#!/usr/bin/perl -w # # Copyright 2006 Ian Jackson # # This script and its documentation (if any) are free software; you # can redistribute it and/or modify them under the terms of the GNU # General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; # either version 3, or (at your option) any later version. # # chiark-named-conf and its manpage are distributed in the hope that # it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the # implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR # PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, consult the Free Software Foundation's # website at www.fsf.org, or the GNU Project website at www.gnu.org. use strict; our $usage = <<'END'; usage: expire-iso8601 [] x [x ...] options: -u is measured in units of seconds (default is 86400, so is in days) -s allow kept items to be seconds shorter apart than specified; default is 10% of -n do not really delete -r recursive removal (rm -r) example: /home/ian/junk/expire-iso8601 14x1 4x7 uses units of 86400s (1 day) with a slop of 8640 it keeps 14 daily items (that is 14 items, dated no less than 86400-8640 apart) and 4 weekly items (that is 4 items, dated no less than 7*86400-8640 apart) the 14 daily and 7 weekly items may be the same, or not There is no need to sort the list of x pairs. exit status: 0 ok 4 rm failed 8 bad usage 16 catastrophic failure END use POSIX; use Carp; use Data::Dumper; use Date::Parse; use DateTime::Format::Strptime; our @files; our $rm = 1; our $recurse = 1; our $unit = 86400; our $slop; our $debug; our @intervals; sub badusage ($) { print STDERR "bad usage: $_[0]\n$usage" or die $!; exit 8; } sub scan () { # my $strp = DateTime::Format::Strptime->new(); foreach my $f (<[0-9]*>) { if ($f !~ m/^ \d\d\d\d - \d\d - \d\d (?: T \d\d \: \d\d (?: \: \d\d )? (?: [-+] \d{1,2} \:? \d\d )? )? /x) { print STDERR "ignoring $f\n"; } my @t = Date::Parse::strptime($f); @t = map { $_ // 0 } @t; my $t = mktime @t; # m # my $t = $strp->parse_datetime($f); # $t = $t->epoch(); # my @t = Date::Parse::strptime($f); #print STDERR Dumper(\@t); # my $t = mktime(@t); # $!=0; $?=0; my $t = `date -d '$&' +%s`; # die "date(!) failed on $&: $? $!" if $! || $?; # chomp $t or confess; push @files, { F => $f, T => $t, U => [] }; } } sub precomp () { if (!@files) { print STDERR "none at all yet!\n"; exit 0; } # newest first, which means biggest T @files = sort { $b->{T} <=> $a->{T} || $b->{F} cmp $a->{F} } @files; my $newest_t = $files[0]{T}; $_->{A} = ($newest_t - $_->{T}) / $unit foreach @files; $slop /= $unit; print DEBUG Dumper(\@files, \@intervals) if $debug >= 2; } sub flag ($) { my ($int) = @_; my $n = $int->{N}; my $d = $int->{D}; my $dmin = $d - $slop; my $spec = $int->{Spec}; my $start_age = ($n+1) * $d; my $i = 0; print DEBUG "FLAG $spec sa=$start_age dmin=$dmin\n"; # find $i, the youngest which is at least $number x $interval for (;;) { print DEBUG "i #$i $files[$i]{A}\n"; last if $files[$i]{A} >= $start_age; if ($i == $#files) { print STDERR "insufficient for $spec\n"; } $i++; } for (;;) { push @{ $files[$i]{U} }, $spec; # find $j, the closest to $i which is at least $d-slop younger my $j = $i; for (;;) { $j--; last if $j < 0; my $dt = $files[$i]{A} - $files[$j]{A}; print DEBUG "j #$j $files[$j]{A} dt=$dt\n"; last if $dt >= $dmin; } last if $j < 0; $i = $j; } } sub implement () { foreach (@files) { next unless @{$_->{U}}; print "keep $_->{F} for @{$_->{U}}\n"; } foreach (@files) { next if @{$_->{U}}; print "remove $_->{F}\n"; if ($rm) { my $r= system 'rm', ($recurse ? ('-r') : ()), "--", $_->{F}; die "run rm: $!\n" unless defined($r) && $r >= 0; exit 12 if $r; } } } open DEBUG, ">/dev/null" or die $!; while (@ARGV && $ARGV[0] =~ m/^-/) { $_ = shift @ARGV; last if $_ eq '-' || $_ eq '--'; if (m/^-[^-]/) { while (m/^-./) { if (s/^-n/-/) { $rm=0; } elsif (s/-r/-/) { $recurse=1; } elsif (s/-D/-/) { $debug++; } elsif (s/-u(\d+)$//) { $unit=$1; } elsif (s/-s(\d+)$//) { $slop=$1; } else { badusage "unknown short option $_" } } } elsif (m/^--help$/) { print $usage or die $!; exit 0; } else { badusage "unknown long option $_" } } badusage "too few arguments" unless @ARGV; if ($debug) { open DEBUG, ">&STDERR" or die $!; DEBUG->autoflush(1); } $slop //= $unit * 0.1; foreach (@ARGV) { m/^(\d+)x(\d+)$/ or badusage "bad x $_"; push @intervals, { Spec => $&, N => $1, D => $2 }; } scan(); precomp(); foreach (@intervals) { flag $_ } implement();