2 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
4 # update.py - part of the FDroid server tools
5 # Copyright (C) 2010-2013, Ciaran Gultnieks, ciaran@ciarang.com
6 # Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Daniel Martà <mvdan@mvdan.cc>
8 # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
9 # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
10 # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
11 # (at your option) any later version.
13 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
14 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16 # GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
18 # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
19 # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
29 from xml.dom.minidom import Document
30 from optparse import OptionParser
35 import common, metadata
36 from common import FDroidPopen
37 from metadata import MetaDataException
40 return ['640', '480', '320', '240', '160', '120']
42 def dpi_to_px(density):
43 return (int(density) * 48) / 160
46 return (int(px) * 160) / 48
48 def get_icon_dir(repodir, density):
50 return os.path.join(repodir, "icons")
51 return os.path.join(repodir, "icons-%s" % density)
53 def get_icon_dirs(repodir):
54 for density in get_densities():
55 yield get_icon_dir(repodir, density)
56 yield os.path.join(repodir, "icons")
58 def update_wiki(apps, apks):
61 :param apps: fully populated list of all applications
62 :param apks: all apks, except...
64 logging.info("Updating wiki")
66 wikiredircat = 'App Redirects'
68 site = mwclient.Site((config['wiki_protocol'], config['wiki_server']),
69 path=config['wiki_path'])
70 site.login(config['wiki_user'], config['wiki_password'])
72 generated_redirects = {}
76 wikidata += '{{Disabled|' + app['Disabled'] + '}}\n'
77 if app['AntiFeatures']:
78 for af in app['AntiFeatures'].split(','):
79 wikidata += '{{AntiFeature|' + af + '}}\n'
80 wikidata += '{{App|id=%s|name=%s|added=%s|lastupdated=%s|source=%s|tracker=%s|web=%s|donate=%s|flattr=%s|bitcoin=%s|litecoin=%s|dogecoin=%s|license=%s|root=%s}}\n'%(
83 time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d', app['added']) if 'added' in app else '',
84 time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d', app['lastupdated']) if 'lastupdated' in app else '',
94 app.get('Requires Root', 'No'))
97 wikidata += "This app provides: %s" % ', '.join(app['Summary'].split(','))
99 wikidata += app['Summary']
100 wikidata += " - [https://f-droid.org/repository/browse/?fdid=" + app['id'] + " view in repository]\n\n"
102 wikidata += "=Description=\n"
103 wikidata += metadata.description_wiki(app['Description']) + "\n"
105 wikidata += "=Maintainer Notes=\n"
106 if 'Maintainer Notes' in app:
107 wikidata += metadata.description_wiki(app['Maintainer Notes']) + "\n"
108 wikidata += "\nMetadata: [https://gitorious.org/f-droid/fdroiddata/source/master:metadata/{0}.txt current] [https://gitorious.org/f-droid/fdroiddata/history/metadata/{0}.txt history]\n".format(app['id'])
110 # Get a list of all packages for this application...
112 gotcurrentver = False
116 if apk['id'] == app['id']:
117 if str(apk['versioncode']) == app['Current Version Code']:
120 # Include ones we can't build, as a special case...
121 for thisbuild in app['builds']:
122 if 'disable' in thisbuild:
123 if thisbuild['vercode'] == app['Current Version Code']:
126 #TODO: Nasty: vercode is a string in the build, and an int elsewhere
127 'versioncode': int(thisbuild['vercode']),
128 'version': thisbuild['version'],
129 'buildproblem': thisbuild['disable']
134 if apk['versioncode'] == int(thisbuild['vercode']):
140 'versioncode': int(thisbuild['vercode']),
141 'version': thisbuild['version'],
142 'buildproblem': "The build for this version appears to have failed. Check the [[{0}/lastbuild|build log]].".format(app['id'])
144 if app['Current Version Code'] == '0':
146 # Sort with most recent first...
147 apklist = sorted(apklist, key=lambda apk: apk['versioncode'], reverse=True)
149 wikidata += "=Versions=\n"
150 if len(apklist) == 0:
151 wikidata += "We currently have no versions of this app available."
152 elif not gotcurrentver:
153 wikidata += "We don't have the current version of this app."
155 wikidata += "We have the current version of this app."
156 wikidata += " (Check mode: " + app['Update Check Mode'] + ") "
157 wikidata += " (Auto-update mode: " + app['Auto Update Mode'] + ")\n\n"
158 if len(app['No Source Since']) > 0:
159 wikidata += "This application has partially or entirely been missing source code since version " + app['No Source Since'] + ".\n\n"
160 if len(app['Current Version']) > 0:
161 wikidata += "The current (recommended) version is " + app['Current Version']
162 wikidata += " (version code " + app['Current Version Code'] + ").\n\n"
165 wikidata += "==" + apk['version'] + "==\n"
167 if 'buildproblem' in apk:
168 wikidata += "We can't build this version: " + apk['buildproblem'] + "\n\n"
171 wikidata += "This version is built and signed by "
173 wikidata += "F-Droid, and guaranteed to correspond to the source tarball published with it.\n\n"
175 wikidata += "the original developer.\n\n"
176 wikidata += "Version code: " + str(apk['versioncode']) + '\n'
178 wikidata += '\n[[Category:' + wikicat + ']]\n'
179 if len(app['No Source Since']) > 0:
180 wikidata += '\n[[Category:Apps missing source code]]\n'
181 if validapks == 0 and not app['Disabled']:
182 wikidata += '\n[[Category:Apps with no packages]]\n'
183 if cantupdate and not app['Disabled']:
184 wikidata += "\n[[Category:Apps we can't update]]\n"
185 if buildfails and not app['Disabled']:
186 wikidata += "\n[[Category:Apps with failing builds]]\n"
187 elif not gotcurrentver and not cantupdate and not app['Disabled'] and app['Update Check Mode'] != "Static":
188 wikidata += '\n[[Category:Apps to Update]]\n'
190 wikidata += '\n[[Category:Apps that are disabled]]\n'
191 if app['Update Check Mode'] == 'None' and not app['Disabled']:
192 wikidata += '\n[[Category:Apps with no update check]]\n'
193 for appcat in app['Categories']:
194 wikidata += '\n[[Category:{0}]]\n'.format(appcat)
196 # We can't have underscores in the page name, even if they're in
197 # the package ID, because MediaWiki messes with them...
198 pagename = app['id'].replace('_', ' ')
200 # Drop a trailing newline, because mediawiki is going to drop it anyway
201 # and it we don't we'll think the page has changed when it hasn't...
202 if wikidata.endswith('\n'):
203 wikidata = wikidata[:-1]
205 generated_pages[pagename] = wikidata
207 # Make a redirect from the name to the ID too, unless there's
208 # already an existing page with the name and it isn't a redirect.
210 apppagename = app['Name'].replace('_', ' ')
211 apppagename = apppagename.replace('{', '')
212 apppagename = apppagename.replace('}', ' ')
213 apppagename = apppagename.replace(':', ' ')
214 # Drop double spaces caused mostly by replacing ':' above
215 apppagename = apppagename.replace(' ', ' ')
216 for expagename in site.allpages(prefix=apppagename,
217 filterredir='nonredirects', generator=False):
218 if expagename == apppagename:
220 # Another reason not to make the redirect page is if the app name
221 # is the same as it's ID, because that will overwrite the real page
222 # with an redirect to itself! (Although it seems like an odd
223 # scenario this happens a lot, e.g. where there is metadata but no
224 # builds or binaries to extract a name from.
225 if apppagename == pagename:
228 generated_redirects[apppagename] = "#REDIRECT [[" + pagename + "]]\n[[Category:" + wikiredircat + "]]"
230 for tcat, genp in [(wikicat, generated_pages),
231 (wikiredircat, generated_redirects)]:
232 catpages = site.Pages['Category:' + tcat]
234 for page in catpages:
235 existingpages.append(page.name)
236 if page.name in genp:
237 pagetxt = page.edit()
238 if pagetxt != genp[page.name]:
239 logging.debug("Updating modified page " + page.name)
240 page.save(genp[page.name], summary='Auto-updated')
242 logging.debug("Page " + page.name + " is unchanged")
244 logging.warn("Deleting page " + page.name)
245 page.delete('No longer published')
246 for pagename, text in genp.items():
247 logging.debug("Checking " + pagename)
248 if not pagename in existingpages:
249 logging.debug("Creating page " + pagename)
251 newpage = site.Pages[pagename]
252 newpage.save(text, summary='Auto-created')
254 logging.error("...FAILED to create page")
256 # Purge server cache to ensure counts are up to date
257 site.pages['Repository Maintenance'].purge()
259 def delete_disabled_builds(apps, apkcache, repodirs):
260 """Delete disabled build outputs.
262 :param apps: list of all applications, as per metadata.read_metadata
263 :param apkcache: current apk cache information
264 :param repodirs: the repo directories to process
267 for build in app['builds']:
268 if 'disable' in build:
269 apkfilename = app['id'] + '_' + str(build['vercode']) + '.apk'
270 for repodir in repodirs:
271 apkpath = os.path.join(repodir, apkfilename)
272 srcpath = os.path.join(repodir, apkfilename[:-4] + "_src.tar.gz")
273 for name in [apkpath, srcpath]:
274 if os.path.exists(name):
275 logging.warn("Deleting disabled build output " + apkfilename)
277 if apkfilename in apkcache:
278 del apkcache[apkfilename]
280 def resize_icon(iconpath, density):
282 if not os.path.isfile(iconpath):
286 im = Image.open(iconpath)
287 size = dpi_to_px(density)
289 if any(length > size for length in im.size):
291 im.thumbnail((size, size), Image.ANTIALIAS)
292 logging.debug("%s was too large at %s - new size is %s" % (
293 iconpath, oldsize, im.size))
294 im.save(iconpath, "PNG")
297 logging.info("%s is small enough: %s" % im.size)
300 logging.error("Failed resizing {0} - {1}".format(iconpath, e))
302 def resize_all_icons(repodirs):
303 """Resize all icons that exceed the max size
305 :param repodirs: the repo directories to process
307 for repodir in repodirs:
308 for density in get_densities():
309 icon_dir = get_icon_dir(repodir, density)
310 icon_glob = os.path.join(icon_dir, '*.png')
311 for iconpath in glob.glob(icon_glob):
312 resize_icon(iconpath, density)
314 def scan_apks(apps, apkcache, repodir, knownapks):
315 """Scan the apks in the given repo directory.
317 This also extracts the icons.
319 :param apps: list of all applications, as per metadata.read_metadata
320 :param apkcache: current apk cache information
321 :param repodir: repo directory to scan
322 :param knownapks: known apks info
323 :returns: (apks, cachechanged) where apks is a list of apk information,
324 and cachechanged is True if the apkcache got changed.
329 icon_dirs = get_icon_dirs(repodir)
330 for icon_dir in icon_dirs:
331 if os.path.exists(icon_dir):
333 shutil.rmtree(icon_dir)
334 os.makedirs(icon_dir)
336 os.makedirs(icon_dir)
339 name_pat = re.compile(".*name='([a-zA-Z0-9._]*)'.*")
340 vercode_pat = re.compile(".*versionCode='([0-9]*)'.*")
341 vername_pat = re.compile(".*versionName='([^']*)'.*")
342 label_pat = re.compile(".*label='(.*?)'(\n| [a-z]*?=).*")
343 icon_pat = re.compile(".*application-icon-([0-9]+):'([^']+?)'.*")
344 icon_pat_nodpi = re.compile(".*icon='([^']+?)'.*")
345 sdkversion_pat = re.compile(".*'([0-9]*)'.*")
346 string_pat = re.compile(".*'([^']*)'.*")
347 for apkfile in glob.glob(os.path.join(repodir, '*.apk')):
349 apkfilename = apkfile[len(repodir) + 1:]
350 if ' ' in apkfilename:
351 logging.error("No spaces in APK filenames!")
354 if apkfilename in apkcache:
355 logging.debug("Reading " + apkfilename + " from cache")
356 thisinfo = apkcache[apkfilename]
360 logging.info("Processing " + apkfilename)
362 thisinfo['apkname'] = apkfilename
363 srcfilename = apkfilename[:-4] + "_src.tar.gz"
364 if os.path.exists(os.path.join(repodir, srcfilename)):
365 thisinfo['srcname'] = srcfilename
366 thisinfo['size'] = os.path.getsize(apkfile)
367 thisinfo['permissions'] = []
368 thisinfo['features'] = []
369 thisinfo['icons_src'] = {}
370 thisinfo['icons'] = {}
371 p = FDroidPopen([os.path.join(config['sdk_path'],
372 'build-tools', config['build_tools'], 'aapt'),
373 'dump', 'badging', apkfile])
374 if p.returncode != 0:
375 logging.critical("Failed to get apk information")
377 for line in p.stdout.splitlines():
378 if line.startswith("package:"):
380 thisinfo['id'] = re.match(name_pat, line).group(1)
381 thisinfo['versioncode'] = int(re.match(vercode_pat, line).group(1))
382 thisinfo['version'] = re.match(vername_pat, line).group(1)
384 logging.info("Package matching failed: " + str(e))
385 logging.info("Line was: " + line)
387 elif line.startswith("application:"):
388 thisinfo['name'] = re.match(label_pat, line).group(1)
389 # Keep path to non-dpi icon in case we need it
390 match = re.match(icon_pat_nodpi, line)
392 thisinfo['icons_src']['-1'] = match.group(1)
393 elif line.startswith("launchable-activity:"):
394 # Only use launchable-activity as fallback to application
395 if '-1' not in thisinfo['icons_src']:
396 match = re.match(icon_pat_nodpi, line)
398 thisinfo['icons_src']['-1'] = match.group(1)
399 elif line.startswith("application-icon-"):
400 match = re.match(icon_pat, line)
402 density = match.group(1)
403 path = match.group(2)
404 thisinfo['icons_src'][density] = path
405 elif line.startswith("sdkVersion:"):
406 thisinfo['sdkversion'] = re.match(sdkversion_pat, line).group(1)
407 elif line.startswith("maxSdkVersion:"):
408 thisinfo['maxsdkversion'] = re.match(sdkversion_pat, line).group(1)
409 elif line.startswith("native-code:"):
410 thisinfo['nativecode'] = []
411 for arch in line[13:].split(' '):
412 thisinfo['nativecode'].append(arch[1:-1])
413 elif line.startswith("uses-permission:"):
414 perm = re.match(string_pat, line).group(1)
415 if perm.startswith("android.permission."):
417 thisinfo['permissions'].append(perm)
418 elif line.startswith("uses-feature:"):
419 perm = re.match(string_pat, line).group(1)
420 #Filter out this, it's only added with the latest SDK tools and
421 #causes problems for lots of apps.
422 if (perm != "android.hardware.screen.portrait" and
423 perm != "android.hardware.screen.landscape"):
424 if perm.startswith("android.feature."):
426 thisinfo['features'].append(perm)
428 if not 'sdkversion' in thisinfo:
429 logging.warn("no SDK version information found")
430 thisinfo['sdkversion'] = 0
432 # Check for debuggable apks...
433 if common.isApkDebuggable(apkfile, config):
434 logging.warn("{0} is debuggable... {1}".format(apkfile, line))
436 # Calculate the sha256...
437 sha = hashlib.sha256()
438 with open(apkfile, 'rb') as f:
444 thisinfo['sha256'] = sha.hexdigest()
446 # Get the signature (or md5 of, to be precise)...
447 getsig_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'getsig')
448 if not os.path.exists(getsig_dir + "/getsig.class"):
449 logging.critical("getsig.class not found. To fix: cd '%s' && ./make.sh" % getsig_dir)
451 p = FDroidPopen(['java', '-cp', os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'getsig'),
452 'getsig', os.path.join(os.getcwd(), apkfile)])
453 if p.returncode != 0 or not p.stdout.startswith('Result:'):
454 logging.critical("Failed to get apk signature")
456 thisinfo['sig'] = p.stdout[7:].strip()
458 apk = zipfile.ZipFile(apkfile, 'r')
460 iconfilename = "%s.%s.png" % (
462 thisinfo['versioncode'])
464 # Extract the icon file...
465 densities = get_densities()
467 for density in densities:
468 if density not in thisinfo['icons_src']:
469 empty_densities.append(density)
471 iconsrc = thisinfo['icons_src'][density]
472 icon_dir = get_icon_dir(repodir, density)
473 icondest = os.path.join(icon_dir, iconfilename)
476 iconfile = open(icondest, 'wb')
477 iconfile.write(apk.read(iconsrc))
479 thisinfo['icons'][density] = iconfilename
482 logging.warn("Error retrieving icon file")
483 del thisinfo['icons'][density]
484 del thisinfo['icons_src'][density]
485 empty_densities.append(density)
487 if '-1' in thisinfo['icons_src']:
488 iconsrc = thisinfo['icons_src']['-1']
489 iconpath = os.path.join(
490 get_icon_dir(repodir, None), iconfilename)
491 iconfile = open(iconpath, 'wb')
492 iconfile.write(apk.read(iconsrc))
495 im = Image.open(iconpath)
496 dpi = px_to_dpi(im.size[0])
497 for density in densities:
498 if density in thisinfo['icons']:
500 if density == densities[-1] or dpi >= int(density):
501 thisinfo['icons'][density] = iconfilename
502 shutil.move(iconpath,
503 os.path.join(get_icon_dir(repodir, density), iconfilename))
504 empty_densities.remove(density)
507 logging.warn("Failed reading {0} - {1}".format(iconpath, e))
509 if thisinfo['icons']:
510 thisinfo['icon'] = iconfilename
514 # First try resizing down to not lose quality
516 for density in densities:
517 if density not in empty_densities:
518 last_density = density
520 if last_density is None:
522 logging.info("Density %s not available, resizing down from %s" % (
523 density, last_density))
525 last_iconpath = os.path.join(
526 get_icon_dir(repodir, last_density), iconfilename)
527 iconpath = os.path.join(
528 get_icon_dir(repodir, density), iconfilename)
530 im = Image.open(last_iconpath)
532 logging.warn("Invalid image file at %s" % last_iconpath)
535 size = dpi_to_px(density)
537 im.thumbnail((size, size), Image.ANTIALIAS)
538 im.save(iconpath, "PNG")
539 empty_densities.remove(density)
541 # Then just copy from the highest resolution available
543 for density in reversed(densities):
544 if density not in empty_densities:
545 last_density = density
547 if last_density is None:
549 logging.info("Density %s not available, copying from lower density %s" % (
550 density, last_density))
553 os.path.join(get_icon_dir(repodir, last_density), iconfilename),
554 os.path.join(get_icon_dir(repodir, density), iconfilename))
556 empty_densities.remove(density)
558 for density in densities:
559 icon_dir = get_icon_dir(repodir, density)
560 icondest = os.path.join(icon_dir, iconfilename)
561 resize_icon(icondest, density)
563 # Copy from icons-mdpi to icons since mdpi is the baseline density
564 baseline = os.path.join(get_icon_dir(repodir, '160'), iconfilename)
565 if os.path.isfile(baseline):
566 shutil.copyfile(baseline,
567 os.path.join(get_icon_dir(repodir, None), iconfilename))
569 # Record in known apks, getting the added date at the same time..
570 added = knownapks.recordapk(thisinfo['apkname'], thisinfo['id'])
572 thisinfo['added'] = added
574 apkcache[apkfilename] = thisinfo
577 apks.append(thisinfo)
579 return apks, cachechanged
582 repo_pubkey_fingerprint = None
584 def make_index(apps, apks, repodir, archive, categories):
585 """Make a repo index.
587 :param apps: fully populated apps list
588 :param apks: full populated apks list
589 :param repodir: the repo directory
590 :param archive: True if this is the archive repo, False if it's the
592 :param categories: list of categories
597 def addElement(name, value, doc, parent):
598 el = doc.createElement(name)
599 el.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(value))
600 parent.appendChild(el)
601 def addElementCDATA(name, value, doc, parent):
602 el = doc.createElement(name)
603 el.appendChild(doc.createCDATASection(value))
604 parent.appendChild(el)
606 root = doc.createElement("fdroid")
607 doc.appendChild(root)
609 repoel = doc.createElement("repo")
612 repoel.setAttribute("name", config['archive_name'])
613 if config['repo_maxage'] != 0:
614 repoel.setAttribute("maxage", str(config['repo_maxage']))
615 repoel.setAttribute("icon", os.path.basename(config['archive_icon']))
616 repoel.setAttribute("url", config['archive_url'])
617 addElement('description', config['archive_description'], doc, repoel)
620 repoel.setAttribute("name", config['repo_name'])
621 if config['repo_maxage'] != 0:
622 repoel.setAttribute("maxage", str(config['repo_maxage']))
623 repoel.setAttribute("icon", os.path.basename(config['repo_icon']))
624 repoel.setAttribute("url", config['repo_url'])
625 addElement('description', config['repo_description'], doc, repoel)
627 repoel.setAttribute("version", "12")
628 repoel.setAttribute("timestamp", str(int(time.time())))
630 if 'repo_keyalias' in config:
632 # Generate a certificate fingerprint the same way keytool does it
633 # (but with slightly different formatting)
634 def cert_fingerprint(data):
635 digest = hashlib.sha1(data).digest()
638 ret.append(":".join("%02X" % ord(b) for b in digest[i*5:i*5+5]))
641 def extract_pubkey():
642 p = FDroidPopen(['keytool', '-exportcert',
643 '-alias', config['repo_keyalias'],
644 '-keystore', config['keystore'],
645 '-storepass:file', config['keystorepassfile']])
646 if p.returncode != 0:
647 logging.critical("Failed to get repo pubkey")
649 global repo_pubkey_fingerprint
650 repo_pubkey_fingerprint = cert_fingerprint(p.stdout)
651 return "".join("%02x" % ord(b) for b in p.stdout)
653 repoel.setAttribute("pubkey", extract_pubkey())
655 root.appendChild(repoel)
659 if app['Disabled'] is not None:
662 # Get a list of the apks for this app...
665 if apk['id'] == app['id']:
668 if len(apklist) == 0:
671 apel = doc.createElement("application")
672 apel.setAttribute("id", app['id'])
673 root.appendChild(apel)
675 addElement('id', app['id'], doc, apel)
677 addElement('added', time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d', app['added']), doc, apel)
678 if 'lastupdated' in app:
679 addElement('lastupdated', time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d', app['lastupdated']), doc, apel)
680 addElement('name', app['Name'], doc, apel)
681 addElement('summary', app['Summary'], doc, apel)
683 addElement('icon', app['icon'], doc, apel)
686 if app['id'] == link:
687 return ("fdroid.app:" + link, app['Name'])
688 raise MetaDataException("Cannot resolve app id " + link)
690 metadata.description_html(app['Description'], linkres), doc, apel)
691 addElement('license', app['License'], doc, apel)
692 if 'Categories' in app:
693 addElement('categories', ','.join(app["Categories"]), doc, apel)
694 # We put the first (primary) category in LAST, which will have
695 # the desired effect of making clients that only understand one
696 # category see that one.
697 addElement('category', app["Categories"][0], doc, apel)
698 addElement('web', app['Web Site'], doc, apel)
699 addElement('source', app['Source Code'], doc, apel)
700 addElement('tracker', app['Issue Tracker'], doc, apel)
702 addElement('donate', app['Donate'], doc, apel)
704 addElement('bitcoin', app['Bitcoin'], doc, apel)
706 addElement('litecoin', app['Litecoin'], doc, apel)
708 addElement('dogecoin', app['Dogecoin'], doc, apel)
710 addElement('flattr', app['FlattrID'], doc, apel)
712 # These elements actually refer to the current version (i.e. which
713 # one is recommended. They are historically mis-named, and need
714 # changing, but stay like this for now to support existing clients.
715 addElement('marketversion', app['Current Version'], doc, apel)
716 addElement('marketvercode', app['Current Version Code'], doc, apel)
718 if app['AntiFeatures']:
719 af = app['AntiFeatures'].split(',')
720 # TODO: Temporarily not including UpstreamNonFree in the index,
721 # because current F-Droid clients do not understand it, and also
722 # look ugly when they encounter an unknown antifeature. This
723 # filtering can be removed in time...
724 if 'UpstreamNonFree' in af:
725 af.remove('UpstreamNonFree')
727 addElement('antifeatures', ','.join(af), doc, apel)
729 pv = app['Provides'].split(',')
730 addElement('provides', ','.join(pv), doc, apel)
731 if app['Requires Root']:
732 addElement('requirements', 'root', doc, apel)
734 # Sort the apk list into version order, just so the web site
735 # doesn't have to do any work by default...
736 apklist = sorted(apklist, key=lambda apk: apk['versioncode'], reverse=True)
738 # Check for duplicates - they will make the client unhappy...
739 for i in range(len(apklist) - 1):
740 if apklist[i]['versioncode'] == apklist[i+1]['versioncode']:
741 logging.critical("duplicate versions: '%s' - '%s'" % (
742 apklist[i]['apkname'], apklist[i+1]['apkname']))
746 apkel = doc.createElement("package")
747 apel.appendChild(apkel)
748 addElement('version', apk['version'], doc, apkel)
749 addElement('versioncode', str(apk['versioncode']), doc, apkel)
750 addElement('apkname', apk['apkname'], doc, apkel)
752 addElement('srcname', apk['srcname'], doc, apkel)
753 for hash_type in ['sha256']:
754 if not hash_type in apk:
756 hashel = doc.createElement("hash")
757 hashel.setAttribute("type", hash_type)
758 hashel.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(apk[hash_type]))
759 apkel.appendChild(hashel)
760 addElement('sig', apk['sig'], doc, apkel)
761 addElement('size', str(apk['size']), doc, apkel)
762 addElement('sdkver', str(apk['sdkversion']), doc, apkel)
763 if 'maxsdkversion' in apk:
764 addElement('maxsdkver', str(apk['maxsdkversion']), doc, apkel)
766 addElement('added', time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d', apk['added']), doc, apkel)
767 if app['Requires Root']:
768 if 'ACCESS_SUPERUSER' not in apk['permissions']:
769 apk['permissions'].append('ACCESS_SUPERUSER')
771 if len(apk['permissions']) > 0:
772 addElement('permissions', ','.join(apk['permissions']), doc, apkel)
773 if 'nativecode' in apk and len(apk['nativecode']) > 0:
774 addElement('nativecode', ','.join(apk['nativecode']), doc, apkel)
775 if len(apk['features']) > 0:
776 addElement('features', ','.join(apk['features']), doc, apkel)
778 of = open(os.path.join(repodir, 'index.xml'), 'wb')
780 output = doc.toprettyxml()
786 if 'repo_keyalias' in config:
788 logging.info("Creating signed index.")
789 logging.info("Key fingerprint: %s" % repo_pubkey_fingerprint)
791 #Create a jar of the index...
792 p = FDroidPopen(['jar', 'cf', 'index.jar', 'index.xml'], cwd=repodir)
793 if p.returncode != 0:
794 logging.critical("Failed to create jar file")
798 p = FDroidPopen(['jarsigner', '-keystore', config['keystore'],
799 '-storepass:file', config['keystorepassfile'],
800 '-keypass:file', config['keypassfile'],
801 '-digestalg', 'SHA1', '-sigalg', 'MD5withRSA',
802 os.path.join(repodir, 'index.jar') , config['repo_keyalias']])
803 # TODO keypass should be sent via stdin
804 if p.returncode != 0:
805 logging.info("Failed to sign index")
808 # Copy the repo icon into the repo directory...
809 icon_dir = os.path.join(repodir ,'icons')
810 iconfilename = os.path.join(icon_dir, os.path.basename(config['repo_icon']))
811 shutil.copyfile(config['repo_icon'], iconfilename)
813 # Write a category list in the repo to allow quick access...
815 for cat in categories:
816 catdata += cat + '\n'
817 f = open(os.path.join(repodir, 'categories.txt'), 'w')
823 def archive_old_apks(apps, apks, archapks, repodir, archivedir, defaultkeepversions):
827 # Get a list of the apks for this app...
830 if apk['id'] == app['id']:
833 # Sort the apk list into version order...
834 apklist = sorted(apklist, key=lambda apk: apk['versioncode'], reverse=True)
836 if app['Archive Policy']:
837 keepversions = int(app['Archive Policy'][:-9])
839 keepversions = defaultkeepversions
841 if len(apklist) > keepversions:
842 for apk in apklist[keepversions:]:
843 logging.info("Moving " + apk['apkname'] + " to archive")
844 shutil.move(os.path.join(repodir, apk['apkname']),
845 os.path.join(archivedir, apk['apkname']))
847 shutil.move(os.path.join(repodir, apk['srcname']),
848 os.path.join(archivedir, apk['srcname']))
858 global config, options
860 # Parse command line...
861 parser = OptionParser()
862 parser.add_option("-c", "--createmeta", action="store_true", default=False,
863 help="Create skeleton metadata files that are missing")
864 parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", default=False,
865 help="Spew out even more information than normal")
866 parser.add_option("-q", "--quiet", action="store_true", default=False,
867 help="Restrict output to warnings and errors")
868 parser.add_option("-b", "--buildreport", action="store_true", default=False,
869 help="Report on build data status")
870 parser.add_option("-i", "--interactive", default=False, action="store_true",
871 help="Interactively ask about things that need updating.")
872 parser.add_option("-I", "--icons", action="store_true", default=False,
873 help="Resize all the icons exceeding the max pixel size and exit")
874 parser.add_option("-e", "--editor", default="/etc/alternatives/editor",
875 help="Specify editor to use in interactive mode. Default "+
876 "is /etc/alternatives/editor")
877 parser.add_option("-w", "--wiki", default=False, action="store_true",
878 help="Update the wiki")
879 parser.add_option("", "--pretty", action="store_true", default=False,
880 help="Produce human-readable index.xml")
881 parser.add_option("--clean", action="store_true", default=False,
882 help="Clean update - don't uses caches, reprocess all apks")
883 (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
885 config = common.read_config(options)
888 if config['archive_older'] != 0:
889 repodirs.append('archive')
890 if not os.path.exists('archive'):
894 resize_all_icons(repodirs)
898 apps = metadata.read_metadata()
900 # Generate a list of categories...
903 categories.update(app['Categories'])
905 # Read known apks data (will be updated and written back when we've finished)
906 knownapks = common.KnownApks()
908 # Gather information about all the apk files in the repo directory, using
909 # cached data if possible.
910 apkcachefile = os.path.join('tmp', 'apkcache')
911 if not options.clean and os.path.exists(apkcachefile):
912 with open(apkcachefile, 'rb') as cf:
913 apkcache = pickle.load(cf)
918 delete_disabled_builds(apps, apkcache, repodirs)
920 # Scan all apks in the main repo
921 apks, cc = scan_apks(apps, apkcache, repodirs[0], knownapks)
925 # Scan the archive repo for apks as well
926 if len(repodirs) > 1:
927 archapks, cc = scan_apks(apps, apkcache, repodirs[1], knownapks)
933 # Some information from the apks needs to be applied up to the application
934 # level. When doing this, we use the info from the most recent version's apk.
935 # We deal with figuring out when the app was added and last updated at the
941 for apk in apks + archapks:
942 if apk['id'] == app['id']:
943 if apk['versioncode'] > bestver:
944 bestver = apk['versioncode']
948 if not added or apk['added'] < added:
950 if not lastupdated or apk['added'] > lastupdated:
951 lastupdated = apk['added']
956 logging.warn("Don't know when " + app['id'] + " was added")
958 app['lastupdated'] = lastupdated
960 logging.warn("Don't know when " + app['id'] + " was last updated")
963 if app['Name'] is None:
964 app['Name'] = app['id']
966 logging.warn("Application " + app['id'] + " has no packages")
968 if app['Name'] is None:
969 app['Name'] = bestapk['name']
970 app['icon'] = bestapk['icon'] if 'icon' in bestapk else None
972 # Sort the app list by name, then the web site doesn't have to by default.
973 # (we had to wait until we'd scanned the apks to do this, because mostly the
974 # name comes from there!)
975 apps = sorted(apps, key=lambda app: app['Name'].upper())
977 # Generate warnings for apk's with no metadata (or create skeleton
978 # metadata files, if requested on the command line)
982 if app['id'] == apk['id']:
986 if options.createmeta:
987 f = open(os.path.join('metadata', apk['id'] + '.txt'), 'w')
988 f.write("License:Unknown\n")
989 f.write("Web Site:\n")
990 f.write("Source Code:\n")
991 f.write("Issue Tracker:\n")
992 f.write("Summary:" + apk['name'] + "\n")
993 f.write("Description:\n")
994 f.write(apk['name'] + "\n")
997 logging.info("Generated skeleton metadata for " + apk['id'])
999 logging.warn(apk['apkname'] + " (" + apk['id'] + ") has no metadata - removing")
1000 rmf = os.path.join(repodirs[0], apk['apkname'])
1001 if not os.path.exists(rmf):
1002 logging.error("Could not find {0} to remove it".format(rmf))
1006 if len(repodirs) > 1:
1007 archive_old_apks(apps, apks, archapks, repodirs[0], repodirs[1], config['archive_older'])
1009 # Make the index for the main repo...
1010 make_index(apps, apks, repodirs[0], False, categories)
1012 # If there's an archive repo, make the index for it. We already scanned it
1014 if len(repodirs) > 1:
1015 make_index(apps, archapks, repodirs[1], True, categories)
1017 if config['update_stats']:
1019 # Update known apks info...
1020 knownapks.writeifchanged()
1022 # Generate latest apps data for widget
1023 if os.path.exists(os.path.join('stats', 'latestapps.txt')):
1025 for line in file(os.path.join('stats', 'latestapps.txt')):
1026 appid = line.rstrip()
1027 data += appid + "\t"
1029 if app['id'] == appid:
1030 data += app['Name'] + "\t"
1031 if app['icon'] is not None:
1032 data += app['icon'] + "\t"
1033 data += app['License'] + "\n"
1035 f = open(os.path.join(repodirs[0], 'latestapps.dat'), 'w')
1040 with open(apkcachefile, 'wb') as cf:
1041 pickle.dump(apkcache, cf)
1043 # Update the wiki...
1045 update_wiki(apps, apks + archapks)
1047 logging.info("Finished.")
1049 if __name__ == "__main__":