// -*- C -*- // xxx from actual ksafe, needs slop adding bolt_above = 14.30; bolthole_height = 4.24; wall_thick = 4.50; bolthole_width = 16.62; main_sz = 150.56; cnr_rad = 13.5; // approx lidinner_thick_allow = 20.78; // other parameters web_thick = 4; web_height = 20; // excluding wall and base thick bolthole_rhs = 20; bolthole_lhs = 20; boltreinf_thick = 6; anchor_wall_space = 25; base_thick = 4; space = 25; anchor_thick = 4; anchor_rad = 4; bevel = 8; // ----- calculated ----- hsz = main_sz/2; gppA = [0,0]; gppB = gppA - [ wall_thick, 0 ]; gppL = [ gppB[0], -(lidinner_thick_allow + space + base_thick) ]; yw1 = -web_thick/2; yw2 = yw1 - bolthole_rhs; yw3 = yw2 - anchor_thick; yw4 = yw3 - anchor_wall_space; yw5 = yw4 - wall_thick; yw6 = -(hsz - cnr_rad + 0.1); yw10 = web_thick/2; yw11 = yw2 + anchor_wall_space; yw12 = yw11 + wall_thick; yw13 = -yw6; // anchor anchor_b = anchor_thick + anchor_rad; appM = gppL + anchor_b * [1,1]; a_bevel = 2 * anchor_b * (1 + sqrt(0.5)); module upp_app_Vars(t_bevel){ $xppE = gppL + t_bevel * [0,1]; $xppF = gppL + t_bevel * [1,0]; $xppJ = $xppE + wall_thick * [ 1, tan(22.5) ]; $xppI = $xppF + base_thick * [ tan(22.5), 1 ]; // must pass a_bevel for t_bevel for these to be valid $gppP = gppA + [0,-1] * lidinner_thick_allow; $gppQ = $gppP + [1,-1] * web_height; $gppR = $xppJ + [ 1, tan(22.5) ] * web_height; $gppS = $xppI + [ tan(22.5), 1 ] * web_height; $gppT = [ $gppQ[0], $xppE[1] ]; children(); } module upp_app_Profile(){ polygon([ gppA, gppB, $xppE, $xppF, $xppF + [1,0], $xppI + [1,0], $xppJ ], convexity=10); } module UsualProfile(){ upp_app_Vars(bevel) upp_app_Profile(); } module NearAnchorProfile(){ upp_app_Vars(a_bevel) upp_app_Profile(); } module AnchorProfile(){ upp_app_Vars(a_bevel) { upp_app_Profile(); difference(){ hull(){ polygon([ $xppE, $xppF, $xppF + [0,1], $xppE + [1,0] ], convexity=10); translate(appM) circle(r= anchor_b); } translate(appM) circle(r= anchor_rad); } } } module AnchorWallProfile(){ UsualProfile(); NearAnchorProfile(); hull(){ for (bev = [bevel, a_bevel]) { upp_app_Vars(bev) { polygon([ $xppE, $xppF, $xppI, $xppJ ], convexity=10); } } } } module WebProfile(){ upp_app_Vars(a_bevel){ if ($gppR[1] <= $gppP[1]) { polygon([ $gppP, $xppE, $gppT, $gppQ ]); polygon([ $gppP, $xppE, $xppF, $gppS, $gppR ], convexity=10); } else { polygon([ $gppP, $xppE, $xppF, $gppS, $gppP + web_height * [1,0] ], convexity=10); } polygon([ $gppS, $xppF, $xppF + [1,0], $gppS + [1,0] ], convexity=10); } } module SomeBaseProfile(I, F){ polygon([ I, F, [ hsz+1, F[1] ], [ hsz+1, I[1] ] ]); } module BaseProfile(){ SomeBaseProfile($xppI, $xppF); } module SWalls(ymin, ymax, t_bevel) { upp_app_Vars(t_bevel) { translate([0,ymin,0]) mirror([0,1,0]) rotate([90,0,0]) linear_extrude(height= ymax-ymin, convexity=10) for (xm=[0,1]) mirror([xm,0]) translate([-hsz, 0]) children(); } } module KsafeBase(){ /// corners for (xm=[0,1]) for (ym=[0,1]) { mirror([xm,0,0]) mirror([0,ym,0]) translate((hsz - cnr_rad) * [1,1]) intersection(){ rotate_extrude(convexity=10) translate([-cnr_rad,0]) UsualProfile(); translate([0,0,-250]) cube([50,50,500]); } } // side walls and base SWalls(yw6 , yw4 , bevel ) { UsualProfile(); BaseProfile(); } SWalls(yw5 , yw4 , a_bevel) { AnchorWallProfile(); BaseProfile(); } SWalls(yw5 , yw12, a_bevel) { NearAnchorProfile(); BaseProfile(); } SWalls(yw3 , yw2 , a_bevel) { AnchorProfile(); BaseProfile(); } SWalls(yw11, yw12, a_bevel) { AnchorWallProfile(); BaseProfile(); } SWalls(yw11, yw13, bevel ) { UsualProfile(); BaseProfile(); } } module DemoProfiles(){ translate([0,0,-2]) color("yellow") AnchorWallProfile(); color("red") AnchorProfile(); translate([0,0,2]) color("black") NearAnchorProfile(); translate([0,0,4]) color("blue") UsualProfile(); translate([0,0,-4]) color("pink") WebProfile(); } //DemoProfiles(); KsafeBase();