#!/usr/bin/tclsh8.4 set comment { # Use of the screen: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 xxx| hh hh hh hh hh hh hh hh hh hh hh hh hh hh hh hh_| abcd e_.. .... ...._| } # Display: # | is a vertical delimiter # hh are hex digits of output: # 00-ff actual hex data (bold for stuff we entered) # 0-f under cursor: one digit entered, need the next # abcde_.... are ASCII output: # . things we can't print including SPC and _ # in both, we may see # space we haven't yet filled # _ cursor when in other tab # xxx number of bytes read/written so far # Keystrokes: # TAB switch between hex and literal mode # ^C, ^D quit # ^Z suspend # Keystrokes in hex mode only: # RET move to a new line; if already at start of line, # set count to 0 # DEL clear any entered hex digit # SPC send 00 # nyi: # G-Z record last bytes we transmitted and store in memory # if we were halfway through a hex byte, first digit # is length of string to record # g-z play back memory if {[llength $argv] != 1} { error "need serial port arg" } set port [lindex $argv 0] set count 0 set lit 0 ;# 1 means literal (ASCII) entry mode proc p {s} { puts -nonewline $s } proc tput {args} { global tput if {[catch { set s $tput($args) }]} { set s [eval exec tput $args] set tput($args) $s } p $s } proc csr_pos {lit bytenum} { set x [expr { (!$lit ? (3*$bytenum) : 53+$bytenum) + ($bytenum>>2) - (2-$lit)*($bytenum==16) + 5 }] tput hpa $x } proc csr_this {} { global lit x; csr_pos $lit $x } proc csr_other {} { global lit x; csr_pos [expr {!$lit}] $x } proc csrs_erase {} { csr_this; p " "; csr_other; p " " } proc csr_this_show {} { global h1 csr_this; if {[info exists h1]} { p $h1; p "\b" } } proc csrs_show {} { csr_other; p _ csr_this_show } proc newline {} { global x count if {[info exists x]} { csrs_erase; p "\r\n" } set x 0 p [format "%3x|%*s|%*s|" $count 52 "" 21 ""] csrs_show } proc p_ch_spaces {} { global x lit if {$x==15} return if {$lit} { p " " } if {($x & 3) != 3} return p " " } proc p_rmso {smso} { if {[string length $smso]} { tput sgr0 } } proc ch {d smso} { global lit x count if {$x == 16} newline if {[string length $smso]} { tput $smso } set h [format %02x [expr {$d & 0xff}]] set c [format %c [expr {($d > 33 && $d < 127 && $d != 95) ? $d : 46}]] if {$lit} { p $c; csr_other; p $h p_ch_spaces p_rmso $smso p _ } else { p $h; csr_other; p $c p_ch_spaces p_rmso $smso p _ } incr x set count [expr {($count+1) & 0xfff}] csr_this_show } proc onreadp {} { global p while 1 { set c [read $p 1] binary scan $c c* d if {![llength $d]} { if {[eof $p]} { error "eof on device" } return } ch $d {} } } proc transmit {d} { global p puts -nonewline $p [format %c $d] ch $d bold } proc k_newline {} { global count x if {$x} { newline } else { set count 0 p "\r" p [format %3x $count] csr_this } } proc k_switch {} { global lit h1 csrs_erase catch { unset h1 } set lit [expr {!$lit}] csrs_show } proc k_stop {} { restore exit 0 } proc k_suspend {} { restore exec kill -TSTP [info pid] setup } proc k_noparthex {} { global h1 csrs_erase catch { unset h1 } csrs_show } proc k_hexdigit {c} { global h1 if {![info exists h1]} { set h1 $c; p $c; p "\b"; return } set d [expr 0x${h1}${c}] unset h1 transmit $d } proc onreadk {} { global lit while 1 { set c [read stdin 1] binary scan $c c* d if {![llength $d]} { if {[eof stdin]} { error "eof on stdin" } return } switch -exact $d { 9 { k_switch; continue } 3 - 4 { k_stop; continue } 26 { k_suspend; continue } } if {$lit} { transmit $d; continue } switch -exact $d { 13 { k_newline; continue } 127 { k_noparthex; continue } 32 { transmit 0; continue } } if {$d >= 48 && $d <= 57} { k_hexdigit $c; continue } set kl [expr {$d | 32}] if {$d >= 97 && $d <= 102} { k_hexdigit $c; continue } p "\a" } } proc try {script} { if {[catch { uplevel 1 $script } emsg]} { catch { puts stderr "(warning: $emsg)" } } } proc tryv {variable script} { upvar #0 $variable var if {![info exists var]} return uplevel 1 " global $variable $script " unset var } proc restore {} { tryv x { puts "\r\n" } try { fconfigure stdin -blocking true } try { fconfigure stdout -blocking true } tryv term_stty { exec stty $term_stty } tryv p { close $p } } proc setup {} { global term_stty port p set term_stty [exec stty -g] set p [open $port {RDWR NONBLOCK} 0] exec stty min 1 time 0 -istrip -ocrnl -onlcr -onocr -opost \ -ctlecho -echo -echoe -echok -echonl -iexten -isig \ -icanon -icrnl exec stty -F $port min 1 time 0 -istrip -ocrnl -onlcr -onocr -opost \ -ctlecho -echo -echoe -echok -echonl -iexten -isig \ -icanon -icrnl \ 9600 clocal cread -crtscts -hup -parenb cs8 -cstopb \ -ixoff bs0 cr0 ff0 nl0 -ofill -olcuc fconfigure $p -blocking false -buffering none -encoding binary \ -translation binary fconfigure stdin -blocking false -buffering none -translation binary fconfigure stdout -blocking false -buffering none -translation binary newline fileevent stdin readable onreadk fileevent $p readable onreadp } proc bgerror {m} { try { restore global errorInfo errorCode puts stderr "$m\n$errorCode\n$errorInfo" } exit 127 } if {[catch setup emsg]} { restore error $emsg $errorInfo $errorCode } vwait quit