#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use utf8; use autodie; use Data::Printer; use Graph::Directed; binmode STDIN, 'encoding(UTF-8)'; binmode STDOUT, 'encoding(UTF-8)'; binmode STDERR, 'encoding(UTF-8)'; our @choices; our %choices; our @invotes; our $defcho; our $quorum = 0; sub addchoice { my $choname = shift @_; my $cho = $choices{$choname} = { @_, Index => (scalar @choices) }; push @choices, $choname; return $cho; } while (<>) { s/\s+$//; next if m/^\s*\#/; next unless m/\S/; if (m/^([A-Z]+)\s*\=\s*(\S.*)$/) { my ($choname, $desc) = ($1,$2); my $cho = addchoice($choname, Desc => $desc); if ($desc =~ m/\[(\d+):(\d+)\]/) { $cho->{Smaj} = [$1,$2]; } elsif ($desc =~ m/\[default\]/) { $defcho = $cho; } } elsif (m/^V:\s+(\S+)\s+(\S.*)/) { push @invotes, [ $1, $2 ]; } elsif (m/^quorum = ([0-9.]+)$/) { $quorum = $1+0.0; } else { die "invalid input"; } } $defcho ||= $choices{FD}; if (!$defcho) { $defcho = addchoice('FD', Desc => "Further Discussion"); } my $defi = $defcho->{Index}; die "FD has smaj?!" if $defcho->{Smaj}; our @vab; # $vab[$ia][$ib] = V(A,B) # Actually, it's a list of voters who prefer A to B (A.6(3)(1)) # Go through the voters and construct V(A,B) foreach my $iv (@invotes) { my ($votestr,$voter) = @$iv; eval { length $votestr eq @choices or die "wrong vote vector length"; my @vs = split //, $votestr; foreach my $ix (0..$#vs) { my $vchr = $vs[$ix]; if ($vchr eq '-') { $vs[$ix] = 1000; } elsif ($vchr =~ m/[0-9a-z]/) { $vs[$ix] = ord($vchr); } else { die "bad vote char"; } } foreach my $ia (0..$#vs) { foreach my $ib ($ia+1..$#vs) { my $va = $vs[$ia]; my $vb = $vs[$ib]; if ($va < $vb) { push @{ $vab[$ia][$ib] }, $voter } elsif ($vb < $va) { push @{ $vab[$ib][$ia] }, $voter } } } }; die "voter $voter $@" if $@; } our @ch = map { $choices{$_} } @choices; # Print the counts V(A,B) foreach my $iy (-2..$#ch) { foreach my $ix (-2..$#ch) { if ($iy==-1) { if ($ix==-1) { printf "+"; } else { printf "------"; } } elsif ($ix==-1) { printf "|"; } elsif ($ix==-2 && $iy==-2) { printf "V(Y,X)"; } elsif ($iy==-2) { printf "%5s ", $choices[$ix]; } elsif ($ix==-2) { printf "%5s ", $choices[$iy]; } else { my $v = \( $vab[$iy][$ix] ); $$v ||= [ ]; if (@$$v) { printf "%5d ", (scalar @$$v); } else { printf "%5s ", ""; } } } printf "\n"; } sub drop ($$) { my ($i,$why) = @_; print "dropping $choices[$i]: $why\n"; $ch[$i]{Dropped} = $why; } print "# quorum A.6(2)\n"; foreach my $i (0..$#choices) { next if $ch[$i]{Dropped}; next if $i == $defi; my $v = $vab[$i][$defi]; next if $v >= $quorum; drop $i, "quorum ($v < $quorum)"; } print "# maj. ratio A.6(3)\n"; foreach my $i (0..$#choices) { next if $ch[$i]{Dropped}; next if $i == $defi; my $majr = $ch[$i]{Smaj}; $majr ||= [1,1]; # A.6(3)(3) my $vad = scalar @{ $vab[$i][$defi] }; my $vda = scalar @{ $vab[$defi][$i] }; next if $vad * $majr->[1] > $vda * $majr->[0]; drop $i, "majority ratio ($vad * $majr->[1] <= $vda * $majr->[0])"; } my $defeats = Graph::Directed->new; # A.6(4) sub chremain () { return grep { !$ch[$_]{Dropped} } (0..$#ch); } foreach my $ia (chremain()) { $defeats->add_vertex($ia); foreach my $ib (chremain()) { my $vab = scalar @{ $vab[$ia][$ib] }; my $vba = scalar @{ $vab[$ib][$ia] }; next unless $vab > $vba; print "defeat: $choices[$ia] beats $choices[$ib] ($vab > $vba)\n"; $defeats->add_vertex($ia,$ib); } } sub weaker ($$) { # A.6(7)(1) my ($def1,$def2) = @_; my ($ia,$ix) = @$def1; my ($ib,$iy) = @$def1; return 1 if $vab[$ia][$ix] < $vab[$ib][$iy]; return 1 if $vab[$ia][$ix] == $vab[$ib][$iy] && $vab[$ix][$ia] > $vab[$iy][$ib]; return 0; } print "defeats graph: $defeats\n"; our $schwartz; for (;;) { # loop from A6(5) print "# transitive closure A.6(5)\n"; my $tdefeats = $defeats->transitive_closure(); print "closure graph: $tdefeats\n"; print "# Schwartz set A.6(6)\n"; $schwartz = $defeats->copy(); foreach my $ia (chremain()) { foreach my $ib (chremain()) { next if $tdefeats->has_edge($ia,$ib); next if !$tdefeats->has_edge($ib,$ia); print "not in Schwartz set: $choices[$ia] because $choices[$ib]\n"; $schwartz->delete_vertex($ia); last; } } print "# dropping weakest defeats A.6(7)\n"; our @weakest = (); foreach my $edge ($schwartz->edges()) { if (!@weakest) { # no weakest edges yet } elsif (weaker($edge, $weakest[0])) { # this edge is weaker than previous weakest, start new set @weakest = (); } elsif (weaker($weakest[0], $edge)) { # weakest edge is weaker than this one, ignore this one next; } else { # weakest edge is exactly as weak as this one, add this one } push @weakest, $edge; } last unless @weakest; printf "weakest defeats %d > %d", (scalar @{ $vab[$_->[0]][$_->[1]] }), (scalar @{ $vab[$_->[1]][$_->[0]] }); foreach my $weakest (@weakest) { my ($ia,$ib) = @$weakest; print "weakest defeat $choices[$ia] > $choices[$ib]\n"; $defeats->delete_edge($ia,$ib); } print "# defeats within the Schwartz set, round again\n"; } print "# no defeats within the Schwartz set\n"; print "FINAL SCHWARTZ SET:\n"; printf " %-5s %s\n", $choices[$_], $ch[$_]{Desc} foreach ($schwartz->vertices()); print ".\n"; #p %choices; #p @vab;