#!/usr/bin/perl # $Id: sync-accounts,v 1.20 2002-07-14 19:29:37 ianmdlvl Exp $ # # Copyright 1999-2000,2002 Ian Jackson # Copyright 2000-2001 nCipher Corporation Ltd # # This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under # the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free # Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later # version. # # This is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License # for more details. # # You should already have a copy of the GNU General Public License. # If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple # Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. use POSIX; $configfile= '/etc/sync-accounts'; $def_createuser= 'sync-accounts-createuser'; $ch_homebase= '/home'; $ch_defaultshell= '/bin/sh'; $defaultgid= -1; # -1 => usergroups; -2 => nousergroups @groupglobs= [ '.*', 0 ]; regroupglobs(); $file{'passwd','std'}= 'passwd'; $file{'shadow','std'}= 'shadow'; $file{'group','std'}= 'group'; $file{'passwd','bsd'}= 'master.passwd'; $file{'shadow','bsd'}= 'shadow-non-existent'; $file{'group','bsd'}= 'group'; @fields_pw_std= qw(USER PW UID GID COMMENT HOME SHELL); @fields_pw_bsd= qw(USER PW UID GID CLASS CHANGE EXPIRE COMMENT HOME SHELL); fields_fmt('PW','std'); fields('GR',qw(GROUP PW GID USERS)); fields('SP',qw(USER PW DAYSCHGD DAYSFIX DAYSEXP DAYSWARN DAYSEXPDIS DAYSDISD RESERVED)); # The name field had better always be field 0 ! END { foreach $x (@unlocks) { ($fn, $style, $arg) = @$x; &{ "unlock_$style" } ( $fn,$arg ); } } sub fields { my ($pfx,@l) = @_; my ($i, $v, $vn); foreach $v (@l) { $vn= "${pfx}_$v"; $$vn = $i++; } $vn= "${pfx}_fields"; $$vn= $i; } sub fields_fmt ($$) { my ($pfx,$fmt) = @_; my ($vn); $vn= "fields_pw_$fmt"; die "unknown format $fmt\n" unless defined @$vn; fields($pfx,@$vn); $vn= "${pfx}_format"; $$vn= $fmt; } sub newentry { my ($pfx,$name,@field_val_list) = @_; my (@rv, $vn, $fn, $v, $i); @rv= (); $vn= "${pfx}_fields"; for ($i=0; $i<$$vn; $i++) { $rv[$i]= ''; } die "@field_val_list ?" if @field_val_list % 2; $rv[0] = $name; while (@field_val_list) { ($fn,$v,@field_val_list) = @field_val_list; $vn= "${pfx}_$fn"; #print STDERR ">$fn|$v|$vn|$$vn<\n"; $rv[$$vn]= $v; } return @rv; } $|=1; $cdays= int(time/86400); @envs_createuser= qw(USER UID GID COMMENT HOME SHELL); if (@ARGV == 1 && length $ENV{'SYNC_ACCOUNTS_RUNVIA_INFO'}) { @na= map { s/\%([0-9a-f][0-9a-f])/ pack("C", hex $1) /ge; $_; } split(/\:/, $ENV{'SYNC_ACCOUNTS_RUNVIA_INFO'}); delete $ENV{'SYNC_ACCOUNTS_RUNVIA_INFO'}; $ta= shift @na; $ENV{"SYNC_ACCOUNTS_RUNVIA_LOCKEDGOT_$ta"} = $ARGV[0]; @ARGV= @na; } @orgargv= @ARGV; while ($ARGV[0] =~ m/^-/) { $_= shift @ARGV; last if m/^--$/; if (m/^-C/) { $configfile= $'; } elsif (m/^-n$/) { $no_act= 1; $display= 0; } elsif (m/^-q$/) { $no_act= 1; $display= 1; } else { die "unknown option $_\n"; } } die "hosts must not be specified with -q\n" if @ARGV && $display; for $h (@ARGV) { $wanthost{$h}= 1; } open CF,"< $configfile" or die "$configfile: $!"; sub fetchfile (\%$) { my ($ary_ref,$get_str) = @_; undef %$ary_ref; open G,"$get_str" or die "$get_str: $!"; while () { chomp; m/^([^:]+)\:/ or die "$ch_name: $get_str:$.: $_ ?\n"; $ary_ref->{$1}= [ split(/\:/,$_,-1) ]; } close G; $? and die "$ch_name: $get_str: exit code $?\n"; } sub lockstyle_ ($$) { my ($fn,$lock) = @_; die "$configfile:$.: locking mechanism for $fn not". " defined (use lockpasswd/lockgroup)\n"; } sub abslock (@) { my ($fn,$lock) = @_; $fn= "/etc/$fn"; $lock= "$fn$lock" unless $lock =~ m,^/,; return ($fn,$lock); } sub lock_none ($$) { return (abslock(@_))[0]; } sub unlock_none ($$) { } sub lock_link ($$) { my ($fn,$lock) = abslock(@_); link $fn,$lock or die "cannot lock $fn by creating $lock: $!\n"; return $fn; } sub unlock_link ($$) { my ($fn,$lock) = abslock(@_); unlink $lock or warn "unable to unlock by removing $lock: $!\n"; } sub lock_runvia ($$) { my ($fn,$lock) = @_; my ($evn); $evn= "SYNC_ACCOUNTS_RUNVIA_LOCKEDGOT_$fn"; return $ENV{$evn} if exists $ENV{$evn}; @na= map { s/\W/ sprintf("%%%02x", unpack("C", $&)) /ge; $_; } ($fn,@orgargv); $ENV{'SYNC_ACCOUNTS_RUNVIA_INFO'}= join(":", @na); $ENV{'EDITOR'}= $0; delete $ENV{'VISUAL'}; exec $lock; die "cannot lock $fn by executing $lock: $!\n"; } sub unlock_runvia ($$) { } sub fetchownfile (\@$$$$) { my ($ary_ref,$fn_str,$nfields,$style,$lock_arg) = @_; my ($fn_use, $record, $fn_emsg); $fn_emsg= $fn_str; if (!$no_act) { $fn_use= &{ "lock_$style" } ($fn_str, $lock_arg); push @unlocks, [ $fn_str, $style, $lock_arg ]; $savebackto{$fn_str}= $fn_use; } else { $fn_use= $fn_emsg= "/etc/".$file{$fn_str,$PW_format}; } open O,"$fn_use" or die "$fn_use ($fn_str): $!"; while () { chomp; $record= [ split(/\:/,$_,-1) ]; die "$fn_emsg:$.:wrong number of fields:\`$_'\n" unless @$record == $nfields; push @$ary_ref, $record; } close O or die "$fn_use ($fn_str): $!"; } sub diag ($) { print "$diagstr: $_[0]\n" or die $!; } sub regroupglobs () { $nogroups= (@groupglobs == 1 && $groupglobs[0]->[0] eq '.*' && !$groupglobs[0]->[1]); $ggfunc= "sub wantsyncgroup {\n \$_= \$_[0];\n return\n"; for $g (@groupglobs) { $ggfunc.= " m/^$g->[0]\$/ ? $g->[1] :\n"; } $ggfunc.= " die;\n};\n1;\n"; #print STDERR "$ggfunc\n"; eval $ggfunc or die "$ggfunc // $@"; } sub fetchown () { if (!$own_fetchedpasswd) { #print STDERR ">$PW_fields<\n"; fetchownfile(@ownpasswd,'passwd', $PW_fields, $ch_lockstyle_passwd, $ch_lock_passwd); $shadowfile= $file{'shadow',$PW_format}; if (stat("/etc/$shadowfile")) { $own_haveshadow= 1; $own_fetchedshadow= 1; fetchownfile(@ownshadow,'shadow',$SP_fields,'none',''); } elsif ($! == &ENOENT) { $own_haveshadow= 0; } else { die "unable to check for /etc/$shadowfile: $!\n"; } $own_fetchedpasswd= 1; } if (!$own_fetchedgroup) { fetchownfile(@owngroup,'group',$GR_fields, $ch_lockstyle_group, $ch_lock_group); $own_fetchedgroup= 1; } #print STDERR "fetchown() -> $#ownpasswd $#owngroup\n"; } sub checkuid ($$) { my ($useuid,$foruser) = @_; for $e (@ownpasswd) { if ($e->[$PW_USER] ne $foruser && $e->[$PW_UID] == $useuid) { diag("uid clash with $e->[$PW_USER] (uid $e->[$PW_UID])"); return 0; } } return 1; } sub copyfield ($$$$) { my ($file,$entry,$field,$value) = @_; eval "\$ary_ref= \\\@own$file; 1;" or die $@; #print STDERR "copyfield($file,$entry,$field,$value)\n"; for $e (@$ary_ref) { #print STDERR "copyfield($file,$entry,$field,$value) $e->[0] $e->[field] ".join(':',@$e)."\n"; next unless $e->[0] eq $entry; next if $e->[$field] eq $value; $e->[$field]= $value; eval "\$modified$file= 1; 1;" or die $@; } } sub fetchpasswd () { return if $ch_fetchedpasswd; die "$configfile:$.: getpasswd not specified for host $ch_name\n" unless length $ch_getpasswd; undef %remshadow; fetchfile(%rempasswd,"$ch_getpasswd |"); if (length $ch_getshadow) { fetchfile(%remshadow,"$ch_getshadow |"); for $k (keys %rempasswd) { $rempasswd{$k}->[$REM_PW]= 'xx' unless length $rempasswd{$k}->[$REM_PW]; } for $k (keys %remshadow) { next unless exists $rempasswd{$k}; $rempasswd{$k}->[$REM_PW]= $remshadow{$k}->[$SP_PW]; } } $ch_fetchedpasswd= 1; } sub fetchgroup () { return if $ch_fetchedgroup; die "$configfile:$.: getgroup not specified for host $ch_name\n" unless length $ch_getgroup; fetchfile(%remgroup,"$ch_getgroup |"); $ch_fetchedgroup= 1; } sub syncusergroup ($$) { my ($lu,$luid) = @_; return 1 if $defaultgid != -1; #print STDERR "syncusergroup($lu,$luid)\n"; $ugfound=0; for $e (@owngroup) { $samename= $e->[$GR_GROUP] eq $lu; $sameid= $e->[$GR_GID] eq $luid; next unless $samename || $sameid; if (!$samename || !$sameid) { diag("local group $e->[$GR_GROUP] ($e->[$GR_GID]) mismatch vs.". " local user $lu ($luid)"); return 0; } if ($ugfound) { diag("per-user group $lu ($luid) duplicated"); return 0; } $ugfound=1; } return 1 if $ugfound; if (!length $opt_createuser) { diag("account creation not enabled, not creating per-user group"); return 0; } push @owngroup, [ newentry('GR', $lu, 'PW', 'x', 'GID', $luid) ]; $modifiedgroup= 1; return 1; } sub hosthead ($) { my ($th) = @_; return if $hostheaddone eq $th; print "\n\n" or die $! if length $hostheaddone; print "==== $th ====\n" or die $!; $hostheaddone= $th; } sub syncuser ($$) { my ($lu,$ru) = @_; my ($vn); #print STDERR "syncuser($lu,$ru)\n"; return if $doneuser{$lu}++; next unless $ch_doinghost; return if !length $ru; fetchown(); if ($display) { for $e (@ownpasswd) { next unless $e->[$PW_USER] eq $lu; hosthead("from $ch_name"); print ($lu eq $ru ? " $lu" : " $lu($ru)") or die $!; print "" if $displaydone{$lu}++; } return; } $diagstr= "user $lu from $ch_name!$ru"; #print STDERR "syncuser($lu,$ru) doing\n"; fetchpasswd(); if (!$rempasswd{$ru}) { diag("no remote entry"); return; } if (length $ch_getshadow && exists $remshadow{$ru} && length $remshadow{$ru}->[$SP_DAYSDISD]) { diag("remote account disabled in shadow"); return; } if (!grep($_->[$PW_USER] eq $lu, @ownpasswd)) { if (!length $opt_createuser) { diag("account creation not enabled"); return; } if ($no_act) { diag("-n specified; not creating account"); return; } if ($opt_sameuid) { $useuid= $rempasswd{$ru}->[$REM_UID]; $usegid= $rempasswd{$ru}->[$REM_GID]; } else { die "nousergroups specified, cannot create users\n" if $defaultgid==-2; length $ch_uidmin or die "no uidmin specified, cannot create users\n"; length $ch_uidmax or die "no uidmax specified, cannot create users\n"; $ch_uidmin<$ch_uidmax or die "uidmin>=uidmax, cannot create users\n"; $useuid= $ch_uidmin; for $e ($defaultgid==-1 ? (@ownpasswd, @owngroup) : (@ownpasswd)) { $tuid= $e->[$PW_UID]; next if $tuid<$useuid || $tuid>$ch_uidmax; if ($tuid==$ch_uidmax) { diag("uid (or gid?) $ch_uidmax used, cannot create users"); return; } $useuid= $tuid+1; } $usegid= $defaultgid==-1 ? $useuid : $defaultgid; } @newpwent= newentry('PW', $lu, 'PW', 'x', 'UID', $useuid, 'GID', $usegid, 'COMMENT', $rempasswd{$ru}->[$REM_COMMENT], 'HOME', "$ch_homebase/$lu", 'SHELL', $ch_defaultshell); defined($c= open CU,"-|") or die $!; if (!$c) { @unlocks= (); defined($c2= open STDIN,"-|") or die $!; if (!$c2) { print STDOUT join(':',@newpwent),"\n" or die $!; exit 0; } for ($i=0; $i<@envs_createuser; $i++) { $vn= "PW_$envs_createuser[$i]"; #print STDERR ">$i|$vn|$$vn|$newpwent[$$vn]<\n"; $ENV{"SYNCUSER_CREATE_$envs_createuser[$i]"}= $newpwent[$$vn]; } exec $opt_createuser; die "$configfile:$.: ($lu): $opt_createuser: $!\n"; } $newpwent= ; close CU; $? and die "$configfile:$.: ($lu): $opt_createuser: code $?\n"; chomp $newpwent; if (length $newpwent) { if ($newpwent !~ m/\:/) { diag("creation script demurred"); return; } @newpwent= split(/\:/,$newpwent,-1); } die "$opt_createuser: bad result: \`".join(':',@newpwent)."\'\n" if @newpwent != $PW_fields or $newpwent[$PW_USER] ne $lu; checkuid($newpwent[$PW_UID],$lu) or return; if ($own_haveshadow) { push @ownshadow, [ newentry('SP', $lu, 'PW', 'x', 'DAYSCHGD', $cdays, 'DAYSFIX', 0, 'DAYSEXP', 99999, 'DAYSEXPDIS', 7) ]; $modifiedshadow= 1; } syncusergroup($lu,$newpwent[$PW_UID]) or return; push @ownpasswd,[ @newpwent ]; $modifiedpasswd= 1; } for $e (@ownpasswd) { next unless $e->[$PW_USER] eq $lu; syncusergroup($lu,$e->[$PW_UID]) or return; } $ruid= $rempasswd{$ru}->[$REM_UID]; $rgid= $rempasswd{$ru}->[$REM_GID]; if ($opt_sameuid && checkuid($ruid,$lu)) { for $e (@ownpasswd) { next unless $e->[$PW_USER] eq $lu; $luid= $e->[$PW_UID]; $lgid= $e->[$PW_GID]; die "$diagstr: local uid $luid, remote uid $ruid\n" if $luid ne $ruid; die "$diagstr: local gid $lgid, remote gid $rgid\n" if $lgid ne $rgid; } } #print STDERR "syncuser($lu,$ru) exists $own_haveshadow\n"; if ($own_haveshadow && grep($_->[$PW_USER] eq $lu, @ownshadow)) { #print STDERR "syncuser($lu,$ru) shadow $rempasswd{$ru}->[$REM_PW]\n"; copyfield('shadow',$lu,$SP_PW, $rempasswd{$ru}->[$REM_PW]); } else { #print STDERR "syncuser($lu,$ru) passwd $rempasswd{$ru}->[$REM_PW]\n"; copyfield('passwd',$lu,$PW_PW, $rempasswd{$ru}->[$REM_PW]); } copyfield('passwd',$lu,$PW_COMMENT, $rempasswd{$ru}->[$REM_COMMENT]); $newsh= $rempasswd{$ru}->[$REM_SHELL]; $oksh= $checkedshell{$newsh}; if (!length $oksh) { $checkedshell{$newsh}= $oksh= (-x $newsh) ? 1 : 0; } copyfield('passwd',$lu,$PW_SHELL, $newsh) if $oksh; if (!$nogroups) { for $e (@owngroup) { $tgroup= $e->[$GR_GROUP]; #print STDERR "syncuser($lu,$ru) group $tgroup\n"; next unless &wantsyncgroup($tgroup); #print STDERR "syncuser($lu,$ru) group $tgroup yes\n"; fetchgroup(); if (!exists $remgroup{$tgroup}) { diag("group $tgroup: not on remote host"); next; } $inremote= grep($_ eq $ru, split(/\,/,$remgroup{$tgroup}->[$GR_USERS])); $cusers= $e->[$GR_USERS]; $inlocal= grep($_ eq $lu, split(/\,/,$cusers)); if ($inremote && !$inlocal) { $cusers.= ',' if length $cusers; $cusers.= $lu; } elsif ($inlocal && !$inremote) { $cusers= join(',', grep($_ ne $lu, split(/\,/, $cusers))); } else { next; } $e->[$GR_USERS]= $cusers; $modifiedgroup= 1; } } } sub banner () { return if $bannerdone; print "\n" or die $!; system 'date'; $? and die $?; $bannerdone= 1; } sub finish () { for $h (keys %wanthost) { die "host $h not in config file\n" if $wanthost{$h}; } if ($display) { #print STDERR "\n\nfinish display=$display pw=$pw\n\n"; for $e (@ownpasswd) { $tu= $e->[$PW_USER]; $tuid= $e->[$PW_UID]; next if $displaydone{$tu}; $tpw= $e->[$PW_PW]; #print STDERR ">$tu|$tpw<\n"; for $e2 (@ownshadow) { next unless $e2->[$SP_USER] eq $tu; $tpw= $e2->[$SP_PW]; last; } $tpw= length($tpw)>=13 ? 1 : length($tpw) ? -1 : 0; $head= ($tpw == 1 ? "unsynched" : $tpw == 0 ? "unsynched, passwordless" : "unsynched, no-logins"). ($tuid < 100 ? " system account" : " normal user"); $unsynch_type{$head} .= " $e->[$PW_USER]"; } foreach $head (sort keys %unsynch_type) { hosthead($head); print $unsynch_type{$head} or die $!; } print "\n\n" or die $!; exit 0; } umask 077; for $file (qw(passwd shadow group)) { $realfile= $file{$file,$PW_format}; eval "\$modified= \$modified$file; \$data_ref= \\\@own$file;". " \$fetched= \$own_fetched$file; 1;" or die $@; next if !$modified; die $file unless $fetched; banner(); if ($no_act) { $newfileinst= "/etc/$realfile"; $newfile= "$realfile.new"; } else { $newfileinst= $savebackto{$file}; $newfile= "$newfileinst.new"; } open NF,"> $newfile" or die "$newfile: $!"; for $e (@$data_ref) { print NF join(':',@$e),"\n" or die $!; } close NF or die $!; system 'diff','-U0','--label',$realfile,$newfileinst, '--label',"$realfile.new",$newfile; $?==256 or die $?; if (!$no_act) { (@stats= stat $newfileinst) or die "$file: $!"; chown $stats[4],$stats[5], $newfile or die $!; chmod $stats[2] & 07777, $newfile or die $!; rename $newfile, $newfileinst or die $!; } } exit 0; } while () { chomp; s/^\s*//; s/\s*$//; next if m/^\#/ || !m/\S/; finish() if m/^end$/; if (m/^host\s+(\S+)$/) { $ch_name= $1; $ch_getpasswd= $ch_getgroup= $ch_getshadow= ''; $ch_fetchedpasswd= $ch_fetchedgroup; if (!@ARGV) { $ch_doinghost= 1; } elsif (exists $wanthost{$ch_name}) { $wanthost{$ch_name}= 0; $ch_doinghost= 1; } else { $ch_doinghost= 0; } fields_fmt('REM','std'); } elsif (m/^(getpasswd|getshadow|getgroup)\s+(.*\S)$/) { eval "\$ch_$1= \$2; 1;" or die $@; } elsif (m/^(local|remote)format\s+(\w+)$/) { fields_fmt($1 eq 'local' ? 'PW' : $1 eq 'remote' ? 'REM' : die, $2); } elsif (m/^lock(passwd|group)\s+(runvia|link)\s+(\S+)$/) { eval "\$ch_lock_$1= \$3; \$ch_lockstyle_$1= \$2; 1;" or die $@; } elsif (m/^lock(passwd|group)\s+(none)$/) { eval "\$ch_lockstyle_$1= \$2; 1;" or die $@; } elsif (m,^(homebase|defaultshell)\s+(/\S+)$,) { eval "\$ch_$1= \$2; 1;" or die $@; } elsif (m/^(uidmin|uidmax)\s+(\d+)$/ && $2>0) { eval "\$ch_$1= \$2; 1;" or die $@; } elsif (m/^createuser$/) { $opt_createuser= $def_createuser; } elsif (m/^nocreateuser$/) { $opt_createuser= ''; } elsif (m/^createuser\s+(\S+)$/) { $opt_createuser= $1; } elsif (m/^logfile\s+(.*\S)$/) { if (!$no_act) { open STDOUT,">> $1" or die "$1: $!"; $|=1; $!=0; system 'date'; $? and die "date: $! $?\n"; } elsif (!$display) { print "would log to $1\n" or die $!; } } elsif (m/^(no|)(sameuid)$/) { eval "\$opt_$2= ".($1 eq 'no' ? 0 : 1)."; 1;" or die $@; } elsif (m/^usergroups$/) { $defaultgid= -1; } elsif (m/^nousergroups$/) { $defaultgid= -2; } elsif (m/^defaultgid\s+(\d+)$/) { $defaultgid= $1; } elsif (m/^(no|)group\s+([-+.0-9a-zA-Z*?]+)$/) { $yes= $1 eq 'no' ? 0 : 1; $_= $2; @groupglobs=() if $_ eq '*'; s/[-+._]/\\$1/g; s/\*/\.\*/g; s/\?/\./g; unshift @groupglobs, [ $_, $yes ]; regroupglobs(); } elsif (m/^user\s+(\S+)$/) { syncuser($1,$1); } elsif (m/^user\s+(\S+)\s+remote\=(\S+)$/) { syncuser($1,$2); } elsif (m/^nouser\s+(\S+)$/) { syncuser($1,''); } elsif (m/^users\s+(\d+)\-(\d+)$/) { $tmin= $1; $tmax= $2; $except= $3; fetchpasswd(); for $k (keys %rempasswd) { $tuid= $rempasswd{$k}->[2]; next if $tuid<$1 or $tuid>$2; syncuser($k,$k); } } elsif (m/^addhere$/) { } else { die "$configfile:$.: unknown directive\n"; } } die "$configfile:$.: missing \`end', or read error\n";