#!/usr/bin/perl # # =====deeper=nesting===>> # # end of Perl fragment # \n@@ \_@@ ;@@ )@@ }@@ \w@@ # <------------------------------------ # # ------------------------------------> # if eval eval+ eval+ # @@? @@\_ ignore include # @@$ @@- file # ___ @@\n @@< # ,' ` # | processing processing # `---> as TEXT as PERL # endif # @@; vA <------------------------------------ # || then # comment || ?@@ # @@# || # || included text fragment as # else || string value code to write out # @@: || (@@ {@@ # || <------------------------------------ # `' # ------------------------------------> # end of included text fragment # @@) @@} # # <<====deeper=nesting==== # package GenericPrepTemplate; #BEGIN { # use Exporter (); # use vars qw($VERSION @ISA @EXPORT @EXPORT_OK %EXPORT_TAGS); # $VERSION= 1.00; # @ISA= qw(Exporter); # @EXPORT= qw(&process_input); # %EXPORT_TAGS= (); # @EXPORT_OK= qw(); #} #use vars @EXPORT_OK; #use vars qw($fh); use IO::Handle; use IO::File; open DEBUG, ">/dev/null" or die "gpt: /dev/null: $!\n"; while ($main::ARGV[0] =~ m/^-/) { $_= shift @main::ARGV; next if m/^--$/; while (m/^-./) { if (s/^-d/-/) { open DEBUG, ">&2" or die "gpt: debug to stderr: $!\n"; } else { die "gpt: unknown option \`$_'\n"; } } } $fn= ''; if (!@main::ARGV) { $lno= ''; $fh= new IO::Handle; $fh->fdopen(fileno(STDIN),'r') or err("fdopen stdin: $!"); process_fh($fh,''); $fh->close or err("close stdin: $!\n"); } else { for ($i=0; $i<@main::ARGV; $i++) { $lno= ''; process_file($main::ARGV[$i]); } } close STDOUT or die "gpt: close stdout: $!\n"; exit 0; sub process_file ($) { my ($value) = @_; $fh= new IO::File $value,'r' or err("cannot open file \`$value': $!"); process_fh($fh,$value); $fh->close or err("gpt: cannot close file \`$value': $!"); } sub err ($) { die "gpt: $fn:$lno: $_[0]\n"; } sub add_perl ($) { my ($str) = @_; if (@oplist>1) { $substr.= $str; } else { $expr.= $str; } } sub add_text ($) { my ($str) = @_; if (@oplist) { $substr.=$str; } else { output($str); } } sub eval_expr () { my ($value); $@=''; print DEBUG "E $fn:$lno:e\`$expr'\n"; $value= do { package main; eval $GenericPrepTemplate::expr; }; if (length $@) { chomp $@; err("error: $@"); } print DEBUG "E $fn:$lno:v\`$value'\n"; $value; } sub process_input () { my ($esc,$top,$want,$fh,$value,$wasyes); while (length $l) { print DEBUG "L $fn:$lno:",join('',@oplist), ":`$l' e\`$expr' s\`$substr'\n"; if (@oplist & 1) { # scanning perl if ($l =~ m/^()\@\@/ || $l =~ m/([^\000])\@\@/) { ($to,$op,$esc,$l) = ($`,$1,$&,$'); add_perl($to); if ($op =~ m/[ \t\n0-9a-zA-Z_\;\)\}?]/ || $op eq '') { $top= pop @oplist; if (!@oplist) { # And evaluate. $expr.= $op unless $op =~ m/[?]/; $value= eval_expr(); if ($top eq '<') { process_file($value); } elsif ($top eq '?') { push @oplist, '?',':;'.!!$value; } elsif ($top ne '-') { output($value); } $expr=''; } else { $substr.= $esc; } } elsif ($op =~ m/[\(\{]/) { if (@oplist>1) { $substr.= $esc; } push @oplist, $op; } else { err("bad escape sequence $op\@\@ in perl part"); } } else { add_perl($l); $l= ''; } } else { # scanning text if ($l =~ m/\@\@(.|\n)/) { ($to,$op,$esc,$l) = ($`,$1,$&,$'); add_text($to); if ($op =~ m/[-< \$?\n]/) { if (!@oplist) { add_perl($op) if $op =~ m/[\$]/; } else { $substr.= $esc; } push @oplist, $op; } elsif ($op =~ m/[\)\}\;\:]/) { err("unmatched closing \@\@$op") unless @oplist; $want= pop @oplist; if ($want =~ y/({/)}/) { $wasyes=-1; err("found \@\@$op but wanted \@\@$want") unless $want eq $op; } elsif ($want =~ m/^([:;]+)(1?)$/) { ($want,$wasyes)=($1,$2); err("found \@\@$op where not expected (wanted ". join(' or ', map { "\@\@$_" } split //, $want).")") unless $op =~ m/^[$want]$/; '?' eq pop @oplist or die; if ($wasyes) { local ($l) = ($substr); local ($substr,$expr,$to,$op); process_input(); }; $substr=''; $esc=''; if ($op eq ':') { push @oplist, '?',';'.!$wasyes; } } else { die "internal /$want/ /$op/"; } if (@oplist==1) { # Just finished a substr. $substri++; $substrs[$substri]= $substr; print DEBUG "S $fn:$lno:S$substri\`$substr'\n"; $expr.= ' GenericPrepTemplate::output(' if $op eq '}'; $expr.= " GenericPrepTemplate::process_i($substri) "; $expr.= " );\n" if $op eq '}'; $substr=''; } else { $substr.= $esc; } } elsif ($op eq '#') { $l =~ s/^[^\n]*//; $l =~ s/^\n//; } else { err("bad escape sequence \@\@$op in text part"); } } else { add_text($l); $l= ''; } } } } sub close_nesteds () { my ($op); while (@oplist) { $op= $oplist[$#oplist]; if (@oplist & 1) { err("unterminated \@\@?") if $op eq '?'; $l=' @@'; } else { if ($op =~ y/({/)}/) { $l= '@@'.$op; } elsif ($op =~ m/^[;:]+/) { $l= '@@;'; } else { die "intern /@oplist/"; } } process_input(); } } sub process_fh ($$) { local ($fh,$fn) = @_; local ($l,$lno, @oplist,$substr,$expr,$to,$op); while (defined ($l= $fh->getline)) { next if $l =~ m,^\#\! ?/\S+/gpt\b, && $.==1; $lno= $.; process_input(); } die "gpt: $fn: read error: $!" if $fh->error; close_nesteds(); } sub output ($) { if (defined $outbuf) { print DEBUG "O \`$outbuf'+\`$_[0]'\n"; $outbuf.= $_[0]; } else { print DEBUG "O w\`$_[0]'\n"; print STDOUT $_[0] or err("write stdout: $!"); } } sub process_i ($) { my ($i) = @_; local ($l,$fn,$lno) = ($substrs[$i], "$fn", ''); local ($outbuf, @oplist,$substr,$expr,$to,$op); $outbuf=''; process_input(); close_nesteds(); return $outbuf; }