# Copyright 2020-2021 Ian Jackson and contributors to Otter # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later # There is NO WARRANTY. # make -j8 # make -j8 release # make -j8 shapelib SHELL=/bin/bash src=. default: all check all: debug full-check: all check cargo-syntaxcheck-release shapelib doc-sphinx full-check: for-deploy release everything: debug doc release check bundled-sources shapelib: templates/shapelib.html docs/html/index.html @echo 'Shape library preview and docs can now be found here:' @for f in $^; do echo ' file://$(PWD)/'$$f; done MAKEFILE_DEP ?= Makefile MAKEFILE_FIND_X ?= # ^ set this to "x" to debug the $rsrcs rune #---------- funky macros etc. ---------- cr = $(addprefix --,$(filter-out debug,$1)) rsrcs = $(shell $(foreach x,$(MAKEFILE_FIND_X),set -$x;)\ find -H $1 \( -name Cargo.toml -o -name Cargo.lock -o -name Cargo.lock.example -o -name \*.rs \) \! -path '*/build/*' ) stamp=@mkdir -p stamp; touch $@ BUNDLED_SOURCES_LIT = README.md LICENCE BUNDLED_SOURCES_FILES = index.html $(BUNDLED_SOURCES_LIT) BUNDLED_SOURCES_LINKS += $(BUNDLED_SOURCES_LIT) otter/ BUNDLED_SOURCES += $(BUNDLED_SOURCES_FILES) #---------- programs and config variables ---------- TARGET_DIR ?= target USVG_OPTIONS = "--sans-serif-family=DejaVu Sans" WASM_BINDGEN = $(TARGET_DIR)/debug/wasm-bindgen WASM_BINDGEN_OPTIONS = \ --remove-name-section --remove-producers-section \ --typescript BUNDLE_SOURCES ?= bundle-rust-sources SPHINXBUILD ?= sphinx-build ifndef INKSCAPE_EXTENSIONS INKSCAPE ?= inkscape INKSCAPE_SDD_QUIETEN ?= 2>/dev/null # inkscape 0.92.4: --extension-directory works, no --system-data-directory # inkscape 1.0.2: --system-data-directory, no --extension-directory INKSCAPE_EXTENSIONS := $(shell set -e; { sdd=$$( $(INKSCAPE) --system-data-directory $(INKSCAPE_SDD_QUIETEN) ) && echo "$$sdd/extensions"; } || $(INKSCAPE) --extension-directory ) endif RECOLOUR_SVG ?= ./run-inkscape-extension $(INKSCAPE_EXTENSIONS)/color_replace.py DEPLOY_ARCH=x86_64-unknown-linux-musl DEPLOY_RELEASE=release DEPLOY_TARGET_DIR=$(TARGET_DIR)/$(addsuffix /,$(DEPLOY_ARCH))$(DEPLOY_RELEASE) DEPLOYED_BRANCH=deployed PUBLISHED_BRANCH=published RUST_CLIPPY_OPTIONS ?= $(shell perl -pe 's/\#.*//; s/\n/ /' clippy-options) RUST_CLIPPY ?= clippy RUST_CLIPPY_CMD := clippy $(RUST_CLIPPY_OPTIONS) #---------- nailing-cargo ---------- ifneq (,$(wildcard ../Cargo.nail)) NAILING_CARGO ?= nailing-cargo CARGO_CMD ?= $(NAILING_CARGO) BUILD_SUBDIR ?= ../Build TARGET_DIR = $(BUILD_SUBDIR)/$(notdir $(PWD))/target NAILING_CARGO_JUST_RUN ?= $(NAILING_CARGO) --just-run -q --- BUNDLE_SOURCES_CMD ?= $(NAILING_CARGO) --- $(BUNDLE_SOURCES) USVG_CMD ?= $(NAILING_CARGO_JUST_RUN) $(USVG) WASM_BINDGEN_CLI_CARGO_OPTS ?= --subcommand-props=!manifest-path CARGO_DOCUMENT_PRIVATE_ITEMS ?= --document-private-items CARGO_DOC_OPTS += $(CARGO_DOCUMENT_PRIVATE_ITEMS) clean-nailing: $(NAILING_CARGO_JUST_RUN) \ sh -c 'cd "$1"; find -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -print0 | xargs -0r rm -rf --' \ $(abspath $(BUILD_SUBDIR)/$(notdir $(PWD))) else CARGO_CMD ?= cargo clean-nailing: endif # Cargo.nail BUILD_SUBDIR ?= ../Build BUNDLE_SOURCES_CMD ?= $(BUNDLE_SOURCES) USVG_CMD ?= $(USVG) WASM_PACKED=$(TARGET_DIR)/packed-wasm #---------- local programs ---------- define lp stamp/cargo.$2: $(call rsrcs, ! -name \*.rs) $$(CARGO) build $(call cr,$3) -p $2 $$(stamp) $1 := $(abspath $(TARGET_DIR)/$3/$4) endef $(eval $(call lp,BUNDLE_SOURCES,bundle-sources,debug,bundle-rust-sources)) $(eval $(call lp,USVG,usvg,release,usvg)) #---------- variables defining bits of source etc. ---------- PROGRAMS=daemon-otter otter WASM_ASSETS := $(addprefix otter_wasm,.js _bg.wasm) WASM_OUTPUTS := $(addprefix otter_wasm,.d.ts) TS_SRCS= script TS_SRC_FILES= \ $(addprefix templates/,$(addsuffix .ts,$(TS_SRCS))) \ webassembly-types/webassembly.d.ts \ $(WASM_PACKED)/otter_wasm.d.ts LITFILES= LICENCE AGPLv3 TXTFILES= CC-BY-SA-3.0 CC-BY-SA-4.0 FILEASSETS = $(addprefix templates/, libre shapelib.html script.js \ $(LITFILES) $(TXTFILES)) \ $(wildcard templates/*.tera) \ nwtemplates/die-overlay.tera WASM := wasm32-unknown-unknown # ^ todo: Is this still right after # Use correct ABI for wasm32 by default # https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/pull/79998 # ? But maybe it doesn't matter since we're very conservative and # only pass JsValue and a few strings across the WASM ABI. CARGO = $(CARGO_CMD) $(RUST_VERSION) #---------- toplevel aggregate targets ---------- check: stamp/cargo.debug-check at wdt jstest @echo 'Tests passed.' full-check: stamp/cargo.release-check full-check: stamp/cargo.release-miri stamp/cargo.debug-miri full-check: @echo 'Full tests passed.' doc: cargo-doc doc-sphinx examples debug release:: %: stamp/cargo.% assets libraries extra-% cargo: cargo-debug cargo-wasm-release cargo-debug cargo-release cargo-check cargo-doc \ cargo-wasm-debug cargo-wasm-release:: \ cargo-%: stamp/cargo.% EXAMPLE_BUNDLES = test-bundle big-bundle EXAMPLE_BUNDLE_FILES = $(foreach f, $(EXAMPLE_BUNDLES), examples/$f.zip) examples: $(EXAMPLE_BUNDLE_FILES) .PHONY: examples cargo-wasm: cargo-wasm-release wasm: stamp/wasm-bindgen assets: js stamp/wasm-bindgen $(FILEASSETS) js: templates/script.js extra-debug: extra-release: bundled-sources cargo-syntaxcheck: cargo-syntaxcheck-host cargo-syntaxcheck-wasm cargo-syntaxcheck-host: $(CARGO) check --workspace cargo-syntaxcheck-wasm: $(CARGO) check --target $(WASM) -p otter-wasm --release cargo-syntaxcheck-release: $(CARGO) check --workspace --release cargo-clippy: cargo-clippy-host cargo-clippy-wasm cargo-clippy-host: clippy-options $(CARGO) $(RUST_CLIPPY) --workspace $(RUST_CLIPPY_OPTIONS) cargo-clippy-wasm: clippy-options $(CARGO) $(RUST_CLIPPY) --target $(WASM) -p otter-wasm $(RUST_CLIPPY_OPTIONS) #---------- cargo ---------- DR=debug release CARGOES=$(foreach t, wasm-,$(addprefix $t,check $(DR))) $(addprefix stamp/cargo.,$(DR)):: \ stamp/cargo.%: $(call rsrcs,. ! -path './wasm/*') $(CARGO) build --workspace $(call cr,$*) -p otter -p otter-daemon -p otter-cli $(NAILING_CARGO_JUST_RUN) \ ln -sf otter $(abspath $(TARGET_DIR))/$*/otter-ssh-proxy $(stamp) $(TARGET_DIR)/debug/%: $(call rsrcs, ! -path './wasm/*') $(CARGO) build --workspace -p otter-cli $(NAILING_CARGO_JUST_RUN) touch $(abspath $@) stamp/cargo.wasm-bindgen: $(call rsrcs, ! -name \*.rs) $(CARGO_CMD) $(WASM_BINDGEN_CLI_CARGO_OPTS) $(RUST_VERSION) \ build --target-dir=target \ --manifest-path=$(abspath wasm/Cargo.toml) -p wasm-bindgen-cli $(stamp) stamp/cargo.%-check: $(call rsrcs,.) $(CARGO) test --workspace $(call cr,$*) $(stamp) stamp/cargo.%-miri: $(call rsrcs,.) $(CARGO) miri test --workspace $(call cr,$*) $(stamp) stamp/cargo-at.debug: $(call rsrcs,.) $(CARGO) build --workspace $(call cr,$*) -p otter-api-tests $(stamp) stamp/cargo-wdt.debug: $(call rsrcs,.) $(CARGO) build --workspace $(call cr,$*) -p otter-webdriver-tests $(stamp) stamp/cargo-jstest.debug: $(call rsrcs,.) $(CARGO) build --workspace $(call cr,$*) -p otter-nodejs-tests $(stamp) stamp/cargo.doc: $(call rsrcs,.) set -o pipefail -e; \ $(CARGO) doc $(CARGO_DOC_OPTS) --workspace 2>&1 \ |egrep -vf .cargo-doc-suppress-errors $(stamp) $(addprefix stamp/cargo.wasm-,$(DR)):: \ stamp/cargo.wasm-%: $(call rsrcs, base wasm Cargo.*) $(CARGO) build --target $(WASM) -p otter-wasm $(call cr,$*) $(stamp) stamp/cargo.deploy-build: $(call rsrcs,.) $(CARGO) build --target $(DEPLOY_ARCH) $(call cr,$(DEPLOY_RELEASE)) -p otter -p otter-cli -p otter-daemon $(NAILING_CARGO_JUST_RUN) \ ln -sf otter $(abspath $(TARGET_DIR)/$(DEPLOY_ARCH))/$(DEPLOY_RELEASE)/otter-ssh-proxy $(stamp) #---------- sphnix ---------- doc-sphinx: docs/html/index.html \ $(foreach f, $(EXAMPLE_BUNDLES), docs/html/examples/$f.zip) \ $(addprefix docs/html/examples/, $(notdir $(wildcard specs/*.toml))) @echo 'Documentation can now be found here:' @echo ' file://$(PWD)/$<' docs/html/index.html: docs/conf.py $(wildcard docs/*.md docs/*.rst docs/*.png) $(SPHINXBUILD) -M html docs docs $(SPHINXOPTS) docs/html/examples/%.zip: examples/%.zip mkdir -p docs/html/examples rm -f $@ && ln $< $@ docs/html/examples/%.toml: specs/%.toml mkdir -p docs/html/examples rm -f $@ && ln $< $@ #---------- jstest ---------- JSTESTS= basic lower .PHONY: jstest jstest jstests: $(foreach t,$(JSTESTS),stamp/$t.jstest) stamp/%.jstest: jstest/run1 jstest/%.nodejs templates/script.js \ stamp/wasm-bindgen-jstest stamp/cargo-jstest.debug $(NAILING_CARGO_JUST_RUN) $(abspath $(filter-out stamp/%,$^)) $(stamp) #---------- wasm ---------- $(addprefix $(WASM_PACKED)/,$(WASM_ASSETS) $(WASM_OUTPUTS)): stamp/wasm-bindgen stamp/wasm-bindgen: stamp/cargo.wasm-bindgen stamp/cargo.wasm-release $(NAILING_CARGO_JUST_RUN) $(abspath $(WASM_BINDGEN)) \ $(WASM_BINDGEN_OPTIONS) --no-modules \ --out-dir target/packed-wasm \ target/$(WASM)/release/otter_wasm.wasm $(stamp) stamp/wasm-bindgen-jstest: stamp/cargo.wasm-bindgen stamp/cargo.wasm-release $(NAILING_CARGO_JUST_RUN) $(abspath $(WASM_BINDGEN)) \ $(WASM_BINDGEN_OPTIONS) --nodejs \ --out-dir target/jstest \ target/$(WASM)/release/otter_wasm.wasm $(stamp) #---------- bundle-sources ---------- BUNDLED_SOURCES_DIRS += otter bundled-sources:: $(addprefix bundled-sources/, $(BUNDLED_SOURCES_DIRS)) TARGET_BUNDLED=$(TARGET_DIR)/bundled-sources $(TARGET_BUNDLED): $(NAILING_CARGO_JUST_RUN) mkdir -p $(abspath $@) $(addprefix bundled-sources/, $(BUNDLED_SOURCES_DIRS)): \ bundled-sources/%: stamp/cargo.bundle-sources $(TARGET_BUNDLED) set -e; d=$(abspath $(TARGET_BUNDLED)); \ $(if $(filter-out otter,$*), cd ../$*;) \ $(BUNDLE_SOURCES_CMD) --output $$d/$* bundled-sources:: $(addprefix $(TARGET_BUNDLED)/, $(BUNDLED_SOURCES_FILES)) $(addprefix $(TARGET_BUNDLED)/, $(BUNDLED_SOURCES_LIT)): \ $(TARGET_BUNDLED)/%: % $(TARGET_BUNDLED) $(NAILING_CARGO_JUST_RUN) cp $(abspath $(src))/$< $(abspath $@) $(TARGET_BUNDLED)/index.html: bundled-sources-make-index \ $(MAKEFILE_DEP) $(TARGET_BUNDLED) $(NAILING_CARGO_JUST_RUN) sh -ec ' \ cd $(abspath $(src)); mkdir -p $(dir $@); \ ./$< >$@.tmp $(BUNDLED_SOURCES_LINKS); \ mv -f $@.tmp $@; \ ' bundled-sources:: @echo Bundled sources. #---------- svg processing ---------- LIBRARIES ?= $(basename $(wildcard library/*.toml)) USVG_DEP = stamp/cargo.usvg include $(addsuffix /files.make, $(LIBRARIES)) USVG_PROCESSOR = usvg-processor LIBRARY_PROCESS_SVG = ./$(USVG_PROCESSOR) $@ $(wordlist 1,2,$^) '$(USVG_CMD) $(USVG_OPTIONS)' $(LIBRARY_FILES): $(USVG_PROCESSOR) $(USVG_DEP) $(MAKEFILE_DEP) # actual command for each of $(LIBRARY_FILES) is in one of the files.make library/%/files.make: media-scraper library/%.toml ./$< --offline library/$*.toml #---------- typescript ---------- templates/%.js: tsc-wrap tsconfig.json ./tsc-wrap $@ tsconfig.json $(filter %.ts,$^) templates/script.js: $(TS_SRC_FILES) stamp/wasm-bindgen #---------- other templates ---------- $(addprefix templates/,$(LITFILES)): templates/%: % cp $< $@.new && mv -f $@.new $@ $(addprefix templates/,$(TXTFILES)): templates/%: %.txt cp $< $@.new && mv -f $@.new $@ libraries: $(LIBRARY_FILES) templates/shapelib.html: $(TARGET_DIR)/debug/otterlib $(LIBRARY_FILES) $(NAILING_CARGO_JUST_RUN) $(abspath $<) \ --libs '$(addprefix $(PWD)/, $(addsuffix .toml, $(LIBRARIES)))' \ preview >$@.tmp && mv -f $@.tmp $@ nwtemplates/die-overlay.tera: dice/overlay-template-extractor dice/die.svg ./$< $@.tmp && mv -f $@.tmp $@ #---------- examples ---------- EXAMPLE_BUNDLE_INPUT_DEPS := $(shell \ cd examples/test-bundle/ && find \! \( -name '*~' -o -name '.*' \) \ ) examples/%.zip: $(MAKEFILE_DEP) set -e; rm -f $@.tmp; cd examples/$*/; \ zip $(ZIPFLAGS) -DX ../$(notdir $@).tmp $(ZIP_INPUTS) mv -f $@.tmp $@ examples/test-bundle.zip: ZIP_INPUTS=$(EXAMPLE_BUNDLE_INPUT_DEPS) examples/test-bundle.zip: \ $(addprefix examples/test-bundle/, $(EXAMPLE_BUNDLE_INPUT_DEPS)) examples/big-bundle.zip: examples/big-bundle/otter.toml examples/big-bundle.zip: ZIPFLAGS+= -0 -r -q examples/big-bundle.zip: ZIP_INPUTS=. examples/big-bundle/otter.toml: $(LIBRARY_FILES) $(MAKEFILE_DEP) rm -rf examples/big-bundle mkdir examples/big-bundle examples/big-bundle/library @set -e; echo 'MKDIR for $@'; \ for l in $(LIBRARIES); do \ mkdir examples/big-bundle/$$l; \ perl -p \ -e 'BEGIN { print "# -- AUTOGENERATED FROM COPY IN OTTER SOURCE --\n" }' \ -e 'if (m/^\[scraper]/..0) { unless (m/^\[(?!scraper)/..0) { s/^/\#/ } }' \ -e 's/(?<=\s)\w\S*(?=\s)/-/ if m/^files = """/..m/^"""/;' \ <$$l.toml >examples/big-bundle/$$l.toml; done @set -e; echo 'LN for $@'; \ for e in $(LIBRARY_FILE_INPUTS); do \ ln $${e#*:} examples/big-bundle/$${e%%.usvg:*}.svg; done; @set -e; echo 'MV for $@'; \ cd examples/big-bundle/library/; for x in '' .toml; do \ mv wikimedia$$x duped-example$$x; done @set -e; mkdir examples/big-bundle/specs/; \ perl -pe examples/big-bundle/specs/Modded-spec.game.toml \ 's/chess-b-/chess-purple-/; s/chess-w-/chess-yellow-/' @set -e; echo 'ECHO for $@'; \ echo 'title = "Autogenerated test bundle - do not distribute"' \ >$@.tmp mv -f $@.tmp $@ #---------- webdriver tests (wdt) ---------- AT_TESTS := $(basename $(notdir $(wildcard apitest/at-*.rs))) WDT_TESTS := $(basename $(notdir $(wildcard wdriver/wdt-*.rs))) WDT_LANDSCAPE_TESTS = wdt-altergame at: $(foreach f, $(AT_TESTS), stamp/$f.check) wdt: $(foreach f, $(WDT_TESTS), stamp/$f.check) \ $(foreach f, $(WDT_LANDSCAPE_TESTS), stamp/$f.lcheck) \ RUNTEST_DEPS = apitest/run1 stamp/cargo.debug $(FILEASSETS) \ $(wildcard specs/*.toml) examples/test-bundle.zip \ $(wildcard libraries/*.toml) $(LIBRARY_FILES) AT_DEPS = $(filter-out templates/script.js, $(RUNTEST_DEPS)) \ examples/big-bundle.zip \ stamp/cargo-at.debug WDT_DEPS = $(RUNTEST_DEPS) wdriver/firefox-wrapper \ stamp/cargo-wdt.debug AT_WDT_RUN = $(NAILING_CARGO_JUST_RUN) $(abspath $<) AT_RUN = $(AT_WDT_RUN) apitest --test=$(basename $(notdir $@)) WDT_RUN = $(AT_WDT_RUN) wdriver --test=$(basename $(notdir $@)) for-at: $(AT_DEPS) stamp/at-%.check: $(AT_DEPS) $(AT_RUN) $(stamp) for-wdt: $(WDT_DEPS) stamp/wdt-%.check: $(WDT_DEPS) $(WDT_RUN) $(stamp) stamp/wdt-%.lcheck: $(WDT_DEPS) $(WDT_RUN) --as-if=lwdt-$* --layout=Landscape $(stamp) #---------- docs publication ---------- PUBLISH_VERSION=unreleased PUBLISH_USER=ianmdlvl@login.chiark.greenend.org.uk PUBLISH_DOC_SPHINX_BASE=public-html/otter PUBLISH_DOC_SPHINX_TAIL=$(PUBLISH_VERSION)/docs PUBLISH_DOC_SPHINX=$(PUBLISH_USER):$(PUBLISH_DOC_SPHINX_BASE)/$(PUBLISH_DOC_SPHINX_TAIL) publish: doc-sphinx rsync -r --delete-delay docs/html/. $(PUBLISH_DOC_SPHINX)/. git branch -f $(PUBLISHED_BRANCH) #---------- deployment ---------- DEPLOY_USER=ian@login.chiark.greenend.org.uk DEPLOY_BASE=$(DEPLOY_USER):/volatile/Otter DEPLOY_FINISH=/home/Otter/etc/deploy-finish for-deploy: stamp/cargo.deploy-build deploy: for-deploy bundled-sources assets libraries rsync -zvl --progress $(addprefix $(DEPLOY_TARGET_DIR)/,$(PROGRAMS) otter-ssh-proxy) $(DEPLOY_BASE)/bin/ rsync -zv --progress $(TARGET_DIR)/release/usvg $(DEPLOY_BASE)/libexec/ rsync -rv --progress $(TARGET_DIR)/bundled-sources/. $(DEPLOY_BASE)/bundled-sources rsync -r README.md $(DEPLOY_BASE)/. rsync -r --delete --exclude=\*~ library specs $(DEPLOY_BASE)/. rsync -r $(FILEASSETS) $(addprefix $(WASM_PACKED)/, $(WASM_ASSETS)) \ $(DEPLOY_BASE)/assets/ rsync -r nwtemplates/*.tera $(DEPLOY_BASE)/nwtemplates/ ssh -o BatchMode=true $(DEPLOY_USER) $(DEPLOY_FINISH) git branch -f $(DEPLOYED_BRANCH) -git push origin main -git push chiark main #$(DEPLOY_BASE)/bundled-sources #---------- clean ---------- clean-for-retest: rm -f templates/script.js library/*/*.usvg stamp/* rm -rf $(LIBRARY_CLEAN) rm -rf examples/big-bundle examples/big-bundle.zip rm -f examples/test-bundle.zip find * \( -name '*~' -o -name '*.tmp' \) -print0 | xargs -0r rm -- clean: clean-nailing clean-for-retest rm -rf target $(NAILING_CARGO_JUST_RUN) rm -rf target