NLopt 1.3 * New API. * ... todo: list changes ... NLopt 1.2 (18 November 2009) * Added Powell's BOBYQA algorithm for box-constrained optimization without derivatives, an improvement on NEWUOA. * Added ISRES genetic algorithm, supporting nonlinearly constrained global optimization. * New functions nlopt_{set/get}_stochastic_population to provide optional greater control over the random "population" sizes in stochastic algorithms (although it still has a sensible default). * Bug fix: remove extraneous text accidentally included in nlopt.f Fortran include file. * Bug fix: configure script now correctly handles Matlab installation when MEX_INSTALL_DIR is specified manually by the user. NLopt 1.1 (12 November 2009) * configure script detects whether --enable-shared is required in order to compile Matlab and Octave plugins (as is the case on x86_64), and disables compilation of those plugins if --enable-shared is not used. * Added --without-octave and --without-matlab configure options to disable Octave and Matlab plugins, respectively. * Modified COBYLA algorithm to have better support for bound constraints. * Added new NLOPT_ROUNDOFF_LIMITED failure code to indicate cases in which optimization breaks down due to roundoff errors, in which case it is possible that useful results were obtained. * Experimental support for nonlinear equality constraints via augmented-Lagrangian method. * Support for compiling under Windows (ideally with MinGW) as a DLL, although you have to manually add #define NLOPT_DLL to nlopt.h *after* installing (after compiling NLopt). * Added several checks for roundoff-related breakdown to NEWUOA code. * When only a relative error tolerance is specified, no longer fails to halt when exact convergence to zero is obtained. * Workaround for incompatible qsort_r functions in BSD and GNU libc by always using my own version; thanks to Wendy Vandoolaeghe and Philippe Preux for the bug report and explanation. * Workaround for gcc 3.4.x conflict with HUGE_VAL definition in Solaris (gcc bug 19933). * Better identification of Matlab-plugin installation directory. * Fixed identification of Octave-plugin installation directory for recent Octave versions. NLopt 1.0.1 (13 Nov. 2008) * Allow user to override Matlab-plugin installation directory with MEX_INSTALL_DIR. * Bug fix in my DIRECT code that prevented convergence (DIRECT-L unaffected). * MLSL needs a nonzero default ftol_rel and/or xtol_rel to ensure that its local searches terminate; use roughly machine precision as defaults. NLopt 1.0 (11 Nov. 2008) * Initial public release.