Using TopGit to generate quilt series for Debian packaging ---------------------------------------------------------- You have been referred to this document probably because a source package you are working on uses TopGit to generate a quilt series to encapsulate differences between upstream and the source code used for the Debian package. Please make sure that you have a recent version of TopGit (>= 0.5) installed before trying any of this. Where appropriate, the examples use the topgit package itself to illustrate the use. I trust you to be able to make the appropriate amendments for your situation. 1. Cloning the repository ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cloning a TopGit repository requires an additional step to normal Git cloning: 1. git clone ssh:// 2. cd topgit 3. tg remote --populate origin You can also use the debcheckout tool from the devscripts package: debcheckout topgit which will do all the above for you automatically. Branches in use ''''''''''''''' The following branches are in use in the topgit package. You are free to deviate from this set for the package you are working on, but then please document it accordingly in your README.source. - upstream: tracks the upstream Git repository - fixes/*: patches fixing problems with upstream - features/*: patches providing new features, targetted upstream - master: the main Debianisation branch - debian/*: Debian-specific patches upstream and master are regular Git branches, while the others are TopGit branches. The reason why master is not a TopGit branch itself is so that it's possible to export all TopGit-managed branches into the quilt series, without having to make an exception for master. 2. Developing a new feature ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you want to develop a new feature (or bug fix), first consider whether the patch is intended to go upstream or is a Debian-specific change. Choose the namespace accordingly and base it off upstream or master respectively. If the patch depends on another patch, obviously base it off the respective TopGit branch. The following are the steps required to add a feature branch/patch: 1. tg create features/new-feature upstream - or - tg create debian/new-debian-stuff master 2. edit .topmsg and make the subject line be a short description, optionally add a longer description to the body 3. git add .topmsg && git commit 3. Obtaining the upstream tarball ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The upstream tarball for the topgit package $VERSION can be obtained using pristine-tar: pristine-tar checkout ../topgit_$VERSION.orig.tar.gz 4. Building the package ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Building the package is trivial, thanks to the inclusion of the snippet at the top of debian/rules. Unless you set the TG_BRANCHES variable before the include statement (or when you invoke debian/rules (or make), tg2quilt will simply export all TopGit branches into the quilt series. You can set the variable TG_BRANCHES to a space- or comma-separated list (but not comma and space) of feature branches to export, e.g.: TG_BRANCHES := branch1,branch2 TG_BRANCHES := 'branch3 branch4 branch 5' Building the package requires no additional steps over other Debian packages. Since it is currently not possible to access TopGit branches for previous versions of a package (#500656), it is a good idea to maintain a build branch, into which you merge the master (Debianisation) branch whenever making a new release, and where you simply track the contents of the debian/patches directory. This can conveniently become the branch from which you build: 1. git checkout build 2. git merge master 3. ./debian/rules tg-cleanexport 4. git add debian/patches 5. git commit -m'preparing $VERSION' 6. build, test, upload, tag ('debian/topgit-$VERSION') TODO: add a debian/NEWS entry to get people to switch to using this approach. 5. Importing a new upstream version ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To import a new upstream, update the remote, merge the tag you want to merge into the master branch, ideally together with an update to debian/changelog, then update all TopGit branches: 1. git remote update 2. git checkout master 3. git merge Now proceed as in the next step. 6. Making changes to the master branch ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you make changes to the master branch (the "debianisation" branch), follow this procedure: 1. tg summary 2. for every branch that is prefixed with 'D' in the output: git checkout $BRANCH && tg update 7. Building an upstream tarball ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you are using pristine-tar, the following can be used to commit an upstream tarball to the repository. It makes sense to rename it according to the Debian-standard package_version.orig.tar.gz convention first. 1. pristine-tar commit ../topgit_$VERSION.orig.tar.gz If upstream does not provide tarballs, you can create the orig.tar.gz file and commit is as follows: 1. upstream_tag="topgit-$VERSION" 2. git archive --prefix="$upstream_tag/" "$upstream_tag" | gzip -9 > ../"${upstream_tag//-/_}.orig.tar.gz" 3. pristine-tar commit ../"${upstream_tag//-/_}.orig.tar.gz" "$upstream_tag" All comments and suggestions are welcome, especially those pertaining to auto-generating debian/changelog from commit logs. -- martin f. krafft Wed, 19 Nov 2008 15:16:03 +0100