#!/usr/bin/perl # genspic2gnuplot - Copyright 2004 Ian Jackson - see below # # Reads a `genspic' file on stdin. Takes exactly one arg, . # # Produces various output files: # .gnuplots.sh run this to display results # ,.gnuplot-cmd gnuplot script for displaying: # ,-.gnuplot-data gnuplot-format input data # ,gnuplot-fifo working fifo for .gnuplots.sh # where # is Freq or Time (according to the type of analysis) # is the count, starting at 0, of which report this is from gnucap # is the individual column of Y data # # Limitations # # There's no easy way to mess with the gnuplot settings. # # This whole scheme is very clumsy. There should be a driver program # with command-line option parsing. # This program and its documentation are free software; you can # redistribute them and/or modify them under the terms of the GNU # General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; # either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program and its documentation are distributed in the hope that # they will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the # implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR # PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. die unless @ARGV==1; die if $ARGV[0] =~ m/^\-/; ($ofb)= @ARGV; $sof= "$ofb.gnuplots.sh"; open A, "> $sof" or die $!; system 'chmod','+x',"$sof"; $? and die $?; print A <; print STDERR ">$c< >@s<\n"; if ($c eq 'S') { ($cplot,$logxy,@columns) = @s; $cplot .= $counter{$cplot}++; unshift @columns, 'x:'; @mmm= map { s/^(\w+)\:// or die; $1; } @columns; open S, "> $ofb,$cplot.gnuplot-cmd" or die $!; print S < $ofb,$cplot-$yn.gnuplot-data" or die $!; } } elsif ($c eq 'T') { die unless @mmm; die if @s; foreach $mmm (keys %min) { print S "set ${mmm}range [$min{$mmm}:$max{$mmm}]\n" or die $!; } $sep= "plot "; for ($yn=1; $yn<=$#columns; $yn++) { close "O$yn" or die $!; $mmm[$yn] =~ m/^y2?$/ or die "$mmm[$yn]"; $axes= $mmm[$yn]; $axes =~ s/^y$/y1/; $yoff= 1-$yn; print S "$sep\\\n". " '$ofb,$cplot-$yn.gnuplot-data'". " axes x1$axes title '$columns[$yn]'" or die $!; $sep= ','; } print S "\n\npause -1\n" or die $!; close S or die $!; print A " gnuplot $ofb,$cplot.gnuplot-cmd <\$fi &\n" or die $!; @mmm=@columns=(); } elsif ($c eq 'D') { die unless @mmm; @numbers= @s; print STDERR "$#numbers $#columns.\n"; die unless @numbers == @columns; for ($yn=0; $yn<=$#columns; $yn++) { $_= $numbers[$yn]; $mmm= $mmm[$yn]; $min{$mmm}= $_ unless exists($min{$mmm}) && $min{$mmm} <= $_; $max{$mmm}= $_ unless exists($max{$mmm}) && $max{$mmm} >= $_; if ($yn) { printf {"O$yn"} "%s %s\n", $numbers[0], $_ or die $!; } } } elsif ($c eq 'F') { last; } else { die; } } print A <\$fi printf 'hit return to quit: ' read exec 3>&- END or die $!; close A or die $!; print ": generated ; $sof\n" or die $!; # $Id: genspic2gnuplot,v 1.2 2004-03-25 00:29:59 ianmdlvl Exp $