#!/usr/bin/perl use IO; use Data::Dumper; parse('builtins','DATA'); while (@ARGV) { $_= shift @ARGV; if (m/^\-p(\w+)/) { $prefix= $1; } elsif (m/^\-w(c|h)$/) { $write= $1; } elsif (m/^\-o(.+)$/) { $output= $1; } elsif (m/^\-/) { die "unknown option $_\n"; } else { if (!defined $prefix) { $prefix= $_; $prefix =~ s/\.[^.]+$//; } $x= new IO::File $_,'r' or die "$_: $!\n"; parse($_,$x); } } die "must say -w\n" if !defined $write; sub parse ($$) { my ($wh,$f) = @_; while (defined($_= $f->getline)) { chomp; s/\s+$//; next if m/^\s*\#/; next if !m/\S/; s/\t/ ' 'x(8-(length $`) % 8) /eg; s/^\s*//; $this_indent= length $&; while (@i && $this_indent < $i[0]) { shift @i; } if ($this_indent && (!@i || $this_indent > $i[0])) { unshift @i, $this_indent; } if (@i==0 && m/^Table\s+(\w+)$/) { $c_table= $1; undef $c_entry; } elsif (@i==0 && m/^(C|H)\-Include\s+(\S.*)$/) { o(lc $1, 30, "#include $2\n"); } elsif (@i==1 && m/^([a-z]\w*)$/ && defined $c_table) { $c_entry= $1; $tables{$c_table}{$c_entry}{A} = [ ]; } elsif (@i==2 && m/^(\w+)\s+\.\.\.$/ && defined $c_entry) { $tables{$c_table}{$c_entry}{V}= $1; } elsif (@i==2 && m/^(\??)([a-z]\w*)\s*(\S.*)/ && defined $c_entry) { ($opt, $var, $type) = ($1,$2,$3); if ($type =~ m/^\w+$/) { $xtypeargs=''; } elsif ($type =~ m/^(\w+)\((.+)\)$/) { $type= $1; $xtypeargs= $2; } push @{ $tables{$c_table}{$c_entry}{A} }, { N => $var, T => $type, A => $xtypeargs, O => ($opt eq '?') }; } elsif (@i==2 && m/^\=\>\s*(\S.*)$/ && defined $c_entry) { $tables{$c_table}{$c_entry}{R}= $1; } elsif (@i==0 && m/^Type\s+([^\:]+)\:\s+(\S.*)$/) { ($typename,$ctype)= ($1,$2); $ctype .= ' @' unless $ctype =~ m/\@/; if ($typename =~ m/^\w+$/) { $xtypeargs=''; } elsif ($typename =~ m/^(\w+)\((.+)\)$/) { $typename=$1; $xtypeargs=$2; } else { badsyntax($wh,$.,"bad type name/args"); } $types{$typename}= { C => $ctype, X => $xtypeargs }; } elsif (@i==0 && s/^Init\s+(\w+)\s+(\S.*)//) { $type_init{$1}= $2; } else { badsyntax($wh,$., sprintf "bad directive (indent level %d)", scalar @i); } } $f->error and die $!; $f->close; } #print Dumper(\%tables),"\n"; #print Dumper(\%types),"\n"; foreach $t (sort keys %types) { $type= $types{$t}; $c= $type->{C}; $xta= $type->{X}; $decl= "int pat_$t(Tcl_Interp, Tcl_Obj*, "; $decl .= subst_in('*', $c, "type $t"); $decl .= ", $xta", if length $xta; $decl .= ")\n"; o('h',160, $decl); $decl= "Tcl_Obj *ret_$t(Tcl_Interp, ".subst_in('',$c).");\n"; o('h',170, $decl); } foreach $c_table (sort keys %tables) { $r_table= $tables{$c_table}; foreach $c_entry (keys %$r_table) { $r_entry= $r_table->{$c_entry}; $pa_decl= "int pa_${c_table}_${c_entry}(ClientData cd,". " Tcl_Interp ip, int objc, Tcl_Obj *const *objv)"; $do_decl= "int do_${c_table}_${c_entry}("; @do_al= (); @do_aa= qw(cd ip); $pa_init= ''; $pa_argc= " objc--; objv++;\n"; $pa_vars= " int rc;\n"; $pa_body= ''; $pa_rslt= ''; $pa_free= ''; $pa_fini= ''; $any_mand= 0; $any_optl= 0; $any_eerr= 0; foreach $arg (@{ $r_entry->{A} }) { $n= $arg->{N}; $t= $arg->{T}; $a= $arg->{A}; push @do_al, make_decl($n, $t, $arg->{A}); $pa_vars .= make_decl_init("a_$n", $t, $a, \$pa_init); if ($arg->{O}) { if ($any_mand) { $pa_argc .= " if (objc < $any_mand) {". " e=\"too few args\"; goto e_err; }\n"; $pa_body .= " objc -= $any_mand;\n"; $any_mand= 0; $any_eerr= 0; } $pa_body .= " if (!objc--) goto end_optional;\n"; $any_optl= 1; } else { $any_mand++; } $pa_body .= " rc= pat_$t(ip, *objv++, &a_$n"; if ($t eq 'enum') { $a =~ m/\,/ or die; $a = "$', sizeof($`)"; } $pa_body .= ", ".$a if length $a; $pa_body .= "); if (rc) goto rc_err;\n"; push @do_aa, "a_$n"; } if (exists $r_entry->{V}) { $va= $r_entry->{V}; push @do_al, subst_in("${va}c", 'int @'); push @do_al, subst_in("${va}v", 'Tcl_Obj *const *@'); push @do_aa, "objc-1", "objv+1"; } else { $pa_body .= " if (--objc) { e=\"too many args\"; goto e_err; }\n"; $any_eerr= 0; } if ($any_optl) { $pa_body .= "end_optional:\n"; } if (exists $r_entry->{R}) { $t= $r_entry->{R}; push @do_al, make_decl("*result", $t); $pa_vars .= make_decl_init("result", $t, '', \$pa_init); push @do_aa, "&result"; $pa_rslt .= " Tcl_SetObjResult(ip, ret_$t(ip, result));\n"; } $pa_body .= "\n"; $pa_body .= " rc= do_${c_table}_${c_entry}("; $pa_body .= join ', ', @do_aa; $pa_body .= ");\n"; $pa_body .= " if (rc) goto rc_err;\n"; $pa_rslt .= " rc= TCL_OK;\n\n"; $pa_rslt .= "rc_err:\n"; $pa_fini .= " return rc;\n"; if ($any_eerr) { $pa_vars .= " const char *e;\n"; $pa_fini .= "\n"; $pa_fini .= "e_err:"; $pa_fini .= " setstringresult(ip,e);"; $pa_fini .= " rc= TCL_ERROR; goto rc_err;\n"; } $pa_vars .= "\n"; $pa_init .= "\n" if length $pa_init; $pa_fini .= "}\n\n"; o('c',100, "static ".$pa_decl." {\n". $pa_vars. $pa_init. $pa_argc. $pa_body. $pa_rslt. $pa_free. $pa_fini); $do_decl .= join ', ', @do_al; $do_decl .= ")"; o('h',100, $do_decl.";\n") or die $!; } } o(c, 0, "#include \"$prefix.h\"\n"); o(h, 0, "#ifndef INCLUDED_\U${prefix}_H\n". "#define INCLUDED_\U${prefix}_H\n\n". "#include \n"); o(h, 999, "#endif /*INCLUDED_\U${prefix}_H*/\n"); if (defined $output) { $oh= new IO::File "$output.tmp", 'w' or die "$output.tmp: $!\n"; } else { $oh= 'STDOUT'; } print $oh "/* AUTOGENERATED - DO NOT EDIT */\n" or die $!; foreach $pr (sort keys %{ $o{$write} }) { print $oh "\n" or die $!; print $oh $o{$write}{$pr} or die $!; } die if $oh->error; die $! unless $oh->close; if (defined $output) { rename "$output.tmp", $output or die $!; } sub o ($$) { my ($wh,$pr,$s) = @_; $o{$wh}{sprintf "%010d", $pr} .= $s; } sub make_decl_init ($$$$) { my ($n, $t, $a, $initcode) = @_; my ($o,$init); $o= make_decl($n,$t,$a); if (exists $type_init{$t}) { $init= $type_init{$t}; $$initcode .= " ".subst_in("$n", $init)."\n" if length $init; } else { $o .= ' =0'; } return " ".$o.";\n"; } sub make_decl ($$$) { my ($n, $t, $ta) = @_; my ($type); if ($t eq 'enum') { $ta =~ m/\,/ or die "enum with bad args \`$ta'\n"; $c= "const $` *@"; } else { defined $types{$t} or die "unknown type $t\n"; $c= $types{$t}{C}; } return subst_in($n,$c); } sub subst_in ($$$) { my ($val, $pat, $why) = @_; $pat =~ m/\@/ or die "$pat for $val in $why ?"; $pat =~ s/\@/$val/g; return $pat; } sub badsyntax ($$$) { die "$_[0]:$_[1]: $_[2]\n"; } __DATA__ Type int: int Type obj: Tcl_Obj *@ Type charfrom(const char*): int