#!/usr/bin/perl -w # # Does STV according to # http://www.rosenstiel.co.uk/stvrules/av/index.htm use strict; use utf8; use autodie; use bigrat; use Carp; use Data::Dumper; use List::Util qw(sum0); use List::MoreUtils qw(nsort_by); # vote is # { Voter => opaque, # Prefs => [ list ], # Weight => 1.0 } our $stage=0; our @allvotes; our $places = shift @ARGV; die unless $places eq ($places + 0); open DEBUG, ">.stv.log" or die $!; while (<>) { next if m/^\w+$/; m/^(\w+) ([A-Z]+)$/ or die "$_ ?"; my $prefs = $2; my $vote = { Voter => $1, Weight => 1.0, Prefs => [ split //, $prefs ], }; push @allvotes, $vote; } sub pr ($) { my ($f) = @_; confess unless defined $f; return sprintf "%10.6f = %-10s", $f, $f; } sub votelog ($$) { my ($vote,$m) = @_; push @{ $vote->{Log} }, "stage $stage: $m"; } our @elected; # $elected[] = $candidate our @unsorted = @allvotes; our %sorted; # $sorted{$firstpref}{Votes} = [ $vote, ... ] # $sorted{$firstpref}{Cand} = $firstpref # $sorted{$firstpref}{Total} = $totalweight our @surpluses; # values same as %sorted our @exhausted; # votes our %continuing; # $continuing{$candidate}=1 our @stagerecord; # $stagerecord[]{$candidate} = $total sub voteliveprefs ($) { my ($vote) = @_; grep { $continuing{$_} } @{ $vote->{Prefs} }; } sub votelogfull ($$) { my ($vote,$m) = @_; votelog $vote, $m; votelog $vote, ("continuing prefs: ". join ' ', voteliveprefs $vote); } foreach my $vote (@allvotes) { $continuing{$_}=1 foreach @{ $vote->{Prefs} }; } sub equalpiles ($@) { my ($how, @sorted) = @_; return () unless @sorted; my $s = $sorted[0]; my $eqtotal = $s->{Total}; my $count = 0/1; while ($count < @sorted && $sorted[$count]{Total} == $eqtotal) { printf "%7s %10s %s\n", $how, $sorted[$count]{Cand}, pr $sorted[$count]{Total}; $count++; } return @sorted[ 0 .. $count-1 ]; } sub historically_prefer ($@) { my ($signum, @choices) = @_; return $choices[0] if @choices < 2; my $compare = sub { foreach my $sr (@stagerecord) { my $d = $sr->{ $a->{Cand} } <=> $sr->{ $b->{Cand} }; return $d * $signum if $d; } return 0; }; @choices = sort $compare, @choices; $a = $choices[0]; my $numequal = 0; for (;;) { last unless $numequal >= @choices; $b = $choices[$numequal]; last if $compare->(); } die 'random choice unimplemented' if $numequal > 1; return $choices[0]; } foreach my $c (keys %continuing) { $sorted{$c} = { Cand => $c, Votes => [], }; } for (;;) { $stage++; printf "----- stage %d -----\n", $stage; print DEBUG "#################### $stage ####################\n", Data::Dumper->Dump( [ \@stagerecord, \@elected, \@unsorted, \%sorted, \@surpluses, \%continuing ], [qw( _@stagerecord _@elected _@unsorted _%sorted _@surpluses _%continuing )] ); my $placesremain = $places - @elected; unless ($placesremain > 0) { printf "Complete: @elected\n"; last; } while (my $vote = shift @unsorted) { my ($firstpref) = voteliveprefs $vote; if (!defined $firstpref) { votelog $vote, "ballot exhausted"; push @exhausted, $vote; } else { push @{ $sorted{$firstpref}{Votes} }, $vote; } } foreach my $firstpref (sort keys %sorted) { foreach my $vote (@{ $sorted{$firstpref}{Votes} }) { votelog $vote, "counted for $firstpref ".pr $vote->{Weight}; } } my @sorted; my $things_update = sub { foreach my $s (@surpluses, values %sorted) { $s->{Total} = sum0 map { $_->{Weight} } @{ $s->{Votes } }; } @sorted = nsort_by { -$_->{Total} } values %sorted; }; $things_update->(); print DEBUG "SORTED\n", Dumper(\@sorted); push @stagerecord, { map { ($_->{Cand}, $_->{Total}) } @sorted }; my $totalvalid = 0/1; my $countvalid = sub { my ($l, $what) = @_; foreach my $s (@$l) { printf "%-7s %10s %s\n", $what, $s->{Cand}, pr $s->{Total}; $totalvalid += $s->{Total}; } }; $countvalid->(\@sorted, '1stpref'); $countvalid->(\@surpluses, 'surplus'); printf "%7s %10s %s\n", 'TOTAL', '-----', pr $totalvalid; unless ($totalvalid > 0) { printf "No more votes!\n"; last; } my $quota = $totalvalid / ($placesremain + 1); printf "%7s %10s %s\n", 'quota', '', pr $quota; my $need_to_transfer_surplus = 1; my @newsurpluses; # Look for people to elect. # We elect as many as we can, rather than recomputing the (lower) quota # (ERS rules 5.4.9) for (;;) { my $s = $sorted[0]; my $topvoters = $s->{Total}; my $surplus = $topvoters - $quota; last unless $surplus >= 0; my @elect = equalpiles 'elect?', @sorted; if (@elect > $placesremain) { # oh my god @elect = historically_prefer +1, @elect; printf "%7s %10s\n", 'tie!', $elect[0]{Cand}; } foreach $s (@elect) { printf "%7s %10s ***************\n", 'ELECTED', $s->{Cand}; push @elected, $s->{Cand}; foreach my $vote (@{ $s->{Votes} }) { votelog $vote, "elected $s->{Cand}"; } $s->{Surplus} = $surplus; push @newsurpluses, $s; delete $sorted{ $s->{Cand} }; delete $continuing{ $s->{Cand} }; } $things_update->(); } foreach my $s (@newsurpluses) { # calculate the transfer value of each surplus # we do this simultaneously, but based on the number of # continuing candidates (excluding all the ones elected already) # ERS rule 5.3.3 my $votes = $s->{Votes}; my $surplus = $s->{Surplus}; my $transferrable = sum0 map { $_->{Weight} } grep { !!voteliveprefs $_ } @$votes; printf "%7s %10s %s\n", 'xfrable', $s->{Cand}, pr $transferrable; if ($transferrable > $surplus) { my $derate = $transferrable / $surplus; printf "%7s %10s %s\n", 'derate', $s->{Cand}, pr $derate; foreach my $vote (@{ $s->{Votes} }) { votelog $vote, "part of surplus, derated ". pr $derate; $vote->{Weight} /= $derate; } } push @surpluses, $s; $things_update->(); printf "%7s %10s %s\n", 'surplus', $s->{Cand}, pr $s->{Total}; $need_to_transfer_surplus = 0; # before actually transferring a surplus, we will consider # eliminating, and then reconsider with a lower quota } my $deferredsurplus = sum0 map { $_->{Total} } @surpluses; printf "%18s %s\n", 'deferred surplus', pr $deferredsurplus; # Look for people to eliminate # We eliminate before trying to transfer surpluses # ERS 5.2.5 my $elimvotebefore = 0/1; for (;;) { last unless @sorted; if ($elimvotebefore) { printf "%18s %s\n", 'elimination, sofar', pr $elimvotebefore; } elsif (@surpluses) { printf "%18s\n", 'elimination, maybe'; } else { printf "%18s\n", 'elimination, starts'; } my @elim = equalpiles 'elim?', reverse @sorted; my $elimvotenow = sum0 map { $_->{Total} } @elim; if (@surpluses || $elimvotebefore) { # rule 5.2.2 if (@sorted == @elim) { printf "%18s\n", 'no-elim (all-equal)'; last; } my $nextup = $sorted[ $#sorted - @elim ]; printf "%7s %10s %s\n", 'nextup', $nextup->{Cand}, pr $nextup->{Total}; my $aheadby = $nextup->{Total} - ($elimvotenow + $elimvotebefore); unless ($deferredsurplus <= $aheadby) { # rule 5.2.2 (b) printf "%18s %s\n", 'no-elim (nextup)', pr $aheadby; last; } } my $elim_tie = @elim > 1 && (scalar keys %continuing) - (scalar @elim) < $placesremain; if ($elim_tie) { # eliminate only one then, and try again printf "elim-tie!\n"; @elim = historically_prefer -1, @elim; } foreach my $s (@elim) { my $c = $s->{Cand}; printf "%7s %10s %s\n", 'ELIM', $c, '----------'; my $votes = $s->{Votes}; votelogfull $_, "failed to stop $c elimination" foreach @$votes; $elimvotebefore += $s->{Total}; delete $continuing{$c}; delete $sorted{$c}; push @unsorted, @$votes; } $things_update->(); $need_to_transfer_surplus = 0; last if $elim_tie; # no more, then! } next unless $need_to_transfer_surplus; @surpluses = nsort_by { $_->{Total} } @surpluses; my @surplusxfer = equalpiles 'xfer?', @surpluses; die unless @surplusxfer; if (@surplusxfer > 1) { @surplusxfer = historically_prefer +1, @surplusxfer; } my $s = $surplusxfer[0]; my $c = $s->{Cand}; printf "%7s %10s\n", 'xfer', $c; my $votes = $s->{Votes}; votelogfull $_, "surplus transferred" foreach @$votes; @surpluses = grep { $_->{Cand} ne $c } @surpluses; push @unsorted, @$votes; } print "done.\n";