#!/usr/bin/perl # Copyright 2003 Ian Jackson # # This script and its documentation (if any) are free software; you # can redistribute it and/or modify them under the terms of the GNU # General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; # either version 3, or (at your option) any later version. # # chiark-named-conf and its manpage are distributed in the hope that # it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the # implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR # PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, consult the Free Software Foundation's # website at www.fsf.org, or the GNU Project website at www.gnu.org. use Palm::PDB; use Palm::Datebook; use Time::Local; use POSIX; $us= $0 =~ m,[^/]+$, ? $& : $0; $detail= 86400*2; $lookforward= 86400*(7*4+1); # run at 15:00 daily sub setfilename($) { die "$us: only one filename at a time please\n" if defined $filename; $filename= $_[0]; } while (@ARGV) { $_= shift @ARGV; if (m,^(?:\-t)?(\d+)/(\d+)$,) { ($detail,$lookforward)=($1+0,$2+0); } elsif (m,^[./],) { setfilename($_); } elsif (m/^\-f/) { setfilename($'); } else { die "$us: unknown argument/option \`$_'\n"; } } $filename= "DatebookDB.pdb" if !defined $filename; defined($now= time) or die $!; stat $filename or die "$us: $filename: $!\n"; $backuptime= (stat _)[10]; $pdb = new Palm::PDB or die $!; $pdb->Load($filename) or die $!; foreach $record (@{ $pdb->{records} }) { if ($record->{start_hour} != 255) { $timestr= sprintf("%02d:%02d-%02d:%02d", $record->{start_hour}, $record->{start_minute}, $record->{end_hour}, $record->{end_minute}); @lt=(0, $record->{start_minute}, $record->{start_hour}); } else { @lt=(0, 0, 9); $timestr= " "; } if ($record->{repeat}{type}) { $timestr= "onwards "; } push @lt, $record->{day}, $record->{month}-1, $record->{year}-1900; defined($ettt= timelocal @lt) or die $!; next if ($ettt < $now - 86400 || $ettt > $now + $lookforward); @lt2= localtime($ettt) or die $!; defined($dowstr= strftime "%a", @lt2) or die $!; $datestr= sprintf("%04d-%02d-%02d", $record->{year}, $record->{month}, $record->{day}); $timesortkey= "$datestr $timestr"; $evhead= "$datestr $dowstr $timestr"; $desc= $record->{description}; $desc =~ s/\x93/\~/g; $desc =~ s/\xa3/L/g; $desc =~ s/[^\n -\176]/ sprintf "\\x%02x", ord $& /eg; $desc =~ s/^ +//; $desc =~ s/\n+$//; $desc .= "\n"; if ($desc =~ m/^(.{0,51})\n/) { $descsumm= $1; } elsif ($desc =~ m/^.{48}/) { $descsumm= $&.'...'; } else { $descsumm= " --- no description ?! ---"; } $kind= $ettt < $now + $detail ? 'detail' : 'forward'; push @{ $events{$kind} }, { TSK => $timesortkey, Headline => sprintf("%s %s", $evhead, $descsumm), Desc => $desc }; } sub sectline_detail(){ return "Imminent events"; } sub sectline_forward(){ return "Forthcoming events"; } sub headline(){ printf("%s\n", $ev->{Headline}) or die $!; } sub print_forward(){ headline(); } sub print_detail(){ print "\n" or die $!; headline(); $_= $ev->{Desc}; s/^/ /gm; print $_ or die $!; } foreach $kind (qw(detail forward)) { $sectline= &{"sectline_$kind"}; printf("%s\n%s\n", $sectline, '-'x(length $sectline)) or die $!; if (!@{ $events{$kind} }) { printf("None scheduled.\n") or die $!; } foreach $ev (sort { $a->{TSK} cmp $b->{TSK} } @{ $events{$kind} }) { &{"print_$kind"}; } print "\n" or die $!; } @lt2= localtime $backuptime or die $!; defined ($syncstr= strftime "%Y-%m-%d %a %H:%M", @lt2) or die $!; print("Date of last synch: $syncstr\n". "Events entered on PDA after this date are omitted.\n") or die $!; close STDOUT or die $!;