#!/bin/bash # Commits updates to apps, allowing you to edit the commit messages commands=() while read line; do if [[ "$line" == *M*metadata/*.txt ]]; then file=${line##* } id=${file##*/} id=${id%.txt*} if [ $# -gt 0 ]; then found=false for arg in "$@"; do if [ "$id" == "$arg" ]; then found=true break fi done $found || continue fi [ -d metadata/$id ] && extra=metadata/$id while read l; do if [[ "$l" == "Auto Name:"* ]]; then name=${l##*:} break fi done < "$file" [ -n "$name" ] && id="$name ($id)" newbuild=0 while read l; do if [[ "$l" == "+Build:"* ]]; then newbuild=1 build=${l#*:} version=${build%%,*} build=${build#*,} vercode=${build%%,*} fi done < <(git diff HEAD -- "$file") if [ $newbuild -eq 0 ]; then message="$id:" else message="Update $id to $version ($vercode)" fi commands+=("git commit -m '$message' -e -v -- $file $extra") fi done < <(git status --porcelain) for cmd in "${commands[@]}"; do eval "$cmd" done