#!/usr/bin/python from __future__ import print_function import signal signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_DFL) from moebius import * from scad import * nomsize = 30; wire = 2.000; # number of wires kv = 24 kw = 16 # resolution nv = 80 nw = 80 ns = 4 # around tube, should be even nv += -nv % kv nw += -nw % kw each_v = nv / kv each_w = nw / kw m = Moebius(nv, nw) def dpr(v): return '%+3f %+3f %+3f' % tuple(v) def points_round_wire(p, norm, acrs, sigmas): for sigma in sigmas: delta = norm * sin(sigma) + acrs * cos(sigma) r = p + wire/nomsize * delta yield r def calc_sigmas(ss): return [ (s + 0.5)/ns * tau for s in ss ] def make_moebius(objname): print('module %s(){' % objname) # wires: extents = [ ScadObject() for w in range(0,nw) ] # along extents travers = [ ScadObject() for v in range(0,nv) ] # along traverses def qc(v, w, sigmas, is_trav): #print(' QCv,w,T',v,w,is_trav, file=sys.stderr) for ab in 0,1: p, norm, extt, trav = m.details(v + ab*(not is_trav), w + ab*is_trav) if is_trav: acrs = extt else: acrs = trav #print(' RW,ab,sx',ab,sx, # 'r=',dpr(r), # 'p=',dpr(p), # 'norm=',dpr(norm), # 'extt=',dpr(extt), # 'acrs=',dpr(acrs), # 'delta=',dpr(delta), # 's=','%4f' % sigma, # file=sys.stderr) for r in points_round_wire(p, norm, acrs, sigmas): yield r for v in range(0, nv): for w in range(0, nw+1): for s in range(0, ns): sigmas = calc_sigmas([s + sx for sx in (0,1)]) #print('VWS',v,w,s, sigmas, file=sys.stderr) if not w % each_w: extents[w % nw].quad([ cnr for cnr in qc(v,w,sigmas,False) ]) if not v % each_v and w < nw: travers[v].rquad([ cnr for cnr in qc(v,w,sigmas,True) ]) if not v % each_v: for w in 0, nw: p, norm, extt, trav = m.details(v, w) cnrs = points_round_wire(p, norm, extt, calc_sigmas(range(0,ns))) cnrs = list(cnrs) if w: cnrs.reverse() for s in range(0, ns-1): travers[v].triangle(cnrs[s], cnrs[s+1], cnrs[ns-1]) for w in range(0, nw): print('// extent w=', w) extents[w].writeout_core(nomsize) for v in range(0, nv): print('// travers v=', v) travers[v].writeout_core(nomsize) print('}') make_moebius('MoebiusMesh') print('moebiuscore_nomsize=%s;' % repr(nomsize))