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[nlopt.git] / direct / DIRparallel.c
1 /* DIRparallel.f -- translated by f2c (version 20050501).
3    f2c output hand-cleaned by SGJ (August 2007).
4 */
6 #include "direct-internal.h"
8 /* Table of constant values */
10 static integer c__0 = 0;
11 static integer c_n1 = -1;
13 /* +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
14 /* | Program       : Direct.f (subfile DIRseriell.f)                       | */
15 /* | Last modified : 02-22-01                                              | */
16 /* | Written by    : Joerg Gablonsky                                       | */
17 /* | Subroutines, which differ depending on the serial or parallel version.| */
18 /* +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
19 /* +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
20 /* | Parallel Direct. This routine replaces the normal main routine DIRect.| */
21 /* | In it, we find out if this pe is the master or slave. If it is the    | */
22 /* | master, it calls the serial DIRect main routine. The only routine that| */
23 /* | has to change for parallel Direct is DIRSamplef, where the actual     | */
24 /* | sampling of the function is done. If we are on the slave, wait for    | */
25 /* | either the coordinates of a point to sample the function or the       | */
26 /* | termination signal.                                                   | */
27 /* +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
28 /* Subroutine */ int direct_pardirect_(fp fcn, doublereal *x, integer *n, 
29         doublereal *eps, integer *maxf, integer *maxt, doublereal *minf, 
30         doublereal *l, doublereal *u, integer *algmethod, integer *ierror, 
31         FILE *logfile, doublereal *fglobal, doublereal *fglper, doublereal 
32         *volper, doublereal *sigmaper, void *fcn_data)
33 {
34     /* System generated locals */
35     integer i__1;
37     /* Local variables */
38     integer i__, k;
39     integer tid;
40     integer flag__;
41     doublereal fval;
42     integer tids[360], kret;
43     integer mytid;
44     doublereal fscale;
45     integer nprocs;
47 /* +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
48 /* | Parameters                                                            | */
49 /* +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
50 /* +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
51 /* | The maximum of function evaluations allowed.                          | */
52 /* | The maximum dept of the algorithm.                                    | */
53 /* | The maximum number of divisions allowed.                              | */
54 /* | The maximal dimension of the problem.                                 | */
55 /* +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
56 /* +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
57 /* | Global Variables.                                                     | */
58 /* +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
59 /* +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
60 /* | External Variables.                                                   | */
61 /* +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
62 /* +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
63 /* | User Variables.                                                       | */
64 /* | These can be used to pass user defined data to the function to be     | */
65 /* | optimized.                                                            | */
66 /* +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
67 /* +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
68 /* | Parallel programming variables                                        | */
69 /* +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
70 /*       maxprocs should be >= the number of processes used for DIRECT */
71 /* +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
72 /* | End of parallel programming variables                                 | */
73 /* +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
74 /* +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
75 /* | Internal variables                                                    | */
76 /* +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
77 /* +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
78 /* | JG 02/28/01 Begin of parallel additions                               | */
80 /* +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
81     /* Parameter adjustments */
82     --u;
83     --l;
84     --x;
86     /* Function Body */
87     getmytidif_(&mytid);
88     getnprocsif_(&nprocs);
89     gettidif_(&c__0, tids);
90 /* +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
91 /* | If I am the master get the other tids and start running DIRECT.       | */
92 /* | Otherwise, branch off to do function evaluations.                     | */
93 /* +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
94     if (mytid == tids[0]) {
95         i__1 = nprocs - 1;
96         for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) {
97             gettidif_(&i__, &tids[i__]);
98 /* L46: */
99         }
100 /* +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
101 /* | Call Direct main routine. This routine calls DIRSamplef for the       | */
102 /* | function evaluations, which are then done in parallel.                | */
103 /* +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
104         direct_direct_(fcn, &x[1], n, eps, maxf, maxt, minf, &l[1], &u[1], 
105                 algmethod, ierror, logfile, fglobal, fglper, volper, sigmaper,
106                 fcn_data);
107 /* +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
108 /* | Send exit message to rest of pe's.                                    | */
109 /* +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
110         flag__ = 0;
111         i__1 = nprocs;
112         for (tid = 2; tid <= i__1; ++tid) {
113             mastersendif_(&tids[tid - 1], &tids[tid - 1], n, &flag__, &flag__,
114                      &x[1], &u[1], &l[1], &x[1]);
115 /* L200: */
116         }
117     } else {
118 /* +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
119 /* | This is what the slaves do!!                                          | */
120 /* +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
121 /* +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
122 /* |   Receive the first point from the master processor.                  | */
123 /* +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
124         slaverecvif_(tids, &c_n1, n, &flag__, &k, &fscale, &u[1], &l[1], &x[1]
125                 );
126 /* +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
127 /* | Repeat until master signals to stop.                                  | */
128 /* +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
129         while(flag__ > 0) {
130 /* +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
131 /* | Evaluate f(x).                                                        | */
132 /* +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
133              direct_dirinfcn_(fcn, &x[1], &l[1], &u[1], n, &fval, &kret, &
134                       fcn_data);
135 /* +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
136 /* | Send result and wait for next point / message with signal to stop.    | */
137 /* +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
138             slavesendif_(tids, &mytid, &k, &mytid, &fval, &kret);
139             slaverecvif_(tids, &c_n1, n, &flag__, &k, &fscale, &u[1], &l[1], &
140                     x[1]);
141         }
142     }
143     return 0;
144 } /* pardirect_ */
146 /* +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
147 /* | Subroutine for sampling. This sampling is done in parallel, the master| */
148 /* | prozessor is also evaluating the function sometimes.                  | */
149 /* +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
150 /* Subroutine */ void direct_dirsamplef_(doublereal *c__, integer *arrayi, doublereal 
151         *delta, integer *sample, integer *new__, integer *length, 
152         FILE *logfile, doublereal *f, integer *free, integer *maxi, 
153         integer *point, fp fcn, doublereal *x, doublereal *l, doublereal *
154         minf, integer *minpos, doublereal *u, integer *n, integer *maxfunc, 
155         integer *maxdeep, integer *oops, doublereal *fmax, integer *
156         ifeasiblef, integer *iinfesiblef, void *fcn_data)
157 {
158     /* System generated locals */
159     integer length_dim1, length_offset, c_dim1, c_offset, f_dim1, f_offset, 
160             i__1;
161     doublereal d__1;
163     /* Local variables */
164     integer i__, j, k, helppoint, tid, pos;
165     integer flag__, tids[360], kret, npts;
166     doublereal fhelp;
167     integer oldpos, nprocs, datarec;
169 /* +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
170 /* | JG 07/16/01 fcn must be declared external.                            | */
171 /* +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
172 /* +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
173 /* | JG 07/16/01 Removed fcn.                                              | */
174 /* +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
175 /* +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
176 /* | JG 01/22/01 Added variable to keep track of the maximum value found.  | */
177 /* |             Added variable to keep track if feasible point was found. | */
178 /* +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
179 /* +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
180 /* | Variables to pass user defined data to the function to be optimized.  | */
181 /* +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
182 /* +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
183 /* | Parallel programming variables.                                       | */
184 /* +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
185 /* JG 09/05/00 Increase this if more processors are used. */
186 /* +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
187 /* | Find out the id's of all processors.                                  | */
188 /* +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
189     /* Parameter adjustments */
190     --u;
191     --l;
192     --x;
193     --arrayi;
194     --point;
195     f_dim1 = *maxfunc;
196     f_offset = 1 + f_dim1;
197     f -= f_offset;
198     length_dim1 = *maxfunc;
199     length_offset = 1 + length_dim1;
200     length -= length_offset;
201     c_dim1 = *maxfunc;
202     c_offset = 1 + c_dim1;
203     c__ -= c_offset;
205     /* Function Body */
206     getnprocsif_(&nprocs);
207     i__1 = nprocs - 1;
208     for (i__ = 0; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) {
209         gettidif_(&i__, &tids[i__]);
210 /* L46: */
211     }
212 /* +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
213 /* | Set the pointer to the first function to be evaluated,                | */
214 /* | store this position also in helppoint.                                | */
215 /* +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
216     pos = *new__;
217     helppoint = pos;
218 /* +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
219 /* | Iterate over all points, where the function should be                 | */
220 /* | evaluated.                                                            | */
221 /* +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
222     flag__ = 1;
223     npts = *maxi + *maxi;
224     k = 1;
225     while(k <= npts && k < nprocs) {
226 /* +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
227 /* | tid is the id of the prozessor the next points is send to.            | */
228 /* +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
229         tid = k + 1;
230 /* +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
231 /* | Copy the position into the helparray x.                               | */
232 /* +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
233         i__1 = *n;
234         for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) {
235             x[i__] = c__[pos + i__ * c_dim1];
236 /* L60: */
237         }
238 /* +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
239 /* | Send the point.                                                       | */
240 /* +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
241         mastersendif_(&tids[tid - 1], &tids[tid - 1], n, &flag__, &pos, &x[1],
242                  &u[1], &l[1], &x[1]);
243         ++k;
244         pos = point[pos];
245 /* +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
246 /* | Get the next point.                                                   | */
247 /* +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
248     }
249 /* +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
250 /* |  Get data until it is all received.                                   | */
251 /* +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
252     datarec = 0;
253     while(datarec < npts) {
254         if ((doublereal) datarec / (doublereal) nprocs - datarec / nprocs < 
255                 1e-5 && k <= npts) {
256             i__1 = *n;
257             for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) {
258                 x[i__] = c__[pos + i__ * c_dim1];
259 /* L165: */
260             }
261             direct_dirinfcn_(fcn, &x[1], &l[1], &u[1], n, &fhelp, &kret,
262                       fcn_data);
263             oldpos = pos;
264             f[oldpos + f_dim1] = fhelp;
265             ++datarec;
266 /* +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
267 /* | Remember if an infeasible point has been found.                       | */
268 /* +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
269             *iinfesiblef = MAX(*iinfesiblef,kret);
270             if (kret == 0) {
271 /* +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
272 /* | if the function evaluation was O.K., set the flag in                  | */
273 /* | f(pos,2).                                                             | */
274 /* +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
275                 f[oldpos + (f_dim1 << 1)] = 0.;
276                 *ifeasiblef = 0;
277 /* +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
278 /* | JG 01/22/01 Added variable to keep track of the maximum value found.  | */
279 /* +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
280 /* Computing MAX */
281                 d__1 = f[pos + f_dim1];
282                 *fmax = MAX(d__1,*fmax);
283             }
284 /* +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
285 /* | Remember if an infeasible point has been found.                       | */
286 /* +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
287             *iinfesiblef = MAX(*iinfesiblef,kret);
288             if (kret == 1) {
289 /* +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
290 /* | If the function could not be evaluated at the given point,            | */
291 /* | set flag to mark this (f(pos,2) and store the maximum                 | */
292 /* | box-sidelength in f(pos,1).                                           | */
293 /* +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
294                 f[oldpos + (f_dim1 << 1)] = 2.;
295                 f[oldpos + f_dim1] = *fmax;
296             }
297 /* +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
298 /* | If the function could not be evaluated due to a failure in            | */
299 /* | the setup, mark this.                                                 | */
300 /* +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
301             if (kret == -1) {
302                 f[oldpos + (f_dim1 << 1)] = -1.;
303             }
304             ++k;
305             pos = point[pos];
306         }
307 /* +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
308 /* | Recover where to store the value.                                     | */
309 /* +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
310         masterrecvif_(&c_n1, &c_n1, &oldpos, &tid, &fhelp, &kret);
311         f[oldpos + f_dim1] = fhelp;
312         ++datarec;
313 /* +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
314 /* | Remember if an infeasible point has been found.                       | */
315 /* +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
316         *iinfesiblef = MAX(*iinfesiblef,kret);
317         if (kret == 0) {
318 /* +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
319 /* | if the function evaluation was O.K., set the flag in                  | */
320 /* | f(pos,2).                                                             | */
321 /* +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
322             f[oldpos + (f_dim1 << 1)] = 0.;
323             *ifeasiblef = 0;
324 /* +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
325 /* | JG 01/22/01 Added variable to keep track of the maximum value found.  | */
326 /* +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
327 /* Computing MAX */
328             d__1 = f[oldpos + f_dim1];
329             *fmax = MAX(d__1,*fmax);
330         }
331         if (kret == 1) {
332 /* +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
333 /* | If the function could not be evaluated at the given point,            | */
334 /* | set flag to mark this (f(pos,2) and store the maximum                 | */
335 /* | box-sidelength in f(pos,1).                                           | */
336 /* +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
337             f[oldpos + (f_dim1 << 1)] = 2.;
338             f[oldpos + f_dim1] = *fmax;
339         }
340 /* +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
341 /* | If the function could not be evaluated due to a failure in            | */
342 /* | the setup, mark this.                                                 | */
343 /* +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
344         if (kret == -1) {
345             f[oldpos + (f_dim1 << 1)] = -1.;
346         }
347 /* +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
348 /* |         Send data until it is all sent.                               | */
349 /* +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
350         if (k <= npts) {
351 /* +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
352 /* | Copy the position into the helparray x.                               | */
353 /* +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
354             i__1 = *n;
355             for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) {
356                 x[i__] = c__[pos + i__ * c_dim1];
357 /* L160: */
358             }
359             mastersendif_(&tid, &tid, n, &flag__, &pos, &x[1], &u[1], &l[1], &
360                     x[1]);
361             ++k;
362             pos = point[pos];
363         }
364     }
365     pos = helppoint;
366 /* +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
367 /* | Iterate over all evaluated points and see, if the minimal             | */
368 /* | value of the function has changed. If this has happend,               | */
369 /* | store the minimal value and its position in the array.                | */
370 /* | Attention: Only valied values are checked!!                           | */
371 /* +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
372     i__1 = *maxi + *maxi;
373     for (j = 1; j <= i__1; ++j) {
374         if (f[pos + f_dim1] < *minf && f[pos + (f_dim1 << 1)] == 0.) {
375             *minf = f[pos + f_dim1];
376             *minpos = pos;
377         }
378         pos = point[pos];
379 /* L50: */
380     }
381 } /* dirsamplef_ */