// -*- C -*- include include psu_sz = psu_sz_nom + [ 0.11, 0.44 ] + [ 0.25, 0.25 ]; psu_hole_pos = [ 2.05, // from back edge of psu_sz[0] 0.55 * 0.5 * 25.4, // from centreline ]; psu_th = 1.70 + 0.25; psu_th_for_clamp = 1.50; psu_hole_dia = 2.5 - 0.5; psu_connector_z = 2.9 + 0.1; psu_connector_z_overlap = 0.15; psu_connector_depth = 6.25; psu_connector_w = 8.0 + 0.5; psu_usb_protr = 0.6; psu_clamp_th = 4.0 + 0.75; psu_clamp_w = 8.0; psu_clamp_gap = 0.4; psu_board_clamp_ovlp = 4.5; psu_board_nutbox = nutbox_data_M3; psu_board_gap = 0.5; psu_board_support_wall = 2; psu_board_support_ovlp = 4.5; psu_board_support_ovlp_ceil = 2; psu_board_support_z = 2; psu_baffle_gap = 1.0 + 0.5; psu_y = +psu_sz[1]/2 + psu_usb_protr; psu_usba_v_apart = 7.0; psu_usba_v_from_edge = 4.86; psu_usba_v_space_below = 1.5; psu_usba_v_space_w = 1.7; psu_usba_v_space_l = 3.0; psu_test_ceil = 2.5; // ----- calculated ----- psu_z = NutBox_h_base(psu_board_nutbox); psu_z_down = psu_z + 0.1; psu_fix_sz = NutBox_outer_size(psu_board_nutbox); psu_board_nutbox_y = psu_sz[1]/2 + psu_board_nutbox[0]/2; psu_mount_outer_sz_x = psu_sz[0] + psu_board_support_wall * 2; // centred psu_mount_outer_sz_y = psu_y + max(psu_board_support_wall, // at psu_y psu_board_nutbox_y + psu_fix_sz/2); module PsuBoardRepresentation(){ linear_extrude(height= psu_th) square(center=true, [psu_sz[0],psu_sz[1]]); } module PsuRepresentation(){ PsuBoardRepresentation(); translate([0, -psu_sz[1]/2, -psu_connector_z]) linear_extrude(height= psu_connector_z + psu_connector_z_overlap) rectfromto([ -psu_connector_w/2, -10 ], [ +psu_connector_w/2, psu_connector_depth ]); } module AtPsuMountCorner(mx,my){ mirror([mx,0,0]) mirror([0,my,0]) translate(-0.5 * [psu_sz[0], psu_sz[1], 0] -1 * [0,0, psu_z_down]) children(); } module PsuMountCornerExtrude(mx,my, plus_z=psu_board_support_z){ AtPsuMountCorner(mx,my){ linear_extrude(height= psu_z_down + plus_z, convexity=10) { children(); } } } module PsuUsbAVSpacePlan(){ for (x= [-1,+1] * psu_usba_v_apart/2) { translate([x, -psu_usba_v_from_edge ]) { hull(){ for (y= [-1,+1] * 0.5 * (psu_usba_v_space_l - psu_usba_v_space_w)) { translate([0,y]) circle(r= psu_usba_v_space_w); } } } } } module PsuMountPositiveMain(){ for (mx=[0,1]) { for (my=[0,1]) { PsuMountCornerExtrude(mx,my){ rectfromto(-[1,1]*psu_board_support_wall, +[1,1]*psu_board_support_ovlp); } } // mount above at plug end PsuMountCornerExtrude(mx,0, psu_th + psu_board_support_wall){ rectfromto(-[1,1]*psu_board_support_wall, [psu_board_support_ovlp, psu_board_support_ovlp_ceil]); } } translate([0,0, -psu_z_down]) linear_extrude(psu_z_down - psu_baffle_gap, convexity=10) PsuLedBafflePlan(); } module PsuMountNegative(){ axis = [0, -psu_sz[1]/2, psu_th]; PsuRepresentation(); translate(axis) rotate([atan(2 * psu_board_support_z / psu_sz[1]), 0,0]) translate(-axis) PsuBoardRepresentation(); } module PsuMountPositive(){ difference(){ intersection(){ PsuMountPositiveMain(); linextr_y_xz(-psu_y, psu_sz[1]*2) square(100, center=true); } PsuMountNegative(); intersection(){ hull(){ PsuBoardRepresentation(); translate([0,0,5]) PsuBoardRepresentation(); } translate([-20,0,-20]) cube(40); } } for (mx=[0,1]) { PsuMountCornerExtrude(mx,1){ translate([psu_sz[0]/2 - psu_hole_pos[1], psu_hole_pos[0]] + psu_board_gap * [1,1] ) circle(r= psu_hole_dia/2); } } difference(){ translate([0, psu_board_nutbox_y, 0]) rotate([0,0,180]) NutBox(psu_board_nutbox, psu_z_down); translate([0, psu_sz[1]/2, 0]) linextr(-psu_usba_v_space_below, +10) PsuUsbAVSpacePlan(); } } module PsuClamp(){ ////toplevel rotate([180,0,0]) difference(){ linear_extrude(height=psu_clamp_th + psu_th_for_clamp, convexity=5) { difference(){ hull(){ circle(r = psu_fix_sz/2); translate([ -psu_board_nutbox[0]/2, 0]) square(center=true, [ psu_board_clamp_ovlp*2, psu_clamp_w ]); } circle(r = psu_board_nutbox[0]/2); } } translate([0,0,-1]) linear_extrude(height=psu_th_for_clamp+1) { translate([ -psu_board_nutbox[0]/2 + psu_clamp_gap, 0 ]) mirror([1,0]) translate([0,-20]) square(40); } linextr(-10,10) { rotate(-90) translate([0, -psu_board_nutbox[0]/2]) PsuUsbAVSpacePlan(); } } } module PsuLedWindowsPlan(){ difference(){ PsuLedWindowsPlanCore(); PsuLedBafflePlan(); } } module PsuMountWindowsNegative(ceil){ linextr(-10, 0.1) PsuLedWindowsPlan(); translate([0, 0, -psu_z - ceil]) linextr(-1, psu_initial_layer_thick) offset(delta=psu_window_ledge + psu_multicolour_gap) PsuLedWindowsPlan(); } module PsuMountDemo() { ////toplevel ceil = psu_test_ceil; translate([0, psu_y, psu_z]) { difference(){ PsuMountPositive(); linextr(-20, 0.1) PsuLedWindowsPlan(); } %PsuMountNegative(); color("yellow") translate([0,0, -psu_z - ceil]) linear_extrude(height=0.4, convexity=10) PsuLedWindowsPlan(); color("blue") translate([0,0, -psu_z - ceil]) linear_extrude(height=0.4, convexity=10) PsuLedLegendsPlan(); translate([0, psu_board_nutbox_y, 10]) rotate([180,0,0]) rotate([0,0,-90]) PsuClamp(); } } module PsuMountTest() { ////toplevel ceil = psu_test_ceil; $fs = 0.1; $fa = 3; difference(){ union(){ translate([0, psu_y, psu_z]) PsuMountPositive(); difference(){ // rectangular box with wall linextr_x_yz(-psu_mount_outer_sz_x/2, +psu_mount_outer_sz_x/2) { difference(){ rectfromto([0, -ceil], [psu_mount_outer_sz_y, psu_z + 10]); rectfromto([ceil,0], 400*[1,1]); } } translate([0, psu_y, psu_z]) { PsuMountNegative(); } } } translate([0, psu_y, psu_z]) PsuMountWindowsNegative(ceil); translate([0, psu_y, -ceil]) { linextr(-1, psu_initial_layer_thick) { offset(delta=psu_multicolour_gap) PsuLedLegendsPlan(); } } } } psu_multicolour_gap = 0.075; psu_initial_layer_thick = 0.400; psu_initial_layer_width = 0.750; psu_window_ledge = 0.50; // each side psu_frame_gap = 1.0; module PsuMountLayerFrame(bl, tr, ix) { gap0 = [1,1] * (psu_frame_gap + psu_initial_layer_width*(ix+0)); gap1 = [1,1] * (psu_frame_gap + psu_initial_layer_width*(ix+1)); linextr(0, psu_initial_layer_thick) { difference(){ rectfromto(bl-gap1, tr+gap1); rectfromto(bl-gap0, tr+gap0); } } } module PsuMountTestFullLayerFrame(ix) { PsuMountLayerFrame([-0.5 * psu_mount_outer_sz_x, 0], [+0.5 * psu_mount_outer_sz_x, psu_mount_outer_sz_y], ix); } module PsuMountTestFullMain() { ////toplevel ceil = psu_test_ceil; PsuMountTestFullLayerFrame(2); difference(){ translate([0,0, ceil]) PsuMountTest(); } } module PsuMountTestFullOneLayer(ix) { PsuMountTestFullLayerFrame(ix); linextr(0, psu_initial_layer_thick) { translate([0, psu_y]) children(); } } module PsuMountTestFullText() { ////toplevel PsuMountTestFullOneLayer(0) PsuLedLegendsPlan(); } module PsuMountTestFullWindows() { ////toplevel PsuMountTestFullOneLayer(1) offset(delta=psu_window_ledge) PsuLedWindowsPlan(); } module PsuMountTestFullDemo() { ////toplevel color("blue") PsuMountTestFullMain(); color("yellow") PsuMountTestFullText(); %PsuMountTestFullWindows(); }