'groupmanage' is /usr/local/bin/groupmanage - NOT setuid root -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root /usr/local/bin/groupmanage 'groupmanage.conf' is /etc/groupmanage.conf - edit to taste -rw-rw-r-- 1 root root /etc/groupmanage.conf 'services' is (typically) /etc/userv/services.d/groupmanage -rw-rw-r-- 1 root root /etc/userv/services.d/groupmanage Edit /etc/userv/system.default to add a line include-lookup service /etc/userv/services.d Depends on /etc/environment setting up a sensible PATH; /etc/grouplist existing (suggest inserting the comment # Syntax: # group:description:manager:maint-users:home ) There must be no blank lines in /etc/grouplist. Error messages of the form userv: failure: read error in data: Interrupted system call appear to be normal (!) Groupmanage is copyright (C)1995-8 Ian Jackson and is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License; however, since Ian does not yet consider it ready for general release, please be selective when sending him reports of bugs.