// -*- C -*- include phone = [ 75.0, 145.0 ]; bumper = [ 0.250, -0.025 ]; // ^ One side. Overall size is increased by twice this. // If no bumpers, is the gap around the phone. phone_cnr_rad = 6.0; button_cutout_depth = 9; phone_edge_thick = 9.0; phone_total_thick = 12.0; phone_backside_slope_inner = 1.5; // larger means shallower phone_backside_slope_outer = 1.0; // larger means shallower camera_pos_tl = [ 6.450, 12.750 ]; // measured from tl corner camera_pos_br = [ 22.300, 37.600 ]; // tl/br as seen from back jack_pos = [ 13.92, 7.96 ]; jack_dia = 9.1 + .5; // some jack I had lying around noisecancelmic_pos = [ 19.54, 7.37 ]; // from rhs noisecancelmic_dia = 1.75; fingerpushhole_dias = [ 14, 17 ]; rearspeaker_pos_bl = [ 14.92, 18.72 ]; rearspeaker_size = [ 3.76, 7.36 ]; case_th_bottom = 2.5; case_th_lid = 2.5; case_th_side = 2; case_th_lip = 1.2; case_struts_count = 6; case_struts_solid_below = 1.00; case_struts_solid_above = 0.75; case_struts_width = 0.10; keeper_th_z = 0.75; keeper_th_x = 0.75; keeper_inner_width = 2.75; keeper_inner_height = 2.75; keeper_slant_slope = 2; // larger means steeper keeper_gap_z_top = 0.25; keeper_gap_z_bot = 0.75; keeper_gap_x = 0.25; keeper_gap_x_holes = 0.75; case_lip = 1.25; lid_gap_x = 0.25; lid_gap_z = 0.25; lid_lip = 1.75; foldover_gap = 0.50; foldover_lever_gap = 0.50; hingescrew_shaft_dia = 2.0 + 0.25; // M2 x 12mm machine screw hingescrew_shaft_len = 12; hingescrew_nut_thick = 1.93 + 0.20; // incl. washer hingescrew_nut_dia = 4.72 + 0.50; // washer, actually hingescrew_head_th = 1.38 + 0.75; lever_cover_th = 0.75; hingemount_th = 2.5; $fa = 5; $fs = 0.1; button_l_fudge = 4.4; buttonishleg_default_l_is_fudge = 10; strut_min_at_end = 1.5; hinge_x_gap = 0.125; hinge_x_postscrew_gap = 0.75; hinge_x_arms_gap = 0.35; hinge_r_arms_gap = 0.55; rearspeaker_gap = [ 1.0, 1.0 ]; // each side // ---------- calculated ---------- phone_width = (phone + bumper*2)[0]; phone_height = (phone + bumper*2)[1]; inside_br = [phone_width, -phone_height]; //echo(camera_pos_tl + bumper, // camera_pos_br + bumper); // ----- could be changed ----- lid_buttoncover_gap = lid_gap_x; lid_buttoncover_overlap = case_th_lip + keeper_gap_z_top; phone_backside_slope_thick = phone_total_thick - phone_edge_thick; //lid_lip_overlap_width xxx bad name = ; //lid_lip_inner_slope = [ 5, 5 ]; // xxx epp0 = [0,0]; epp1 = [0, -phone_edge_thick]; epp2i = epp1 + phone_backside_slope_thick * [ phone_backside_slope_inner, -1 ]; epp2o = epp1 + phone_backside_slope_thick * [ phone_backside_slope_outer, -1 ]; epp3 = epp2i + [10, 0]; epp5 = epp0 + [0,1] * (keeper_th_z + keeper_gap_z_top + case_lip); epp4 = epp5 + [-1,0] * case_th_side; kppe = [0,0]; kppd = kppe + [1,0] * keeper_inner_width; kppc = kppd + [0,1] * keeper_th_z; kppb = [ kppe[0] - keeper_th_x, kppc[1] ]; kppf = kppe - [0,1] * keeper_inner_height; kppa = [ kppb[0], kppf[1] ]; lpp10 = [ epp5[0] + lid_gap_x, kppc[1] + lid_gap_z ]; lpp11 = [ lpp10[0], epp5[1] + lid_gap_z ]; lp_r12 = case_th_lid - (lpp11[1] - lpp10[1]); lpp12 = [ epp4[0] + lp_r12, lpp11[1] ]; lpp13 = [ lpp12[0], lpp12[1] + lp_r12 ]; // button profile bppM = epp4 + [0,5]; bppN = [ 0.5 * (epp0[0] + epp4[0]), bppM[1] ]; bppR = [ bppN[0] + lid_buttoncover_gap, -button_cutout_depth ]; bppS = [ epp1[0], bppR[1] ]; bppQ = [ bppM[0], bppR[1] - lid_buttoncover_overlap ]; bppP = bppQ + [0,1] * lid_buttoncover_gap; bppO = [ bppN[0], bppP[1] ]; bppL = lpp10 + [5,0]; bppK = [ bppL[0], bppN[1] ]; bppJ = [ bppN[0], bppL[1] ]; // hinge plan hp_rn = hingescrew_nut_dia/2; hp_r2 = hp_rn + lever_cover_th; hp_rs = hingescrew_shaft_dia/2; hp_r1 = hp_rs + hingemount_th; hppU = lpp13; hppS = epp2o + [0,-1] * case_th_bottom; hp_k = 0.5 * (hppU[1] - hppS[1] + foldover_gap); hppM = [ epp4[0] - foldover_lever_gap - hp_r2, 0.5 * (hppU + hppS)[1] ]; hppT = hppM + 0.5 * [0,+1] * hp_k; hppB = hppM + 0.5 * [0,-1] * hp_k; // hinge elevation x coords hingescrew_portion_len = 0.5* (hingescrew_shaft_len - hingescrew_nut_thick - hinge_x_gap); hex20 = max(epp2o[0], phone_cnr_rad, kppd[0] + hingescrew_head_th + keeper_gap_x_holes); hex21 = hex20 + hingescrew_portion_len; hex22 = hex21 - hinge_x_gap; hex23 = hex22 + hingescrew_portion_len; hex24 = hex23 + hinge_x_postscrew_gap; // ---------- modules ---------- module KeeperProfile(slant=0){ use_e = kppe + [0,-1] * slant * keeper_inner_width / keeper_slant_slope; polygon([use_e, kppd, kppc, kppb, kppa, kppf]); } module EdgeProfile(){ difference(){ hull(){ translate(epp3) square(case_th_bottom*2, center=true); circleat(epp2o, r=case_th_bottom); circleat(epp1, r=case_th_side); rectfromto(epp0, epp4); } polygon([ epp5 + [0,10], epp1, epp2i, epp3 + [10,0] ]); } } module LidEdgeProfile(){ polygon([ lpp10, lpp11, lpp12, lpp13, lpp13 + [10, 0], lpp10 + [10, 0] ]); intersection(){ circleat(lpp12, r=lp_r12); rectfromto( lpp12 + [-10, 0], lpp12 + [+10, +10] ); } } module ButtonCoverProfile(){ intersection(){ polygon([ bppM, bppP, bppO, bppJ, bppL, bppK ]); hull(){ EdgeProfile(); LidEdgeProfile(); } } } module ButtonPlan(l, deep, cut){ epsilon = (cut ? 0 : lid_buttoncover_gap); delta = (deep ? lid_buttoncover_overlap : 0); C = [0,0]; // by definition T = [ 0, epp4[1] ]; G = T + [0,10]; B0 = C + [0,-1] * button_cutout_depth; B1 = B0 + [0,1] * epsilon; r0 = 0.5 * (T[1] - B0[1]); A = [ -(l + button_l_fudge)/2 + r0, 0.5 * (T[1] + B0[1]) ]; H = A + [0,-1] * delta; D = A + [-2,0] * r0; F = D + [0,10]; E0 = 0.5 * (D + A); E1 = E0 + [1,0] * epsilon; I0 = [ E0[0], H[1] ]; I1 = [ E1[0], H[1] ]; hull(){ for (m=[0,1]) mirror([m,0]) circleat(H, r0 - epsilon); } for (m=[0,1]) mirror([m,0]) { difference(){ polygon([ E1, I1, H, B1, G, F, D ]); circleat(D, r0 + epsilon); } } } module Flip_rhs(yn=[0,1]) { for ($rhsflip=yn) { translate([phone_width/2, 0, 0]) mirror([$rhsflip,0,0]) translate([-phone_width/2, 0, 0]) children(); } } module Flip_bot(yn=[0,1]) { for ($botflip=yn) { translate([0, -phone_height/2, 0]) mirror([0, $botflip, 0]) translate([0, phone_height/2, 0]) children(); } } module AroundEdges(fill_zstart, fill_th, fill_downwards=0){ // sides Flip_rhs(){ translate([0, -phone_cnr_rad, 0]) rotate([90,0,0]) linear_extrude(height = phone_height - phone_cnr_rad*2) children(0); } // corners Flip_rhs() Flip_bot() { translate([+1,-1] * phone_cnr_rad) intersection(){ rotate_extrude() intersection(){ mirror([1,0,0]) translate([-1,0] * phone_cnr_rad) children(0); rectfromto([0,-20],[10,20]); } translate([-10, 0, -20] + 0.01 * [+1,-1, 0] ) cube([10,10,40]); } } // top and bottom Flip_bot(){ translate([ phone_width - phone_cnr_rad, 0,0 ]) rotate([90,0,-90]) linear_extrude(height = phone_width - phone_cnr_rad*2) children(0); } // fill translate([0,0, fill_zstart]) mirror([0,0, fill_downwards]) linear_extrude(height = fill_th) rectfromto([+1,-1] * phone_cnr_rad, [phone_width, -phone_height] + [-1,+1] * phone_cnr_rad); } module CaseAperture(pos, dia, $fn) { theta = 180/$fn; translate([ pos[0] + bumper[0], -epp2i[0], -pos[1] ]) rotate([-90, theta, 0]) cylinder(r = dia/2 / cos(theta), h = 60); } module SideButton(y, y_ref_sign, l){ // y_ref_sign: // +1 measured from top of actual phone to top of button // -1 measured from bottom of actual phone to bottom of button // 0 y is centre of button in coordinate system $button_l= l; eff_y = y_ref_sign > 0 ? -bumper [1] -y -l/2 : y_ref_sign < 0 ? (-phone -bumper)[1] +y +l/2 : y; //echo(eff_y); translate([0, eff_y, 0]) children(); } module LidButtonishLeg(y, y_ref_sign, l=buttonishleg_default_l_is_fudge) { $button_leg_only = true; SideButton(y, y_ref_sign, l) children(); } module Buttons(){ Flip_rhs(1) SideButton(15.580, +1, 8.9) children(); // power Flip_rhs(1) SideButton(48.700, -1, 8.920) children(); // camera Flip_rhs(0) SideButton(30.800, +1, 21.96) children(); // volume Flip_rhs( ) LidButtonishLeg(20, -1) children(); // Flip_rhs(0) LidButtonishLeg(20, +1, 20) children(); } module Struts(x_start, z_min, th){ // if th is negative, starts at z_min and works towards -ve z // and object should then be printed other way up for (i= [1 : 1 : case_struts_count]) { translate([0, 0, z_min]) mirror([0,0, th<0 ? 1 : 0]) translate([0, -phone_height * i / (case_struts_count+1), case_struts_solid_below]) linear_extrude(height= abs(th) -(case_struts_solid_below+case_struts_solid_above)) rectfromto([ x_start, -0.5 * case_struts_width ], [ phone_width - x_start, +0.5 * case_struts_width ]); } } module OrdinaryRearAperture(rhs,bot, pos){ Flip_rhs(rhs) Flip_bot(bot) linextr(-20, 20) mirror([0,1]) translate(pos + bumper) children(); } module OrdinaryRearApertures(){ // rear speaker OrdinaryRearAperture(1,1, rearspeaker_pos_bl) rectfromto(-rearspeaker_gap, rearspeaker_size + rearspeaker_gap); // finger hole to remove phone OrdinaryRearAperture(1,0, [ fingerpushhole_dias[0]/2 + epp2i[0], phone[1]/2 ]) scale(fingerpushhole_dias) circle(r= 0.5 ); } module RearCameraAperture(){ Flip_rhs(1) mirror([0, 0, 1]) linear_extrude(height = 20) mirror([0, 1, 0]) translate(bumper) rectfromto(camera_pos_tl, camera_pos_br); } module HingeLidProfile(){ hull(){ circleat(hppT, hp_r1); circleat(lpp12, lp_r12); polygon([lpp10, lpp13 + [2,0], lpp12, hppT]); } } module HingeBaseProfile(){ difference(){ hull(){ circleat(hppB, hp_r1); circleat(epp2o, case_th_bottom); circleat(hppB + [10,0], hp_r1); } polygon([epp5, epp1, epp2i, epp3, bppL]); } } module HingeLeverOuterProfile(){ hull(){ circleat(hppT, hp_r2); circleat(hppB, hp_r2); } } module HingeLeverInnerProfile(){ for (c = [hppT, hppB]) { hull() for (x=[0,20]) translate([x,0]) circleat(c, hp_rn); circleat(hppB, hp_rn); } } module HingePortion(x0,x1){ Flip_rhs() Flip_bot(1) translate([x0,0,0]) mirror([1,0,0]) rotate([90,0,-90]) linear_extrude(height=x1-x0) children(0); } module CaseBase(){ AroundEdges(epp3[1], case_th_bottom, 1) EdgeProfile(); } module Case(){ ////toplevel difference(){ union(){ CaseBase(); // ledge (fixed keeper) intersection(){ rotate([90, 0, 0]) linear_extrude(height = phone_height + phone_cnr_rad * 2) KeeperProfile(1); // outline of the whole case, to stop it protruding translate([0,0, -25]) linear_extrude(height = 50) hull() // Flip_rhs() // actually, we only care about the LH Flip_bot() circleat([+1,-1] * phone_cnr_rad, phone_cnr_rad + case_th_side/2); } // hinge HingePortion(hex20, hex21) HingeBaseProfile(); } // slot for keeper Flip_rhs(1) translate([0, -phone_cnr_rad, 0]) rotate([90, 0, 0]) linear_extrude(height = phone_height + phone_cnr_rad * 2) minkowski(){ KeeperProfile(); rectfromto([ -keeper_gap_x, -keeper_gap_z_bot ], [ keeper_gap_x_holes, +keeper_gap_z_top ]); } // front camera RearCameraAperture(); // struts (invisible, because they're buried in the case) Struts(epp2i[0], epp2i[1] - case_th_bottom, case_th_bottom); Buttons(){ mirror([1,0,0]) rotate([90,0,90]) { intersection(){ translate([0,0,-10]) linear_extrude(height= 20) ButtonPlan($button_l, 0,1); if ($button_leg_only) rotate([-90,90,0]) translate([phone_width/2, -400, kppe[1]]) mirror([$rhsflip,0,0]) cube([400, 800, 50]); } translate([0,0, -bppR[0]]) linear_extrude(height= 20) ButtonPlan($button_l, 1,1); } } // apertures along top edge CaseAperture(jack_pos, jack_dia, 8); Flip_rhs(1) CaseAperture(noisecancelmic_pos, noisecancelmic_dia, 20); OrdinaryRearApertures(); // gaps for the lid's hinge arms HingePortion(hex20 - hinge_x_arms_gap, hex21 + hinge_x_arms_gap) minkowski(){ HingeLidProfile(); circle(r= hinge_r_arms_gap, $fn= 8); } } } module Lid(){ ////toplevel difference(){ union(){ AroundEdges(lpp10[1], lpp13[1] - lpp10[1], 0) LidEdgeProfile(); // button covers Buttons(){ intersection(){ rotate([90,0,90]) translate([0,0,-10]) linear_extrude(height= 20) ButtonPlan($button_l, 1,0); rotate([90,0,0]) translate([0,0,-100]) linear_extrude(height= 200) ButtonCoverProfile(); } } // hinge arms HingePortion(hex20, hex21) HingeLidProfile(); } Struts(lpp10[0] + strut_min_at_end, lpp13[1], -case_th_lid); } } module TestSelectLength(){ translate([-30, -200, -20]) cube([30 + 15, 250, 40]); } module TestLength(){ ////toplevel intersection(){ Case(); TestSelectLength(); } } module TestLengthRight(){ ////toplevel intersection(){ Case(); Flip_rhs(1) TestSelectLength(); } } module TestSelectWidth(){ translate([-30, -(phone_height - 25), -20]) mirror([0, 1, 0]) cube([200, 50, 40]); } module TestWidth(){ ////toplevel intersection(){ Case(); TestSelectWidth(); } } module TestLidWidthPrint(){ ////toplevel rotate([0,180.0]) intersection(){ Lid(); TestSelectWidth(); } } module TestSelectRearAperture(){ minkowski(){ union() children(); translate([20, 0,0]) cube([42, 2, 1], center=true); } } module TestSelectCamera(){ minkowski(){ TestSelectRearAperture() RearCameraAperture(); cube([0.1, 50, 0.1]); } } module TestSelectOrdinaryRearApertures(){ TestSelectRearAperture() OrdinaryRearApertures(); } module TestCamera(){ ////toplevel intersection(){ Case(); TestSelectCamera(); } } module TestLidByCamera(){ ////toplevel intersection(){ Lid(); TestSelectCamera(); } } module TestLidByCameraPrint(){ ////toplevel rotate([180,0,0]) TestLidByCamera(); } module DemoByCamera(){ ////toplevel color("blue") TestLidByCamera(); color("red") TestCamera(); } module OneKeeper(){ ////toplevel translate([0, -phone_cnr_rad, 0]) rotate([90, 0, 0]) linear_extrude(height = phone_height - phone_cnr_rad * 2) KeeperProfile(); } module OneKeeperPrint(){ ////toplevel rotate([0,180,0]) OneKeeper(); } module LidPrint(){ ////toplevel rotate([0,180,0]) Lid(); } module TestSelectFrame(){ include = [1,-1] * (epp2i[0] + 4); difference(){ cube(1000, center=true); translate([0,0, -100]) linear_extrude(height=200) rectfromto(include, inside_br - include); } } module TestFrameCase(){ ////toplevel intersection(){ Case(); union(){ TestSelectFrame(); TestSelectCamera(); TestSelectOrdinaryRearApertures(); } } } module TestFrameLidPrint(){ ////toplevel rotate([0,0,180]) intersection(){ Lid(); TestSelectFrame(); } } module Keeper(){ ////toplevel Flip_rhs() OneKeeper(); } module ButtonPlanForDemo(z, deep, cut){ translate([0,0,z]) ButtonPlan(8, deep, cut); } module DemoFrame(){ ////toplevel color("red") TestFrameCase(); color("blue") intersection(){ Lid(); TestSelectFrame(); } } module DemoProfiles(){ ////toplevel LidEdgeProfile(); %EdgeProfile(); KeeperProfile(); translate([0,0,-1]) color("black") KeeperProfile(1); translate([20,0]) { LidEdgeProfile(); %EdgeProfile(); demopoint_QR = [ bppS[0], bppQ[1] - 0.1]; color("blue") ButtonCoverProfile(); color("red") { rectfromto(bppQ, demopoint_QR); rectfromto(bppR, demopoint_QR); } } translate([-20,0]) { color("black") ButtonPlanForDemo(-2, 0,1); color("red" ) ButtonPlanForDemo(-4, 1,1); color("blue") ButtonPlanForDemo(-6, 1,0); } translate([0, -30]) { %LidEdgeProfile(); %EdgeProfile(); color("blue") HingeLidProfile(); color("red") HingeBaseProfile(); color("black") translate([0,0,-2]) HingeLeverOuterProfile(); color("orange") translate([0,0,-1]) HingeLeverInnerProfile(); } } //EdgeProfile(); //KeeperProfile(); //CaseBase(); //%Case(); //Keeper(); //LidEdgeProfile(); //KeeperProfile(); //DemoProfiles();