#!/usr/bin/perl -w # Reference: # The Scottish Local Government Elections Order 2007 use strict; use Carp; use Data::Dumper; use Math::BigRat; use bigrat; # Data structures: # # vote is # { Voter => opaque, # Prefs => [ [ CAND, ...], ... ], # Weight => 1.0 } # We edit Prefs as we go # $cands{CAND}{Cand} # $cands{CAND}{Desc} # $cands{CAND}{Votes} # $cands{CAND}{Total} # $cands{CAND}{NonCont} # undef, or Elected or Eliminated our $seats=0; our @allvotes; our @non_transferable; our %cands; our $stage=0; our $quota; our %tie; our @elected; our $DIGS = 5; our $F = (new Math::BigRat 10)->bpow($DIGS); open DEBUG, ">.compute.log" or die $!; DEBUG->autoflush(1); sub debug_dump () { print DEBUG Dumper(\%tie, \@non_transferable, \%cands, \@allvotes, $stage, $quota); } $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $SIG{__DIE__} = undef; debug_dump; confess $_[0]; }; $SIG{__DIE__} = sub { debug_dump; die $_[0]; }; sub total_history_cmp (); sub unkopt ($$) { my ($what,$opt) = @_; if ($opt =~ m/^[A-Z]/) { die "unknown option $_ for $what"; } elsif ($opt =~ m/^[a-z]/) { print STDERR "warning (line $.): unknown option $_ for $what\n"; } } my $display_cmp = \&total_history_cmp; while (@ARGV && $ARGV[0] =~ m/^\-/) { $_ = shift @ARGV; if (m/^--$/) { last; } elsif (m/^--sort=alpha$/) { $display_cmp = sub { $b->{Cand} cmp $a->{Cand} }; } else { die; } } for (;;) { $_ = <>; if (m/^\| /) { foreach $_ (split / /, $') { if (m/^_?[Ss]eats=(\d+)/) { $seats = $1; } elsif (m/^_?[Tt]ie=(.*)\>(.*)$/) { my @more = split /\,/, $1; my @less = split /\,/, $2; my @all = join ',', sort (@more, @less); $tie{"@all"}{Win} = $more[0] if @more == 1; $tie{"@all"}{Lose} = $less[0] if @less == 1; } else { unkopt "election", $_; } } } elsif (m/^(\w+) = (\S*) \|/) { my ($cand,$desc) = ($1,$2); unkopt "candidate $cand", $_ foreach split / /, $'; $cands{$cand}{Desc} = $desc; } elsif (m/^(\w*) :\s*(.*)\s*\|(.*)/) { my ($voter,$prefs,$opts) = ($1,$2,$3); my $v = { Voter => $voter, Prefs => [ ] }; push @{ $v->{Prefs} }, [ $_ =~ m/\w+/g ] foreach split /\s+/, $prefs; foreach $_ (split / /, $opts) { if (m/^_?[Ww]eight=(\d+)\/(\d+)$/) { $v->{Weight} = $1 / $2; } elsif (m/^_?[Ww]eight=([0-9.]+)$/) { $v->{Weight} = new Math::BigRat $1; } else { unkopt "voter $v->{Voter}", $_; } } push @allvotes, $v; } elsif (m/^\.$/) { last; } else { die "$_ ?"; } } $cands{$_}{Cand} = $_ foreach keys %cands; $_->{Weight} //= 1/1 foreach @allvotes; $_->{TransferredSurplus} //= [ ] foreach @allvotes; $_->{OrigPrefs} //= [ @{ $_->{Prefs} } ] foreach @allvotes; sub votelog ($$) { my ($vote,$m) = @_; push @{ $vote->{Log} }, "stage $stage: $m"; } sub sortballots (@); sub sortballots (@) { # Takes each argument, which should be a ballot, sorts # it into $cand{CAND}{Votes} according to first preference. # Strips that first preference from the ballot. # If the first preference has been eliminated, strips it # and looks for further preferences. print DEBUG "sortballots ".(scalar @_)."...\n"; foreach my $v (@_) { my $firstprefs = shift @{ $v->{Prefs} }; my $w = $v->{Weight}; if (!$firstprefs || !@$firstprefs) { votelog $v, "no more preferences, non transferable"; push @non_transferable, $v; next; } if (@$firstprefs > 1) { votelog $v, "splitting due to several equal first preferences"; foreach my $fpref (@$firstprefs) { my $v2 = { %$v, Weight => $w / @$firstprefs, Prefs => [ [ $fpref ], @{ $v->{Prefs} } ], }; votelog $v, "split for $fpref"; } next; } my $fp = $firstprefs->[0]; my $c = $cands{$fp}; my $noncont = $c->{NonCont}; if ($noncont) { votelog $v, "dropping pref $fp, $noncont"; sortballots $v; next; } votelog $v, "sorted into pile for candidate $fp weight $w"; push @{ $c->{Votes} }, $v; } } sub floor ($) { my ($v) = @_; $v = new Math::BigRat $v; # we need a copy return $v->bfloor(); } sub sv ($) { my ($in) = @_; my $v = new Math::BigRat $in; # just in case my $intpart = floor($v); my $frac = $v - $intpart; my $good = floor($frac * $F); my $bad = $frac * $F - $good; my $s = sprintf "%7d", $intpart; if ($frac) { $s .= sprintf ".%0${DIGS}d", $good; $s .= sprintf "%-4s", ($bad ? "+$bad" : ""); } else { $s .= sprintf " %${DIGS}s%4s", '', ''; } #print STDERR "# $in => $s # (intpart=$intpart frac=$frac)\n"; return $s; } sub prf { my $fmt = shift; printf "stage %d: ".$fmt, $stage, @_; } sub countballots () { foreach my $c (values %cands) { next if $c->{NonCont}; $c->{Total} = 0/1; $c->{Total} += $_->{Weight} foreach @{ $c->{Votes} }; print DEBUG "counted $c->{Cand} $c->{Total}\n"; $c->{History}[$stage-1] = $c->{Total}; } foreach my $c (reverse sort $display_cmp grep { !$_->{NonCont} } values %cands) { prf "candidate %-10s: %s votes\n", $c->{Cand}, sv $c->{Total}; } } sub computequota () { my $totalvalid = 0/1; $totalvalid += $_->{Total} foreach values %cands; $quota = floor($totalvalid / (1 + $seats) + 1); prf "total valid %s quota %s\n", (sv $totalvalid), (sv $quota); } sub total_history_cmp () { my $ha = $a->{History}; my $hb = $b->{History}; my $m = "stage $stage history cmp $a->{Cand} $b->{Cand}"; print DEBUG "$m...\n"; foreach my $s (reverse 0 .. $stage-1) { my $d = $ha->[$s] <=> $hb->[$s]; next unless $d; print DEBUG "$m => $d (#$s $ha->[$s] $hb->[$s])\n"; return $d; } print DEBUG "$m => 0\n"; return 0; } sub continuing () { grep { !$_->{NonCont} } values %cands; } sub select_best_worst ($$$$) { my ($wantcand, $wanttiebreak, $signum, $what) = @_; # $wantcand->($c) = boolish # $wanttiebreak->($total) = boolish # Firstly candidates not meeting $wantcand are ignored # Then we pick the best (worst) candiate by Total (or vote history). # (SLGEO 49(2) and 51(2). # If this does not help then totals are equal and we call wanttiebreak. # If it returns 0 we return alphabetically first CAND. Otherwise # we tie break. my @maybe = grep { $wantcand->($_) } continuing(); @maybe = sort total_history_cmp @maybe; @maybe = reverse @maybe if $signum > 0; return undef unless @maybe; my $nequal = 1; for (;;) { my $nextc = $maybe[$nequal]; last unless $nextc; # Only interested in those who compare equal according to the # history (SLGEO 49(2)); NB our history includes the current # round. last if $signum*($a = $maybe[0], $b = $nextc, total_history_cmp) > 0; $nequal++; } if ($nequal > 1 && !$wanttiebreak->($maybe[0]{Total})) { # ... if equal for election we can do them one by one, since # order does not matter (SLGEO 49 talks about `two or more # ... exceeds'). $nequal = 1; } my $selectcand; if ($nequal > 1) { my @all = map { $_->{Cand} } @maybe[0 .. $nequal-1]; my $tiekey = $signum > 0 ? 'Win' : 'Lose'; $selectcand = $tie{"@all"}{$tiekey}; die "need tie break, want $tiekey from @all" unless defined $selectcand; prf "$what %s due to tie break amongst %s\n", $selectcand, "@all"; } else { $selectcand = $maybe[0]{Cand}; prf "$what %s\n", $selectcand; } return $cands{$selectcand}; } sub elect_core ($) { my ($c) = @_; prf "*** ELECT %s \`%s' ***\n", $c->{Cand}, $c->{Desc}; $c->{NonCont} = 'Elected'; push @elected, $c; } $stage = 0; for (;;) { $stage++; sortballots @allvotes if $stage == 1; my $seats_remain = $seats - @elected; prf "seats remaining %d\n", $seats_remain; last unless $seats_remain; if (continuing() <= $seats_remain) { foreach my $c (continuing()) { prf "electing %s to fill remaining place(s)\n", $c->{Cand}; elect_core $c; } last; } countballots(); computequota if $stage == 1; my $c = select_best_worst sub { $_->{Total} >= $quota }, sub { $_ > $quota }, +1, 'electing'; if ($c) { elect_core $c; votelog $_, "helped elect $c->{Cand}" foreach @{ $c->{Votes} }; # SLGEO 48 my $surplus = $c->{Total} - $quota; if ($surplus <= 0/1) { prf "no surplus\n"; next; } last if $seats_remain == 1; # don't bother doing more transfers my $B = $c->{Total}; my %tspr; prf "surplus %s\n", sv $surplus; foreach my $v (@{ $c->{Votes} }) { my $previously = $v->{TransferredSurplus}; push @$previously, $c->{Cand}; my $A = $surplus * $v->{Weight}; my $xfervalue = floor(($A * $F) / $B) / $F; # SLGEO 48(3): we do arithmetic to 5 d3ecimal places, # but always rounding down votelog $v, "transferring with value $xfervalue (A=$A B=$B)"; $v->{Weight} = $xfervalue; if (defined $tspr{"@$previously"}) { die unless $tspr{"@$previously"} == $xfervalue; } else { $tspr{"@$previously"} = $xfervalue; prf "transfer value of ballots %20s: %s\n", "@$previously", sv $xfervalue; } } sortballots @{ $c->{Votes} }; $c->{Votes} = { }; # will crash if we access it again next; } # No-one to elect, must eliminate $c = select_best_worst sub { 1; }, sub { 1; }, -1, 'eliminating'; if ($c) { prf "=== eliminating %s \`%s' ===\n", $c->{Cand}, $c->{Desc}; $c->{NonCont} = 'Eliminated'; sortballots @{ $c->{Votes} }; next; } die; } print "Winners:\n"; foreach my $i (0..$#elected) { my $c = $elected[$i]; printf " %3d. %-10s %s\n", $i+1, $c->{Cand}, $c->{Desc}; } print "done.\n";