypa/setuptools/issues/937 pip3 install --quiet setuptools==33.1.1 Babel pip3 install --quiet -e $WORKSPACE python3 setup.py compile_catalog install # make sure translation files were installed test -e $WORKSPACE/env/share/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/fdroidserver.mo # run tests in new pip+pyvenv install fdroid=$WORKSPACE/env/bin/fdroid $WORKSPACE/tests/run-tests $apksource #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # run git pre-commit hook for pep8, pyflakes, etc sh hooks/pre-commit #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # run pylint # only run it where it will work, for example, the pyvenvs above don't have pylint if which pylint3 && python3 -c "import pylint" 2> /dev/null; then cd $WORKSPACE pylint3 --rcfile=.pylint-rcfile --output-format=colorized --reports=n \ fdroid \ makebuildserver \ setup.py \ fdroidserver/*.py \ tests/*.py \ tests/*.TestCase fi