#!/usr/bin/perl # gnucap2genspic - Copyright 2004 Ian Jackson - see below # # Reads the output from gnucap and outputs a `genspic' file # for use with genspic2gnuplot. Takes no arguments or options. # # Limitations # # Only Freq (.AC) and Time (.TRAN) plots have been tested. If # other types go wrong they can probably be fixed by adding code for # them to startplot(). # # Displaying voltages and currents on the same .TRAN graph won't work # well because they currently have to have the same Y scale. This # could be fixed by assigning carefully to $mmm in startplot(). # # This whole scheme is very clumsy. There should be a driver program # with command-line option parsing. # This program and its documentation are free software; you can # redistribute them and/or modify them under the terms of the GNU # General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; # either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program and its documentation are distributed in the hope that # they will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the # implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR # PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. die if @ARGV; %facttimes= qw(f 1e-15 p 1e-12 n 1e-9 u 1e-6 m 1e-3 K 1e3 Meg 1e6 G 1e9 T 1e12); sub startplot () { $logy2= 0; for ($yn=1; $yn<=$#columns; $yn++) { $mmm[$yn]= 'y'; } if ($kind eq 'Freq') { $logy2= 1; for ($yn=1; $yn<=$#columns; $yn++) { die unless $columns[$yn] =~ m/.*([MP])\(\d+\)$/i; $mmm[$yn]= 'y2' if uc $1 eq 'P'; } } printf "S %s %d", $cplot, $logy2 or die $!; for ($yn=1; $yn<=$#columns; $yn++) { printf " %s:%s", $mmm[$yn], $columns[$yn] or die $!; } print "\n" or die $!; } sub endplot () { return unless defined $kind; print "T\n" or die $!; } $readahead= ; for (;;) { $linesofar= $readahead; for (;;) { $readahead= ; last unless $readahead =~ s/^\+//; die unless length $linesofar; $linesofar =~ s/\n$//; $linesofar .= $readahead; } $_= $linesofar; last unless length; s/\s+$//; if (m/^\#(\w+)/) { endplot(); $kind= $1; @columns= split /\s+/; $cplot= $kind.($counter{$kind}++); startplot(); next; } elsif (!defined $kind) { next; } elsif (s/^\s+//) { @numbers= split /\s+/; map { if (m/^(\-?\d+\.\d*)([A-Za-z]+)$/) { die "factor $2" unless exists $facttimes{$2}; $_= $1*$facttimes{$2}; } } @numbers; print "D @numbers\n" or die $!; } else { die "$_ ?"; } } die "no plots" unless defined $kind; endplot(); print "F\n" or die $!; # $Id: gnucap2genspic,v 1.1 2004-03-24 23:53:41 ianmdlvl Exp $