!ifndef VERSION !define VERSION 'DEV' !endif !addplugindir "nsisPlugins" ; The name of the installer Name "Cura ${VERSION}" ; The file to write OutFile "Cura_${VERSION}.exe" ; The default installation directory InstallDir $PROGRAMFILES\Cura_${VERSION} ; Registry key to check for directory (so if you install again, it will ; overwrite the old one automatically) InstallDirRegKey HKLM "Software\Cura_${VERSION}" "Install_Dir" ; Request application privileges for Windows Vista RequestExecutionLevel admin ; Set the LZMA compressor to reduce size. SetCompressor /SOLID lzma ;-------------------------------- !include "MUI2.nsh" !include "Library.nsh" !system "check_drivers.bat" ;-------------------------------- ; StrContains ; This function does a case sensitive searches for an occurrence of a substring in a string. ; It returns the substring if it is found. ; Otherwise it returns null(""). ; Written by kenglish_hi ; Adapted from StrReplace written by dandaman32 Var STR_HAYSTACK Var STR_NEEDLE Var STR_CONTAINS_VAR_1 Var STR_CONTAINS_VAR_2 Var STR_CONTAINS_VAR_3 Var STR_CONTAINS_VAR_4 Var STR_RETURN_VAR Function StrContains Exch $STR_NEEDLE Exch 1 Exch $STR_HAYSTACK ; Uncomment to debug ;MessageBox MB_OK 'STR_NEEDLE = $STR_NEEDLE STR_HAYSTACK = $STR_HAYSTACK ' StrCpy $STR_RETURN_VAR "" StrCpy $STR_CONTAINS_VAR_1 -1 StrLen $STR_CONTAINS_VAR_2 $STR_NEEDLE StrLen $STR_CONTAINS_VAR_4 $STR_HAYSTACK loop: IntOp $STR_CONTAINS_VAR_1 $STR_CONTAINS_VAR_1 + 1 StrCpy $STR_CONTAINS_VAR_3 $STR_HAYSTACK $STR_CONTAINS_VAR_2 $STR_CONTAINS_VAR_1 StrCmp $STR_CONTAINS_VAR_3 $STR_NEEDLE found StrCmp $STR_CONTAINS_VAR_1 $STR_CONTAINS_VAR_4 done Goto loop found: StrCpy $STR_RETURN_VAR $STR_NEEDLE Goto done done: Pop $STR_NEEDLE ;Prevent "invalid opcode" errors and keep the Exch $STR_RETURN_VAR FunctionEnd !macro _StrContainsConstructor OUT NEEDLE HAYSTACK Push `${HAYSTACK}` Push `${NEEDLE}` Call StrContains Pop `${OUT}` !macroend !define StrContains '!insertmacro "_StrContainsConstructor"' ;-------------------------------- !define MUI_ICON "dist/resources/cura.ico" !define MUI_BGCOLOR FFFFFF ; Directory page defines !define MUI_DIRECTORYPAGE_VERIFYONLEAVE ; Header !define MUI_HEADERIMAGE !define MUI_HEADERIMAGE_RIGHT !define MUI_HEADERIMAGE_BITMAP "header.bmp" !define MUI_HEADERIMAGE_BITMAP_NOSTRETCH ; Don't show the component description box !define MUI_COMPONENTSPAGE_NODESC ;Do not leave (Un)Installer page automaticly !define MUI_FINISHPAGE_NOAUTOCLOSE !define MUI_UNFINISHPAGE_NOAUTOCLOSE ;Run Cura after installing !define MUI_FINISHPAGE_RUN !define MUI_FINISHPAGE_RUN_TEXT "Start Cura ${VERSION}" !define MUI_FINISHPAGE_RUN_FUNCTION "LaunchLink" ; Pages ;!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_WELCOME !insertmacro MUI_PAGE_DIRECTORY !insertmacro MUI_PAGE_COMPONENTS !insertmacro MUI_PAGE_INSTFILES !insertmacro MUI_PAGE_FINISH !insertmacro MUI_UNPAGE_CONFIRM !insertmacro MUI_UNPAGE_INSTFILES !insertmacro MUI_UNPAGE_FINISH ; Languages !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "English" ; Reserve Files !insertmacro MUI_RESERVEFILE_LANGDLL ReserveFile '${NSISDIR}\Plugins\InstallOptions.dll' ReserveFile "header.bmp" ;-------------------------------- ; The stuff to install Section "Cura ${VERSION}" SectionIn RO ; Set output path to the installation directory. SetOutPath $INSTDIR ; Put file there File /r "dist\" ; Write the installation path into the registry WriteRegStr HKLM "SOFTWARE\Cura_${VERSION}" "Install_Dir" "$INSTDIR" ; Write the uninstall keys for Windows WriteRegStr HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Cura_${VERSION}" "DisplayName" "Cura ${VERSION}" WriteRegStr HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Cura_${VERSION}" "UninstallString" '"$INSTDIR\uninstall.exe"' WriteRegDWORD HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Cura_${VERSION}" "NoModify" 1 WriteRegDWORD HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Cura_${VERSION}" "NoRepair" 1 WriteUninstaller "uninstall.exe" ; Write start menu entries for all users SetShellVarContext all CreateDirectory "$SMPROGRAMS\Cura ${VERSION}" CreateShortCut "$SMPROGRAMS\Cura ${VERSION}\Uninstall Cura ${VERSION}.lnk" "$INSTDIR\uninstall.exe" "" "$INSTDIR\uninstall.exe" 0 CreateShortCut "$SMPROGRAMS\Cura ${VERSION}\Cura ${VERSION}.lnk" "$INSTDIR\python\pythonw.exe" '-m "Cura.cura"' "$INSTDIR\resources\cura.ico" 0 SectionEnd Function LaunchLink ; Write start menu entries for all users SetShellVarContext all Exec '"$WINDIR\explorer.exe" "$SMPROGRAMS\Cura ${VERSION}\Cura ${VERSION}.lnk"' FunctionEnd Section "Install Arduino Drivers" ; Set output path to the driver directory. SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\drivers\" File /r "drivers\" ${If} ${RunningX64} IfSilent +2 ExecWait '"$INSTDIR\drivers\dpinst64.exe" /lm' ${Else} IfSilent +2 ExecWait '"$INSTDIR\drivers\dpinst32.exe" /lm' ${EndIf} SectionEnd Section "Open STL files with Cura" WriteRegStr HKCR .stl "" "Cura STL model file" DeleteRegValue HKCR .stl "Content Type" WriteRegStr HKCR "Cura STL model file\DefaultIcon" "" "$INSTDIR\resources\stl.ico,0" WriteRegStr HKCR "Cura STL model file\shell" "" "open" WriteRegStr HKCR "Cura STL model file\shell\open\command" "" '"$INSTDIR\python\pythonw.exe" -c "import os; os.chdir(\"$INSTDIR\"); import Cura.cura; Cura.cura.main()" "%1"' SectionEnd Section /o "Open OBJ files with Cura" WriteRegStr HKCR .obj "" "Cura OBJ model file" DeleteRegValue HKCR .obj "Content Type" WriteRegStr HKCR "Cura OBJ model file\DefaultIcon" "" "$INSTDIR\resources\stl.ico,0" WriteRegStr HKCR "Cura OBJ model file\shell" "" "open" WriteRegStr HKCR "Cura OBJ model file\shell\open\command" "" '"$INSTDIR\python\pythonw.exe" -c "import os; os.chdir(\"$INSTDIR\"); import Cura.cura; Cura.cura.main()" "%1"' SectionEnd Section /o "Open AMF files with Cura" WriteRegStr HKCR .amf "" "Cura AMF model file" DeleteRegValue HKCR .amf "Content Type" WriteRegStr HKCR "Cura AMF model file\DefaultIcon" "" "$INSTDIR\resources\stl.ico,0" WriteRegStr HKCR "Cura AMF model file\shell" "" "open" WriteRegStr HKCR "Cura AMF model file\shell\open\command" "" '"$INSTDIR\python\pythonw.exe" -c "import os; os.chdir(\"$INSTDIR\"); import Cura.cura; Cura.cura.main()" "%1"' SectionEnd ;-------------------------------- ; Uninstaller Section "Uninstall" ; Remove registry keys DeleteRegKey HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Cura_${VERSION}" DeleteRegKey HKLM "SOFTWARE\Cura_${VERSION}" ; Write start menu entries for all users SetShellVarContext all ; Remove directories used RMDir /r "$SMPROGRAMS\Cura ${VERSION}" RMDir /r "$INSTDIR" SectionEnd