#!/bin/bash # # this is the script run by the Jenkins server to run the build and tests. Be # sure to always run it in its dir, i.e. ./jenkins-build.sh, otherwise it might # remove things that you don't want it to. if [ `dirname $0` != "." ]; then echo "only run this script like ./`basename $0`" exit fi # jenkins.debian.net slaves do not export WORKSPACE if [ -z $WORKSPACE ]; then export WORKSPACE=`pwd` fi set -e set -x # this is a local repo on the Guardian Project Jenkins server cd tests #./complete-ci-tests /var/www/fdroid # report info about virtualization (dmesg | grep -i -e hypervisor -e qemu -e kvm) || true (lspci | grep -i -e virtio -e virtualbox -e qemu -e kvm) || true lsmod if systemd-detect-virt -q ; then echo "Virtualization is used:" `systemd-detect-virt` else echo "No virtualization is used." fi sudo /bin/chmod -R a+rX /var/lib/libvirt/images ls -ld /var/lib/libvirt/images ls -l /var/lib/libvirt/images || echo no access ls -lR ~/.vagrant.d/ || echo no access virsh --connect qemu:///system list --all || echo cannot virsh list cat /etc/issue /sbin/ifconfig || true hostname || true # point to the Vagrant/VirtualBox configs created by reproducible_setup_fdroid_build_environment.sh # these variables are actually set in fdroidserver/jenkins-build-makebuildserver export SETUP_WORKSPACE=$(dirname $WORKSPACE)/fdroid/fdroidserver export XDG_CONFIG_HOME=$SETUP_WORKSPACE export VBOX_USER_HOME=$SETUP_WORKSPACE/VirtualBox export VAGRANT_HOME=$SETUP_WORKSPACE/vagrant.d # let's see what is actually there: find $SETUP_WORKSPACE | grep -v fdroiddata/metadata/ | cut -b43-9999 # the way we handle jenkins slaves doesn't copy the workspace to the slaves # so we need to "manually" clone the git repo hereā€¦ cd $WORKSPACE # set up Android SDK to use the Debian packages in stretch export ANDROID_HOME=/usr/lib/android-sdk # ignore username/password prompt for non-existant repos git config --global url."https://fakeusername:fakepassword@github.com".insteadOf https://github.com git config --global url."https://fakeusername:fakepassword@gitlab.com".insteadOf https://gitlab.com git config --global url."https://fakeusername:fakepassword@bitbucket.org".insteadOf https://bitbucket.org # now build the whole archive cd $WORKSPACE # this can be handled in the jenkins job, or here: if [ -e fdroiddata ]; then cd fdroiddata git remote update -p git checkout master git reset --hard origin/master else git clone https://gitlab.com/fdroid/fdroiddata.git fdroiddata cd fdroiddata fi echo "build_server_always = True" > config.py $WORKSPACE/fdroid build --verbose --latest --no-tarball --all vagrant global-status cd builder vagrant status