#!/usr/bin/perl -w # This is chiark-named-conf, which is Copyright 2002 Ian Jackson. # # chiark-named-conf and its manpage are free software; you can # redistribute it and/or modify them under the terms of the GNU # General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; # either version 3, or (at your option) any later version. # # chiark-named-conf and its manpage are distributed in the hope that # it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the # implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR # PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, consult the Free Software Foundation's # website at www.fsf.org, or the GNU Project website at www.gnu.org. use strict; use IO::File; use Data::Dumper; use POSIX; use Fcntl qw(:DEFAULT :flock); # bastard Perl wants me to do this now ! sub loarg(); sub soarg(); sub usageerr ($); sub cfg_fail ($); sub read_config ($); sub qualify ($); sub bad_modifiers ($); sub zone_conf ($$$$$@); sub set_output($); sub progress ($$); sub verbose ($); sub process_zones (@); sub zone_warning ($$); sub zone_warnmore ($); sub zone_check_full (); sub zone_reset(); sub zone_investigate(); sub zone_check_nsrrset ($$$$); sub zone_ns_name ($$); sub zone_server_queue ($$$$$); sub zone_server_addr ($$$$$); sub zone_check_soa ($$$$); sub zone_consistency(); sub zone_servers_ok (); sub zone_consistency_set ($%); sub zone_check_local (); sub zone_servers_simplefind (); sub zone_server_simple ($$$); sub zone_style ($$); sub mail_zone_before (); sub mail_zone_after (); sub pmail ($); sub ptime ($); sub mail_zone_mail (); sub zone_output (); sub output_files (); sub debug_dump ($); sub debug_trace ($); sub has_suffix_of ($$); sub lookup ($$$$); sub dig (&$$$); sub domain_canon ($$); use vars qw($quis $stdout_fh $stderr_fh $mode $doall $domail $etcfile $where $debug $needglue $localonly $repeat $verbosity $admin $mail_state_dir $mail_max_warnfreq $progress_fh $warn_fh $modifiers %group2modcmd %group2used); $quis= $0; $quis =~ s,.*/,,; $mode= ''; $doall= 0; $etcfile= "/etc/bind/chiark-conf-gen.zones"; $where= ''; $debug= 0; $needglue= 1; $localonly= 0; $verbosity= 2; $admin=''; $mail_state_dir=''; $mail_max_warnfreq= 50; $repeat= 0; $domail= ''; $modifiers= ''; $group2modcmd{'foreign'}= '$!*@?'; $group2used{'foreign'}= 1; ($progress_fh= $stdout_fh= new_from_fd IO::Handle(1,'w') and $warn_fh= $stderr_fh = new_from_fd IO::Handle(2,'w')) or die "$quis: setup standard filehandles: $!\n"; use vars qw($dig_owner $dig_type $dig_rdata); while (@ARGV && $ARGV[0] =~ m/^\-/) { $_= shift @ARGV; if (s/^\-\-//) { last if m/^$/; if (m/^(yes|no|force)$/) { m/^./; $mode= $&; $domail=''; } elsif (m/^nothing$/) { $mode= 'x'; $domail=''; } elsif (m/^mail\-(first|middle|final|final\-test)$/) { $mode='n'; $domail=$1; } elsif (m/^all$/) { $doall=1; } elsif (m/^config$/) { $etcfile= loarg(); $where= '--config option'; } elsif (m/^glueless$/) { $needglue=0; } elsif (m/^localonly$/) { $localonly=1; } elsif (m/^quiet$/) { $verbosity--; } elsif (m/^repeat$/) { $repeat=1; } elsif (m/^verbose$/) { $verbosity++; } else { usageerr("unknown option --$_"); } } else { s/^\-//; last if m/^$/; while (m/^./) { if (s/^[ynf]//) { $mode=$&; $domail=''; } elsif (s/^A//) { $doall=1; } elsif (s/^C//) { $etcfile= soarg(); $where= '-C option'; } elsif (s/^D//) { $debug++; } elsif (s/^g//) { $needglue=0; } elsif (s/^l//) { $localonly=1; } elsif (s/^m(\w+)(\W+)$//) { my ($g,$m) = ($1,$2); $group2modcmd{$g}=$m; usageerr("modifiers $m for group $g: $@") if bad_modifiers($m); } elsif (s/^q//) { $verbosity--; } elsif (s/^r//) { $repeat=1; } elsif (s/^v//) { $verbosity++; } else { usageerr("unknown option -$&"); } } } } sub loarg() { usageerr("missing option value") if !@ARGV; return shift @ARGV; } sub soarg() { my ($rv); $rv=$_; $_=''; return length $rv ? $rv : loarg(); } usageerr("-q may be specified at most twice") if $verbosity<0; usageerr("-v may be specified at most once") if $verbosity>3; usageerr("-D may be specified at most twice") if $debug>2; usageerr("must specify either -f|-y|-n or zones (and not both)") if !!$mode == !!@ARGV && !$domail; sub usageerr ($) { die <... operation modes: -f --force install without checking -y --yes check and install -n --no check only (configured zones) --nothing list zones only --mail-* send mail about broken zones (see manpage) ... check only (specified zones, even unconfigured ones) additional options: -A --all report on zones marked ? (ones we know are broken) -D debug $quis (does not help debug your DNS config) -g --glueless do not warn about any glueless referrals (not recommended) -l --localonly full checks only on zones which we primary -q --quiet no output for OK zones -r --repeat repeat warnings for all sources of imperfect data -v --verbose extra verbose info about each zone -C|--config close or die "$quis: write messages to stdout: $!\n"; $stderr_fh->close or die "$quis: write messages to stderr: $!\n"; exit 0; #-------------------- configuration reading sub cfg_fail ($) { die "$quis: $where:\n $_[0]\n"; } sub read_config ($) { my ($if) = @_; my ($fh,$z,@self,$before,$group, $mod,$dir,$prefix,$suffix,$subfile,$lprefix,$lsuffix,$zf); local ($_); $fh= new IO::File $if,'r' or cfg_fail("open $if:\n $!"); $before= ''; for (;;) { if (!defined($_= <$fh>)) { cfg_fail("read config file $if:\n $!") if $fh->error(); last; } chomp; s/\s+$//; if (s/\\$//) { $before.= $_; next; } $_= $before.$_; $before= ''; s/^\s+//; $where= "$if:$."; next if m/^\#/; last if m/^end$/; next unless m/\S/; if (m/^self(\-ns|\-soa|)\s+(\S.*\S)/) { @self= split /\s+/, $2; @self_ns= @self if $1 ne '-soa'; @self_soa= @self if $1 ne '-ns'; } elsif (m/^serverless\-glueless\s+(\S.*\S)/) { @conv_glueless= split /\s+/, $1; } elsif (m/^self\-addr\s+([0-9. \t]+)/) { @self_addr= split /\s+/, $1; } elsif (m/^forbid\-addr(?:\s+([0-9. \t]+))?/) { @forbid_addr= defined $1 ? split /\s+/, $1 : (); } elsif (m,^ primary\-dir (\W*) \s+ (\S+)/([^/ \t]*) (?: \s+ ([^/ \t]*) (?: (/.+) )? )? $,x) { ($mod, $dir, $prefix, $suffix, $subfile) = ($1,qualify($2),$3,$4,$5); cfg_fail("modifiers $mod for directory $dir: $@") if bad_modifiers($mod); $suffix= '' if !defined $suffix; $subfile= '' if !defined $subfile; $suffix= '_db' if !length $suffix && !length $subfile; if (-d "$dir/$prefix") { $dir.='/'; $dir.=$prefix; $prefix=''; } opendir D, $dir or cfg_fail("open primary-dir $dir:\n $!"); $lprefix= length $prefix; $lsuffix= length $suffix; while (defined($_= readdir D)) { next if m/^\./ && !$lprefix; next unless length > $lprefix+$lsuffix; next unless substr($_,0,$lprefix) eq $prefix; next unless substr($_,length($_)-$lsuffix) eq $suffix; $z= substr($_,$lprefix,length($_)-($lprefix+$lsuffix)); $zf= $dir.'/'.$prefix.$z.$suffix.$subfile; if (!stat $zf) { next if length $subfile && $! == &ENOENT; cfg_fail("cannot stat zonefile $zf:\n $!"); } -f _ or cfg_fail("zonefile $zf is not a plain file"); zone_conf($z,'primary','p',$mod,$zf); } closedir D or cfg_fail("close primary-dir $dir:\n $!"); } elsif (m/^primary(\W*)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)$/) { zone_conf($2,'primary','p',$1,qualify($3)); } elsif (m/^published(\W*)\s+(\S+)\s+([0-9.\t]+)$/) { zone_conf($2,'published','s',$1,'',$3); } elsif (m/^stealth(\W*)\s+(\S+)\s+([0-9. \t]+)$/) { zone_conf($2,'stealth','u',$1,'',split /\s+/, $3); } elsif (m/^modifiers\s+(\W+)(?:\s+(\w+))$/) { ($mod,$group) = ($1,$2); cfg_fail("modifiers $mod for group $group: $@") if bad_modifiers($mod); if (exists $group2modcmd{$group}) { $mod= $group2modcmd{$group}; $group2used{$group}++; } $modifiers= $mod; } elsif (m/^slave\-dir\s+(\S+)(?:(?:\s+(\S+))\s+(\S+))?$/) { ($slave_dir, $slave_prefix, $slave_suffix) = (qualify($1),$2,$3); $slave_prefix='' if !defined $slave_prefix; $slave_suffix='' if !defined $slave_suffix; } elsif (m/^output\s+bind8\+(\S+)$/) { cfg_fail("default output may not apply to only some zones") if @zone_cfg_list && length $default_output; set_output(qualify($1)); } elsif (m/^include\s+(\S+)$/) { read_config($1); } elsif (m/^admin\s+(\S+)$/) { $admin=$1; } elsif (m/^mail\-state\-dir\s+(\S+)$/) { $mail_state_dir= $1; } elsif (m/^mail\-max\-warnfreq\s+(\d{1,3}(?:\.\d{0,5})?)$/) { cfg_fail("mail-max-warnfreq must be <=100") if $1>100; $mail_max_warnfreq= $1; } else { cfg_fail("unknown configuration directive". " or incorrect syntax or arguments:\n". " \`$_'"); } } foreach $group (keys %group2modcmd) { next if exists $group2used{$group}; cfg_fail("command line specifies modifier group $group". " but missing in configuration file"); } $fh->close or cfg_fail("close config file $if:\n $!"); } sub qualify ($) { my ($i) = @_; $i= "$default_dir$i" unless $i =~ m,^/,; return $i; } sub bad_modifiers ($) { local ($_) = @_; if (!eval { die "bad modifier $&" if m/[^!*\$\@~?]/; die "repeated modifier $1" if m/(.).*\1/; 1; }) { $@ =~ s/\n//; return 1; } return 0; } sub zone_conf ($$$$$@) { my ($zone,$style,$sabbr,$mod,$file,@servers) = @_; my ($sfx,$aref); $file= qualify("$slave_dir/$slave_prefix".$zone.$slave_suffix) unless length $file; if (!length $output) { $default_output= qualify('chiark-conf-gen.bind8') unless length $default_output; set_output($default_output); } cfg_fail("redefined zone $zone\n". " earlier definition $zone_cfg{$zone}{'where'}") if exists $zone_cfg{$zone}; $zone_cfg{$zone}{'where'}= $where; $zone_cfg{$zone}{'file'}= $file; $zone_cfg{$zone}{'style_p'}= $style.$mod; $zone_cfg{$zone}{'s'}= "$sabbr $mod $modifiers"; # p)rimary s)econdary u)npub f)oreign # followed by modifiers, first per-zone, then default $zone_cfg{$zone}{'servers'}= [ @servers ]; if ($domail) { length $admin && length $mail_state_dir or cfg_fail("mailing but failed to specify admin". " or mail-state-dir before zone"); $zone_cfg{$zone}{'admin'}= $admin; $zone_cfg{$zone}{'maildir'}= qualify($mail_state_dir); $zone_cfg{$zone}{'mailmwarn'}= $mail_max_warnfreq; } foreach $sfx (qw(self_soa self_ns self_addr forbid_addr conv_glueless)) { { no strict 'refs'; $aref= [ @$sfx ]; } @$aref or cfg_fail("failed to specify $sfx before zone") if $sfx =~ m/^self/; $zone_cfg{$zone}{$sfx}= $aref; } foreach $sfx (qw(self_soa self_ns)) { map { s/\*$/$zone/ } @{ $zone_cfg{$zone}{$sfx} }; } $zone_cfg{$zone}{'output'}= $output; push @zone_cfg_list, $zone; } sub set_output($) { my ($newout) = @_; $output= $newout; $output_contents{$output}= ''; } #-------------------- checking use vars qw($zone $cfg $warnings %zone_warnings); $warnings= 0; sub progress ($$) { my ($minv,$m) = @_; return if $verbosity < $minv; print $progress_fh "$m\n" or die "$quis: $zone: write log: $!\n"; } sub verbose ($) { progress(3, ' ' . $_[0]); } sub process_zones (@) { my (@zones) = @_; local ($zone,$cfg); foreach $zone (@zones) { $cfg= $zone_cfg{$zone} || { 'style_p' => 'foreign', 's' => "f $group2modcmd{'foreign'}", 'servers' => [ ], }; mail_zone_before() or next if $domail; zone_reset(); progress(1, sprintf "%-20s %s", $zone, $$cfg{'style_p'}); if ($check && ($doall || !zone_style('?',0))) { eval { if ($localonly && $cfg->{'s'} =~ m/f/) { zone_warning("foreign zone specified with -l",''); } elsif ($localonly && $cfg->{'s'} !~ m/p/) { zone_check_local(); } else { zone_check_full(); } }; zone_warning("checks failed: $@",'') if length $@; } $output_contents{$$cfg{'output'}} .= zone_output() if $install; mail_zone_after() if $domail; } if ($domail) { } elsif ($warnings) { printf STDERR ("%s: %d warning(s) in %d zone(s);". " %d zone(s) checked ok.\n", $quis, $warnings, scalar(keys %zone_warnings), scalar(@zones - keys %zone_warnings)); } else { progress(1, sprintf "%d zone(s) checked ok", scalar @zones); } } use vars qw(%delgs); # $delgs{$nameserver_list} = [ $whosaidandwhy ] use vars qw(%auths); # $auths{$nameserver_list} = [ $whosaidandwhy ] use vars qw(%glue); # $glue{$name}{$addr_list} = [ $whosaidandwhy ] use vars qw(%soas); # $soa{"$serial $origin"} = [ $whosaidandwhy ] use vars qw(%addr_is_ok %warned); use vars qw($delg_to_us); use vars qw(@to_check); # ($addr,$whyask,$name_if_auth,$glueless_ok, ...) use vars qw(@to_check_soa); # ($addr,$whyask,$name,$is_ns, ...) sub zone_warning ($$) { my ($w,$o) = @_; my ($wk); return 0 if !$repeat && $warned{$w}++; $w =~ s/\n$//; $w =~ s,\n, // ,g; $w .= " ($o)" if length $o; print $warn_fh "$zone: warning: $w\n" or die $!; $warnings++; $zone_warnings{$zone}++; return 1; } sub zone_warnmore ($) { print $warn_fh "$zone: $_[0]\n" or die $!; } sub zone_check_full () { zone_investigate(); zone_consistency(); zone_servers_ok(); } sub zone_reset() { %delgs= %auths= %glue= %soas= %warned= %addr_is_ok= (); $delg_to_us= 0; @to_check= @to_check_soa= (); } sub zone_investigate() { my ($super_zone, @start_nsnames, $start_ww, $start_ns, @start_ns_addrs, $s, $wa, $name_if_auth, %nsrrset_checked, %soa_checked, $addr, $glueless_ok, $rcode, $name, $is_ns); if (!zone_style('*',0)) { $super_zone= $zone; for (;;) { debug_trace("zone $zone superzone $super_zone"); $super_zone eq '.' and die "no superzone ? ($super_zone)\n"; $super_zone =~ s/^[^.]+\.// or $super_zone= '.'; ($rcode,@start_nsnames)= lookup($super_zone,'ns-','06',"superzone search"); last if !$rcode; } $start_ww= "server for $super_zone"; } else { ($rcode,@start_nsnames)= lookup($zone,'ns-','0',"initial nameserver search"); $start_ww= "nameserver for $zone"; } for $start_ns (@start_nsnames) { $start_ns= lc $start_ns; ($rcode,@start_ns_addrs)= lookup($start_ns,'a','0',"$start_ww"); foreach $addr (@start_ns_addrs) { push @to_check, $addr, "$start_ns, $start_ww", undef, 0; } } for (;;) { # We do these in order so that we always do NS RRset checks on # nameservers that came from other NS RRsets first; otherwise # we might set nsrrset_checked due to a glueless_ok check, # and then not check for gluefulness later. debug_dump('@to_check @to_check_soa'); if (($addr,$wa,$name_if_auth,$glueless_ok,@to_check) = @to_check) { push @to_check_soa, $addr, $wa, $name_if_auth, 1, if defined $name_if_auth; next if $nsrrset_checked{$addr}++; zone_check_nsrrset($addr, $wa, $name_if_auth, $glueless_ok); } elsif (($addr,$wa,$name,$is_ns,@to_check_soa) = @to_check_soa) { next if $soa_checked{$addr}++; zone_check_soa($addr,$wa,$name,$is_ns); } else { last; } } } sub zone_check_nsrrset ($$$$) { my ($uaddr,$wa, $name_if_auth, $glueless_ok) = @_; my (@s, $s, $a, %s2g, @glue, $glue, $delgs_or_auths, $wwn, $ww); my ($rcode); $ww= "[$uaddr] $wa"; verbose("checking delegation by $ww"); dig(sub { if ($dig_type eq 'ns' && $dig_owner eq $zone) { $s2g{lc $dig_rdata} = [ ]; } elsif ($dig_type eq 'a' && exists $s2g{$dig_owner}) { $wwn= "in glue from $ww"; zone_server_queue($dig_rdata,$dig_owner,$wwn,"NS [$uaddr]",0); push @{ $s2g{$dig_owner} }, $dig_rdata; } }, $zone,'ns',$uaddr); if (!%s2g) { zone_warning("unable to find NS RRset at [$uaddr]", $wa); return; } elsif (keys %s2g == 1) { zone_warning("only one nameserver ". (join '', keys %s2g), $ww); } @s= sort keys %s2g; foreach $s (@s) { zone_ns_name($s,$ww); @glue= @{ $s2g{$s} }; if (!@glue) { zone_warning("glueless NS $s", $ww) unless $glueless_ok || zone_style('~',!$needglue) || grep { has_suffix_of($zone,".$_"); } @{ $cfg->{'conv_glueless'} }; ($rcode,@glue)= lookup($s,'a','0',"glueless NS from $ww"); foreach $a (@glue) { $wwn= "glueless NS from $ww"; zone_server_queue($a,$s,$wwn,"NS [$uaddr]",0); } } $glue= join ' ', sort @glue; push @{ $glue{$s}{$glue} }, $ww; } $s= join ' ', @s; $delgs_or_auths= defined($name_if_auth) ? \%auths : \%delgs; push @{ $delgs_or_auths->{$s} }, $ww; } sub zone_ns_name ($$) { my ($name,$ww) = @_; my ($cg); $delg_to_us=1 if grep { $name eq $_ } @{ $cfg->{'self_ns'} }; foreach $cg (@{ $cfg->{'conv_glueless'} }) { zone_warning("nameserver $name in serverless-glueless". " namespace area $cg", $ww) if has_suffix_of(".$name",".$cg"); } zone_warning("published server, as $name, but configured as stealth", $ww) if $cfg->{'s'} =~ m/u/ && grep { $_ eq $name } @{ $cfg->{'self_ns'} }, @{ $cfg->{'self_soa'} }; } sub zone_server_queue ($$$$$) { my ($addr,$name,$wwn,$wwq,$is_soa) = @_; zone_server_addr($addr,$name,$wwn,$wwq,$is_soa); push @to_check, $addr, "$name, $wwn", $name, $is_soa; } sub zone_server_addr ($$$$$) { my ($addr,$name,$ww,$wwq,$is_soa) = @_; debug_trace("zone_server_addr ".join '|',@_); $addr_is_ok{$addr}= "$name ($wwq)" if $is_soa || $cfg->{'s'} =~ m/u/; zone_warning("forbidden nameserver address [$addr] $name",$ww) if grep { $_ eq $addr } @{ $cfg->{'forbid_addr'} }; my ($name_is_self, $addr_is_self); $name_is_self= grep { $_ eq $name } @{ $cfg->{$is_soa ? 'self_soa' : 'self_ns'} }; $addr_is_self= grep { $_ eq $addr } @{ $cfg->{'self_addr'} }; if ($name_is_self && !$addr_is_self) { zone_warning("our $name supplied with wrong address [$addr]", $ww); } if (!$name_is_self && $addr_is_self) { zone_warning("we [$addr] are named in ". ($is_soa ? "SOA" : "NS"). " by wrong name $name", $ww); } if (!$name_is_self && !$addr_is_self && $is_soa && $cfg->{'s'} =~ m/p/) { zone_warning("SOA ORIGIN $name is not us (". (join ' ', @{ $cfg->{'self_soa'} }).")", $ww); } $delg_to_us=1 if $addr_is_self && !$is_soa; } sub zone_check_soa ($$$$) { my ($uaddr,$wa,$name,$is_ns) = @_; my ($lame,$serial,$origin,$got,$rcode,@soa_addrs,$soa_addr,$ww,$wwn); verbose("checking service at [$uaddr] $name"); $lame= 'dead or lame'; $ww= "[$uaddr] $wa"; dig(sub { if ($dig_type eq 'flags:') { $lame= $dig_rdata =~ m/ aa / ? '' : 'lame'; } elsif ($dig_type eq 'soa' && $dig_owner eq $zone && !$lame) { die "several SOAs ? $ww" if defined $origin; $got= $dig_rdata; $got =~ m/^(\d+) (\S+)$/ or die "$got ?"; ($serial,$origin) = ($1,$2); } }, $zone,'soa',$uaddr); $lame= 'broken' if !$lame && !defined $origin; if ($lame) { zone_warning("$lame server [$uaddr]",$wa); return; } progress(2, sprintf "%-16s %46s has %s%s", $zone, "$name [$uaddr]", $serial, $is_ns ? '' : '*'); push @{ $soas{$got} }, $ww; ($rcode,@soa_addrs)= lookup($origin,'a','0',"SOA ORIGIN"); $wwn= "SOA ORIGIN from $ww"; foreach $soa_addr (@soa_addrs) { zone_server_queue($soa_addr,$origin,$wwn,"SOA [$uaddr]",1); } } sub zone_consistency() { my ($d, $org_ser, $origin, $a, $h, $self_soa, $wa); zone_consistency_set('delegations',\%delgs); foreach $d (keys %delgs) { delete $auths{$d}; } zone_consistency_set('zone nameserver rrset',\%auths); foreach $h (keys %glue) { zone_consistency_set("glue for $h", $glue{$h}); } zone_consistency_set("serial number and/or SOA ORIGIN",\%soas); $self_soa= $cfg->{'self_soa'}; } sub zone_servers_ok () { my ($showok,%fs); if (%addr_is_ok) { $showok= 0; foreach $a (@{ $cfg->{'servers'} }) { next if exists $addr_is_ok{$a}; zone_warning("we slave from [$a]",'') and $showok=1; } if ($showok) { foreach $a (keys %addr_is_ok) { zone_warnmore("permitted master [$a] $addr_is_ok{$a}"); } } } if ($cfg->{'s'} =~ m/s/ && !$delg_to_us) { zone_warning("we are supposedly published secondary,". " but not listed as a nameserver",''); map { $fs{$_}=1 } keys(%delgs), keys(%auths); zone_warnmore("servers are: ". join ' ', sort keys %fs); } } sub zone_consistency_set ($%) { my ($msg,$set) = @_; my ($d,$o); if (keys(%$set) > 1) { zone_warning("inconsistent $msg:",''); foreach $d (keys %$set) { foreach $o (@{ $set->{$d} }) { zone_warnmore(" $d from $o"); } } } } sub zone_check_local () { zone_servers_simplefind(); zone_servers_ok(); } sub zone_servers_simplefind () { my ($rcode,@nsnames,$ns,@soas,$origin); ($rcode,@nsnames)= lookup($zone,'ns-','0',"zone's servers"); foreach $ns (@nsnames) { zone_ns_name($ns,"NS"); zone_server_simple($ns,'NS',0); } $delgs{join ' ', sort @nsnames} = [ "zone's servers" ]; ($rcode,@soas)= lookup($zone,'soa','0',"SOA ORIGIN"); die "multiple SOA RRs in set! @soas ?" if @soas!=1; $soas[0] =~ m/^(\S+)\s/ or die "SOA ? $_"; zone_server_simple(domain_canon($1,"lookup $zone SOA"),'SOA',1); } sub zone_server_simple ($$$) { my ($name,$ww,$is_soa) = @_; my ($rcode,@addrs,$addr); ($rcode,@addrs)= lookup($name,'a','0', "server - ". ($is_soa ? "SOA ORIGIN" : "NS")); foreach $addr (@addrs) { zone_server_addr($addr,$name,$ww,$ww,$is_soa); } } sub zone_style ($$) { my ($stylechar, $default) = @_; local ($_) = $$cfg{'s'}; $stylechar =~ s/\W/\\$&/ or die; return m/(\S*)$stylechar/ ? $1 !~ m/\!/ : $default; } #-------------------- mailing use vars qw($m_base $m_lastok @m_ok @m_fail $m_info $m_time $m_lock $m_m); sub mail_zone_before () { my (@s1,@s2); $m_base= $$cfg{'maildir'}.'/'.$zone; $m_lastok= '-'; @m_ok= (); @m_fail= (); for (;;) { $m_lock= new IO::File "${m_base}_lock", O_RDWR|O_CREAT, 0600 or die "$quis: create lockfile ${m_base}_lock: $!\n"; if (!flock($m_lock, LOCK_EX|LOCK_NB)) { <$m_lock> =~ m/^\d+ /; die "$quis: $zone: concurrrency? - flock $&$!\n"; $m_lock->close; return 0; } (@s1= $m_lock->stat) or die "$quis: fstat ${m_base}_lock: $!\n"; (@s2= stat "${m_base}_lock") or die "$quis: stat ${m_base}_lock: $!\n"; last if ($s1[0] eq $s2[0] && $s1[1] eq $s2[1]); $m_lock->close; } (print $m_lock "$$ \n" and $m_lock->flush) or die "$quis: write pid to ${m_base}_lock: $!\n"; if ($m_info= new IO::File "${m_base}_info", 'r') { $!=0; $_= <$m_info>; $_ =~ m/\n/ or die "$quis: read ${m_base}_info: $!\n"; m/^\d+ (\d+|-) ([0-9:]*) ([0-9:]*) / or die "$quis: ${m_base}_info malformed\n"; $m_lastok= $1; if ($domail ne 'first') { if ($2 eq ':' && $3 eq ':') { warn "$quis: $zone: mid/last run, but last". "run already done, ignoring zone\n"; return 0; } @m_ok= split /\:/, $2; @m_fail= split /\:/, $3; } } elsif ($! != &ENOENT) { die "$quis: open ${m_base}_info: $!\n"; } elsif ($domail ne 'first') { warn "$quis: $zone: first run, but not --mail-first,". " ignoring zone\n"; return 0; } if ($domail eq 'first') { remove "${m_base}_history" or $!==&ENOENT or die "$quis: remove ${m_base}_history: $!\n"; } $progress_fh= $warn_fh= new IO::File "${m_base}_history",'a',0666 or die "$quis: open ${m_base}_history: $!\n"; $m_info= new IO::File "${m_base}_info.tmp",'w',0666 or die "$quis: open ${m_base}_info.tmp: $!\n"; $m_time= time; progress(-1, "\n".('-'x70)."\n".ptime($m_time)."\n"); return 1; } sub mail_zone_after () { if ($zone_warnings{$zone}) { push @m_fail, $m_time; progress(-1,"failed - $zone_warnings{$zone} warnings"); } else { push @m_ok, $m_time; $m_lastok= $m_time; progress(-1,"everything is fine"); } close $progress_fh or die "$quis: close ${m_base}_history: $!\n"; $progress_fh= $warn_fh= $stderr_fh; if ($domail =~ m/^final/) { if (100*@m_fail <= $$cfg{'mailmwarn'}*(@m_fail + @m_ok)) { printf " %-40s ok\n", $zone or die "$quis: mail ok report: $!\n"; } elsif (zone_style('@',0)) { printf " %-40s mail suppressed\n", $zone or die "$quis: mail suppress report: $!\n"; } else { mail_zone_mail(); } } else { printf " %-40s %d warns. OK %s Fail %s\n", $zone, defined $zone_warnings{$zone} ? $zone_warnings{$zone} : 0, join(',', map { $_ - $m_time } @m_ok), join(',', map { $_ - $m_time } @m_fail) or die "$quis: checking progress report: $!\n"; } @m_fail= @m_ok= ('','') if $domail =~ m/^final/; printf $m_info "%s %s %s %s \n", $m_time, $m_lastok, join(':',@m_ok), join(':',@m_fail) or die "$quis: write new ${m_base}_info: $!\n"; $m_info->close or die "$quis: close new ${m_base}_info: $!\n"; rename "${m_base}_info.tmp", "${m_base}_info" or die "$quis: install new ${m_base}_info: $!\n"; $m_lock->close; } sub pmail ($) { print $m_m $_[0] or die "$quis: write ${m_base}_mail: $!\n"; } sub ptime ($) { my ($time) = @_; return gmtime($time)." GMT ($time)"; } sub mail_zone_mail () { my ($log, $zone_to, $zterr, $c, $r, $t, @soas); $m_m= new IO::File "${m_base}_mail", 'w', 0666 or die "$quis: create ${m_base}_mail: $!\n"; $zone_to=''; $zterr=''; if (!zone_style("\$", $$cfg{'s'} !~ m/[ps]/)) { eval { ($r,@soas)= lookup($zone,'soa','0','problem-addr'); @soas==1 or die "multiple soas\n"; $soas[0] =~ m/^\S+ (\S.*\@\S+) [0-9 ]+$/ or die "bad soa \`$_'\n"; $zone_to= $1; }; $zterr= $@; $zterr =~ s/\n$//; } pmail < Subject: $zone - configuration problems report END ; pmail("To: "); pmail("(testing!) ") if $domail ne 'final'; pmail("SOA MNAME for $zone <$zone_to>\nCC: ") if length($zone_to); pmail($$cfg{'admin'}."\n\n"); pmail <getline); $/= "\n"; (!$log->error and $log->close) or die "$quis: reread or close ${m_base}_log: $!\n"; $log->eof or die; $m_m->close or die "$quis: close ${m_base}_mail: $!\n"; $m_m= new IO::File "${m_base}_mail" or die "$quis: reopen ${m_base}_mail: $!"; defined($c= fork) or die "$quis: fork for mail: $!\n"; if (!$c) { defined dup2($m_m->fileno, 0) or die "$quis - sendmail: dup for stdin: $!\n"; exec (qw(/usr/sbin/sendmail -odb -oee -oi), ($domail eq 'final' ? '-t' : $$cfg{'admin'})); die "$quis - sendmail: exec: $!\n"; } $m_m->close; $!=0; $r= waitpid $c,0; $r == $c or die "$quis: waitpid sendmail ($c): $r $!"; $? and warn "$quis: sendmail failed: $?\n"; printf " %-40s %s\n", $zone, length $zone_to ? $zone_to : 'reporting to admin' or die "$quis: write mailing report: $!\n"; } #-------------------- outputting sub zone_output () { my ($o,$m); $o= "zone \"$zone\" {\n"; if ($$cfg{'s'} =~ m/p/) { $o.= " type master;\n"; } else { $o.= " type slave;\n". " masters {\n"; foreach $m (@{ $$cfg{'servers'} }) { $o.= " $m;\n"; } $o.= " };\n"; } $o.= " file \"$$cfg{'file'}\";\n"; $o.= "};\n"; return $o; } sub output_files () { my ($fn,$ofn,$mfn,$l,$dir, $maxmode,$h,@to_install); foreach $ofn (keys %output_contents) { $fn= $ofn; $mfn= "output file $fn"; for (;;) { if (!lstat $fn) { $! == &ENOENT or die "$quis: stat $mfn:\n $!\n"; $maxmode= 0666; last; } elsif (-f _) { $maxmode= (stat _)[2]; last; } elsif (-l _) { defined($l= readlink $fn) or die "$quis: readlink $mfn:\n $!\n"; $dir= $fn =~ m,^.*/, ? $& : './'; $fn= "$dir$l" unless $l =~ m,^/,; $mfn= "output file $fn (symlink target of $ofn)"; } else { die "$quis: output file $mfn exists but is not a file". " (or symlink to one)"; } } unlink "$fn.new" or $! == &ENOENT or die "$quis: cannot clear out old .new version of $mfn:\n $!"; $h= new IO::File "$fn.new",'w',$maxmode or die("$quis: create .new version of $mfn:\n $!"); print $h "# generated by $quis, do not edit\n", $output_contents{$ofn} or die "$quis: write data to .new version of $mfn:\n $!"; $h->close or die "$quis: close .new version of $mfn:\n $!"; push @to_install, $fn,$mfn; } while (($fn,$mfn, @to_install) = @to_install) { rename "$fn.new",$fn or die "$quis: install new version of $mfn:\n $!"; } } #-------------------- general utilities sub debug_dump ($) { my ($vn); return unless $debug>1; local $Data::Dumper::Terse=1; foreach $vn (split /\s+/, $_[0]) { print "$vn := ", eval "Dumper(\\$vn)"; } } sub debug_trace ($) { return unless $debug; print "D $_[0]\n"; } sub has_suffix_of ($$) { my ($whole,$suffix) = @_; debug_trace("has_suffix_of $whole $suffix"); return 0 if length $whole < length $suffix; return 0 if substr($whole, length($whole) - length($suffix)) ne $suffix; debug_trace("has_suffix_of $whole $suffix YES"); return 1; } sub lookup ($$$$) { my ($domain,$type,$okrcodes,$w) = @_; my ($c,$h,@result); debug_trace("lookup ==> (->$okrcodes) $domain $type"); $h= new IO::Handle; defined($c= open $h, "-|") or die "$quis: fork adnshost:\n $!\n"; if (!$c) { exec 'adnshost','-Fi','+Do','+Dt','+Dc','-Cf',"-t$type", '-',"$domain"; die "$quis: exec adnshost:\n $!\n"; } @result= $h->getlines(); $h->error and die "$quis: read from adnshost:\n $!\n"; chomp @result; $!=0; $h->close; die "$quis: lookup -t$type $domain $okrcodes ($w) failed $? $! @result\n" if $! or $?&255 or $?>1536 or index($okrcodes,$?>>8)<0; debug_trace("lookup <== $? @result"); return ($?,@result); } sub dig (&$$$) { my ($eachrr, $qowner,$qtype,$qaddr) = @_; # also pseudo-rr with type `flags:' my ($h,$inmid,$irdata,$c,$digwhy); local ($_); debug_trace("dig ==> \@$qaddr $qowner $qtype"); $h= new IO::Handle; defined($c= open $h, "-|") or die "$quis: fork dig:\n $!\n"; if (!$c) { open STDERR, ">&STDOUT" or die $!; exec ('dig', '+nodef','+nosea','+nodebug','+norecurse', "\@$qaddr",'-t',$qtype,$qowner); die "$quis: exec dig:\n $!\n"; } $inmid=''; for (;;) { if (!defined($_= $h->getline())) { $h->error() and die "$quis: read from dig:\n $!\n"; last; } chomp; if (length $inmid) { s/^\s+/ / or die "$inmid // $_ ?"; s/\;.*$//; $_= $inmid.$_; $inmid=''; s/$/ \(/ unless s/\s*\)\s*$//; } if (s/\s*\(\s*$//) { $inmid= $_; next; } $digwhy= "dig $qowner $qtype $qaddr \`$_'"; if (m/^\;\; flags\:( [-0-9a-z ]+)\;/) { $dig_owner=''; $dig_type='flags:'; $dig_rdata= "$1 "; debug_trace("dig f: $dig_rdata"); &$eachrr; } elsif (m/^\;/) { } elsif (!m/\S/) { } elsif (m/^([-.0-9a-z]+)\s+\d\w+\s+in\s+([a-z]+)\s+(\S.*)/i) { $dig_owner=domain_canon($1,$digwhy); $dig_type=lc $2; $irdata=$3; if ($dig_type eq 'a') { $irdata =~ m/^[.0-9]+$/ or die "$irdata ?"; $dig_rdata= $&; } elsif ($dig_type eq 'ns') { $irdata =~ m/^[-.0-9a-z]+$/i or die "bad nameserver $irdata ?"; $dig_rdata= domain_canon($irdata,$digwhy); } elsif ($dig_type eq 'soa') { $irdata =~ m/^([-.0-9a-z]+)\s+.*\s+(\d+)(?:\s+\d\w+){4}$/i or die "bad SOA $irdata ?"; $dig_rdata= $2.' '.domain_canon($1,$digwhy); } else { debug_trace("ignoring uknown RR type $dig_type"); next; } debug_trace("dig $dig_owner $dig_type $dig_rdata"); &$eachrr; } else { debug_trace("ignoring unknown dig output $_"); } } $h->close; debug_trace("dig <== gave $?"); } sub domain_canon ($$) { my ($i,$w) = @_; $i =~ s/(.)\.$/$1/; return '.' if $i eq '.'; die "domain $i ($w) ?" unless $i =~ m/^[0-9a-z]/i; return lc $i; }