#!/usr/bin/tclsh8.4 # -*- tcl -*- # Copyright 2016,2020 Ian Jackson # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later # There is NO WARRANTY. # This is unfinished attempt at a program to multiplex multiple # clients all wanting to speak to a /dev/ttyACM GSM modem / GPS. set expected_devs 3 proc debug {m} { puts "DEBUG $m" } proc log {m} { puts "LOG $m" } proc experror {m} { error $m {} EXPECTED } proc find-devices {} { global errorCode errorInfo devices expected_devs set base /sys/class/tty foreach candidate [glob -nocomplain -directory $base -tails ttyACM*] { debug "candidate $candidate" if {[catch { file link $base/$candidate/device } ltarget]} { debug " readlink failed [lrange $errorCode 0 1]" switch -glob $errorCode { {POSIX EINVAL *} continue {POSIX ENOENT *} continue default { error "$ltarget \[$errorCode] $errorInfo $errorCode" } } } if {![regexp {^(.*)\.(\d+)$} $ltarget dummy dbase interf]} { debug " readlink bad target $ltarget" continue } debug " approved $dbase $interf $candidate" lappend devs($dbase) [list $interf $candidate] } set howmany [array size devs] if {!$howmany} { experror "no appropriate device(s) found" } if {$howmany > 1} { experror "several appropriate device(s) found [array names $devs]" } set devices {} foreach dev [lsort -index 0 -integer $devs([lindex [array names devs] 0])] { lappend devices [lindex $dev 1] } if {[llength $devices] != $expected_devs} { experror "wrong # devices ($devices), expected $expected" } } proc create-dev-nodes {} { global devices expected_devs set ourdevs /dev/atmux set ttyat ttyAT for {set i 0} {$i < $expected_devs-1} {incr i} { set new $ttyAT$i file link -symbolic ../$device $ourdevs/.new.$new file rename -force $ourdevs/.new.$new $ourdevs/$new set wanted($new) 1 } foreach candidate [glob -nocomplain -directory $ourdevs -tails ttyAT*] { if {![info exists wanted($candidate)]} { file remove $ourdevs/$candidate } } } proc reopen-our-device {} { global devices dchan set dchan [open /dev/[lindex $devices 1] r+] fconfigure $dchan -blocking no -buffering line -translation {crlf cr} read $dchan; # flush input puts $dchan ATE0 flush $dchan after 250 set result [read $dchan] if {![regexp -line {^OK$} $result]} { experror "got [logquote $result]" } fileevent $dchan readable chan-readable $dchan dchan "modem device" } proc devices {} { find-devices create-dev-nodes reopen-our-device } proc dchan-failure {dummy} { global dchan if {[info exists dchan]} { catch { close $dchan } catch { unset dchan } } } proc try-open-our-device {} { global devices if {[catch { reopen-our-device } emsg]} { devfailure $emsg return } sendout-async *TTYATMUX "*TTYATMUXDEVS [join $devices ,]" sendout-async *TTYATMUX "*TTYATMUXOPEN" } proc trap-log {what body var} { global errorCode errorInfo upvar 1 $var result set rc [catch { uplevel 1 $body } result] switch -exact $rc { 1 { switch -glob $errorCode { {POSIX *} - EXPECTED { log "$what: $result" } default { log "unexpected: $what: $result" foreach l [split $errorInfo "\n"] { log " $l" } } } return 1 } 0 { return 0 } default { return -code $rc -errorinfo $errorInfo \ -errorcode $errorCode $result } } } proc chan-readable {chan how what args} { while 1 { if {[trap-log "$what failure" { gets $chan l } r]} { $how-failure $chan return } if {$r<0} { if {![eof $chan]} return log "device eof" $how-failure $chan return } trap-log "error processing $what data" { $how-line $l } dummy } } proc async-notif fixme this has wrong arguments proc async-notif-or-resp-fixed {asid l} { global current_command_asid if {![string compare $asid $current_command_asid]} { sync-reply $l } else { async-notif $asid $l } } proc async-notif-creg {asid l} { set ll [llength [split $l ,]] switch -exact $ll { 4 { sync-reply $l } 3 { async-notif {+CREG} 2 2 $l async-notif {+CREG} 1 1 [lindex [split $l ,] 0] } 2 { sync-reply $l } 1 { async-notif {+CREG} 1 2 $l } default { bad-data $l "async-notif-creg $ll" } } } proc async-control-max0 {c l allows} { async-control-core $c $l $allows { set wanted 0 } { set tw 0 manyset $ca($c) tw if {$tw} { set wanted 1 } } { set send $wanted foreach allow $allows { lappend $send [lindex $allow 0] } sync-subcommand $c "$cmd=[join $send ,]" async-updated-ok $c } } proc async-control-cmer {c l allows} { async-control-core $c $l $allows { set send 0,0,0,0 } { set mode 0; set ind 0 manyset $ca($c) mode keyp disp ind bfr if {$mode==3 && $ind} { set send 3,0,0,1 } } { sync-subcommand $c "$cmd=$send" async-updated-ok $c } } proc async-updated-ok proc async-control-core {c l allows ubody_init ubody_perclient ubody_finish} { global clients uplevel 1 cmd cmd if {[regexp {^(AT[^=?])\?$} $l dummy cmd]} { sync-subcommand $c $l async-massage-result-subs $c $cmd } elseif {[regexp {^(AT[^=?])=\?$} $l dummy cmd]} { sync-subcommand $c $l async-massage-result-support $c $cmd $allows } elseif {[regexp {^(AT[^=?])=([0-9,]+)$} $l dummy cmd values]} { set values [split $values ,] if {[llength $values] > [llength $allows]} { bad-command "too many values" return } while {[llength $values] < [llength $allows]} { lappend values 0 } foreach val $values allow $allows { if {[lsearch -exact $allow $val]<0} { bad-command "$val not in allowed $allow ($allows)" return } } uplevel 1 [list upvar #0 client_async/$cmd ca] upvar #0 client_async/$cmd ca set ca($c) $values uplevel 1 $ubody_init upvar 1 c uc foreach uc [array names clients] { uplevel 1 $ubody_perclient } uplevel 1 $ubody_finish } else { bad-command "unknown async control syntax" } } proc set-client-echo {c yn} { global client_echo set client_echo($c) 0 client-command-complete $c OK } proc simple-command {c l} { sync-subcommand $c $l simple-command-complete } proc client-command-complete proc process-client-command {c nl} { switch -regexp $l { {^AT\+CREG\b} { async-control-max0 $c $l {{0 1 2}} } {^AT\+CGREG\b} { async-control-max0 $c $l {{0 1 2}} } {^AT\*ERINFO\b} { async-control-max0 $c $l {{0 1}} } {^AT\+CGEREP\b} { async-control-max0 $c $l {{0 1 2} 0} } {^AT\+CMER\b} { async-control-cmer $c $l {{0 3} 0 0 {0 1} 0} } {^ATE0$} { set-client-echo $c 0 } {^ATE1$} { set-client-echo $c 1 } {^AT\+CFUN\b} { simple-command $c $l } default { bad-command "unknown command" } } } proc dchan-line {l} { global cclient switch -regexp $l { {\+CREG:} { async-notif-creg +CREG $l } {\+CGREG:} { async-notif-creg +CGREG $l } {\*ERINFO:} { async-notif-or-resp-fixed *ERINFO $l } {\+CGEV:} { async-notif +CGEREP $l } {\+CIEV:} { async-notif +CMER $l } default { syync-reply $l } } } proc cchan-line {c l} { lappend queue [list $c $l] check-busy } proc sync-subcommand {c l args} { global busy dchan if {[info exists busy]} { error "already busy $busy; want $c $l $args" } if {[trap-log "write device" { puts $dchan $l } dummy]} { proc sync-reply {l} { global busy if {![info exists busy]} { bad-data $l "unexpected sync reply" return } eval $ proc check-busy {} { global busy queue while {![info exists busy] && [llength $queue]} { manyset [lindex $queue 0] c l set queue [lrange $queue 1 end] if {[trap-log "process for $c [logquote $l]"] { process-client-command $c $l } dummy]} { client-command-complete $c ERROR } } } proc client-command-complete {c l} { if {[trap-log "write to $c" { puts $c $l } dummy]} { client-failure $c } } proc cchan-readable { proc sendout-async proc logquote try-open-our-device