#! /usr/bin/env python3 # # This file is part of secnet. # See README for full list of copyright holders. # # secnet is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # secnet is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # version 3 along with secnet; if not, see # https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html. """VPN sites file manipulation. This program enables VPN site descriptions to be submitted for inclusion in a central database, and allows the resulting database to be turned into a secnet configuration file. A database file can be turned into a secnet configuration file simply: make-secnet-sites.py [infile [outfile]] It would be wise to run secnet with the "--just-check-config" option before installing the output on a live system. The program expects to be invoked via userv to manage the database; it relies on the USERV_USER and USERV_GROUP environment variables. The command line arguments for this invocation are: make-secnet-sites.py -u header-filename groupfiles-directory output-file \ group All but the last argument are expected to be set by userv; the 'group' argument is provided by the user. A suitable userv configuration file fragment is: reset no-disconnect-hup no-suppress-args cd ~/secnet/sites-test/ execute ~/secnet/make-secnet-sites.py -u vpnheader groupfiles sites This program is part of secnet. """ from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import unicode_literals from builtins import int import string import time import sys import os import getopt import re import argparse import math import ipaddress # entry 0 is "near the executable", or maybe from PYTHONPATH=., # which we don't want to preempt sys.path.insert(1,"/usr/local/share/secnet") sys.path.insert(1,"/usr/share/secnet") import ipaddrset import base91 from argparseactionnoyes import ActionNoYes VERSION="0.1.18" max_version = 2 from sys import version_info if version_info.major == 2: # for python2 import codecs sys.stdin = codecs.getreader('utf-8')(sys.stdin) sys.stdout = codecs.getwriter('utf-8')(sys.stdout) import io open=lambda f,m='r': io.open(f,m,encoding='utf-8') max={'rsa_bits':8200,'name':33,'dh_bits':8200,'algname':127} def debugrepr(*args): if debug_level > 0: print(repr(args), file=sys.stderr) def base91s_encode(bindata): return base91.encode(bindata).replace('"',"-") def base91s_decode(string): return base91.decode(string.replace("-",'"')) class Tainted: def __init__(self,s,tline=None,tfile=None): self._s=s self._ok=None self._line=line if tline is None else tline self._file=file if tfile is None else tfile def __eq__(self,e): return self._s==e def __ne__(self,e): # for Python2 return not self.__eq__(e) def __str__(self): raise RuntimeError('direct use of Tainted value') def __repr__(self): return 'Tainted(%s)' % repr(self._s) def _bad(self,what,why): assert(self._ok is not True) self._ok=False complain('bad parameter: %s: %s' % (what, why)) return False def _max_ok(self,what,maxlen): if len(self._s) > maxlen: return self._bad(what,'too long (max %d)' % maxlen) return True def _re_ok(self,bad,what,maxlen=None): if maxlen is None: maxlen=max[what] self._max_ok(what,maxlen) if self._ok is False: return False if bad.search(self._s): #print(repr(self), file=sys.stderr) return self._bad(what,'bad syntax') return True def _rtnval(self, is_ok, ifgood, ifbad=''): if is_ok: assert(self._ok is not False) self._ok=True return ifgood else: assert(self._ok is not True) self._ok=False return ifbad def _rtn(self, is_ok, ifbad=''): return self._rtnval(is_ok, self._s, ifbad) def raw(self): return self._s def raw_mark_ok(self): # caller promises to throw if syntax was dangeorus return self._rtn(True) def output(self): if self._ok is False: return '' if self._ok is True: return self._s print('%s:%d: unchecked/unknown additional data "%s"' % (self._file,self._line,self._s), file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) bad_name=re.compile(r'^[^a-zA-Z]|[^-_0-9a-zA-Z]') # secnet accepts _ at start of names, but we reserve that bad_name_counter=0 def name(self,what='name'): ok=self._re_ok(Tainted.bad_name,what) return self._rtn(ok, '_line%d_%s' % (self._line, id(self))) def keyword(self): ok=self._s in keywords or self._s in levels if not ok: complain('unknown keyword %s' % self._s) return self._rtn(ok) bad_hex=re.compile(r'[^0-9a-fA-F]') def bignum_16(self,kind,what): maxlen=(max[kind+'_bits']+3)/4 ok=self._re_ok(Tainted.bad_hex,what,maxlen) return self._rtn(ok) bad_num=re.compile(r'[^0-9]') def bignum_10(self,kind,what): maxlen=math.ceil(max[kind+'_bits'] / math.log10(2)) ok=self._re_ok(Tainted.bad_num,what,maxlen) return self._rtn(ok) def number(self,minn,maxx,what='number'): # not for bignums ok=self._re_ok(Tainted.bad_num,what,10) if ok: v=int(self._s) if vmaxx: ok=self._bad(what,'out of range %d..%d' % (minn,maxx)) return self._rtnval(ok,v,minn) def hexid(self,byteslen,what): ok=self._re_ok(Tainted.bad_hex,what,byteslen*2) if ok: if len(self._s) < byteslen*2: ok=self._bad(what,'too short') return self._rtn(ok,ifbad='00'*byteslen) bad_host=re.compile(r'[^-\][_.:0-9a-zA-Z]') # We permit _ so we can refer to special non-host domains # which have A and AAAA RRs. This is a crude check and we may # still produce config files with syntactically invalid # domains or addresses, but that is OK. def host(self): ok=self._re_ok(Tainted.bad_host,'host/address',255) return self._rtn(ok) bad_email=re.compile(r'[^-._0-9a-z@!$%^&*=+~/]') # ^ This does not accept all valid email addresses. That's # not really possible with this input syntax. It accepts # all ones that don't require quoting anywhere in email # protocols (and also accepts some invalid ones). def email(self): ok=self._re_ok(Tainted.bad_email,'email address',1023) return self._rtn(ok) bad_groupname=re.compile(r'^[^_A-Za-z]|[^-+_0-9A-Za-z]') def groupname(self): ok=self._re_ok(Tainted.bad_groupname,'group name',64) return self._rtn(ok) bad_base91=re.compile(r'[^!-~]|[\'\"\\]') def base91(self,what='base91'): ok=self._re_ok(Tainted.bad_base91,what,4096) return self._rtn(ok) class ArgActionLambda(argparse.Action): def __init__(self, fn, **kwargs): self.fn=fn argparse.Action.__init__(self,**kwargs) def __call__(self,ap,ns,values,option_string): self.fn(values,ns,ap,option_string) class PkmBase(): def site_start(self,pubkeys_path): self._pa=pubkeys_path self._fs = FilterState() def site_serial(self,serial): pass def write_key(self,k): pass def site_finish(self,confw): pass class PkmSingle(PkmBase): opt = 'single' help = 'write one public key per site to sites.conf' def site_start(self,pubkeys_path): PkmBase.site_start(self,pubkeys_path) self._outk = [] def write_key(self,k): if k.okforonlykey(output_version,self._fs): self._outk.append(k) def site_finish(self,confw): if len(self._outk) == 0: complain("site with no public key"); elif len(self._outk) != 1: debugrepr('outk ', self._outk) complain( "site with multiple public keys, without --pubkeys-install (maybe --output-version=1 would help" ) else: confw.write("key %s;\n"%str(self._outk[0])) class PkmInstall(PkmBase): opt = 'install' help = 'install public keys in public key directory' def site_start(self,pubkeys_path): PkmBase.site_start(self,pubkeys_path) self._pw=open(self._pa+'~tmp','w') def site_serial(self,serial): self._pw.write('serial %s\n' % serial) def write_key(self,k): wout=k.forpub(output_version,self._fs) self._pw.write(' '.join(wout)) self._pw.write('\n') def site_finish(self,confw): self._pw.close() os.rename(self._pa+'~tmp',self._pa+'~update') PkmElide.site_finish(self,confw) class PkmElide(PkmBase): opt = 'elide' help = 'no public keys in sites.conf output nor in directory' def site_finish(self,confw): confw.write("peer-keys \"%s\";\n"%self._pa); class OpBase(): # Base case is reading a sites file from self.inputfilee. # And writing a sites file to self.sitesfile. def positional_args(self, av): if len(av.arg)>3: print("Too many arguments") sys.exit(1) (self.inputfile, self.outputfile) = (av.arg + [None]*2)[0:2] def read_in(self): if self.inputfile is None: self.inputlines = pfile("stdin",sys.stdin.readlines()) else: self.inputlines = pfilepath(self.inputfile) def write_out(self): if self.outputfile is None: f=sys.stdout else: f=open(self.outputfile+"-tmp",'w') f.write("# sites file autogenerated by make-secnet-sites\n") self.write_out_heading(f) f.write("# use make-secnet-sites to turn this file into a\n") f.write("# valid /etc/secnet/sites.conf file\n\n") self.write_out_contents(f) f.write("# end of sites file\n") if self.outputfile is not None: f.close() os.rename(self.outputfile+"-tmp",self.outputfile) class OpConf(OpBase): opts = ['--conf'] help = 'sites.conf generation mode (default)' def check_group(self,group,w): pass def write_out(self): if self.outputfile is None: of=sys.stdout else: tmp_outputfile=self.outputfile+'~tmp~' of=open(tmp_outputfile,'w') outputsites(of) if self.outputfile is not None: os.rename(tmp_outputfile,self.outputfile) class OpFilter(OpBase): opts = ['--filter'] help = 'sites file filtering mode' def positional_arXgs(self, av): if len(av.arg)!=1: print("Too many arguments") (self.inputfile,) = (av.arg + [None])[0:1] self.outputfile = None def write_out_heading(self,f): f.write("# --filter --output-version=%d\n"%output_version) def write_out_contents(self,f): for i in self.inputlines: f.write(i) class OpUserv(OpBase): opts = ['--userv','-u'] help = 'userv service fragment update mode' def positional_args(self, av): if len(av.arg)!=4: print("Wrong number of arguments") sys.exit(1) (self.header, self.groupfiledir, self.outputfile, self.group) = av.arg self.group = Tainted(self.group,0,'command line') # untrusted argument from caller if "USERV_USER" not in os.environ: print("Environment variable USERV_USER not found") sys.exit(1) self.user=os.environ["USERV_USER"] # Check that group is in USERV_GROUP if "USERV_GROUP" not in os.environ: print("Environment variable USERV_GROUP not found") sys.exit(1) ugs=os.environ["USERV_GROUP"] ok=0 for i in ugs.split(): if self.group==i: ok=1 if not ok: print("caller not in group %s"%group) sys.exit(1) def check_group(self,group,w): if group!=self.group: complain("Incorrect group!") w[2].groupname() def read_in(self): self.headerinput=pfilepath(self.header,allow_include=True) self.userinput=sys.stdin.readlines() pfile("user input",self.userinput) def write_out(self): # Put the user's input into their group file, and # rebuild the main sites file f=open(self.groupfiledir+"/T"+self.group.groupname(),'w') f.write("# Section submitted by user %s, %s\n"% (self.user,time.asctime(time.localtime(time.time())))) f.write("# Checked by make-secnet-sites version %s\n\n" %VERSION) for i in self.userinput: f.write(i) f.write("\n") f.close() os.rename(self.groupfiledir+"/T"+self.group.groupname(), self.groupfiledir+"/R"+self.group.groupname()) OpBase.write_out(self) def write_out_heading(self,f): f.write("# generated %s, invoked by %s\n"% (time.asctime(time.localtime(time.time())), self.user)) def write_out_contents(self,f): for i in self.headerinput: f.write(i) files=os.listdir(self.groupfiledir) for i in files: if i[0]=='R': j=open(self.groupfiledir+"/"+i) f.write(j.read()) j.close() def parse_args(): global opmode global prefix global key_prefix global debug_level global output_version global pubkeys_dir global pubkeys_mode ap = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='process secnet sites files') def add_opmode(how): ap.add_argument(*how().opts, action=ArgActionLambda, nargs=0, fn=(lambda v,ns,*x: setattr(ns,'opmode',how)), help=how().help) add_opmode(OpConf) add_opmode(OpFilter) add_opmode(OpUserv) ap.add_argument('--conf-key-prefix', action=ActionNoYes, default=True, help='prefix conf file key names derived from sites data') def add_pkm(how): ap.add_argument('--pubkeys-'+how().opt, action=ArgActionLambda, nargs=0, fn=(lambda v,ns,*x: setattr(ns,'pkm',how)), help=how().help) add_pkm(PkmInstall) add_pkm(PkmSingle) add_pkm(PkmElide) ap.add_argument('--pubkeys-dir', nargs=1, help='public key directory', default=['/var/lib/secnet/pubkeys']) ap.add_argument('--output-version', nargs=1, type=int, help='sites file output version', default=[max_version]) ap.add_argument('--prefix', '-P', nargs=1, help='set prefix') ap.add_argument('--debug', '-D', action='count', default=0) ap.add_argument('arg',nargs=argparse.REMAINDER) av = ap.parse_args() debug_level = av.debug debugrepr('av',av) opmode = getattr(av,'opmode',OpConf)() prefix = '' if av.prefix is None else av.prefix[0] key_prefix = av.conf_key_prefix output_version = av.output_version[0] pubkeys_dir = av.pubkeys_dir[0] pubkeys_mode = getattr(av,'pkm',PkmSingle) opmode.positional_args(av) parse_args() # Classes describing possible datatypes in the configuration file class basetype: "Common protocol for configuration types." def add(self,obj,w): complain("%s %s already has property %s defined"% (obj.type,obj.name,w[0].raw())) def forsites(self,version,copy,fs): return copy class conflist: "A list of some kind of configuration type." def __init__(self,subtype,w): self.subtype=subtype self.list=[subtype(w)] def add(self,obj,w): self.list.append(self.subtype(w)) def __str__(self): return ', '.join(map(str, self.list)) def forsites(self,version,copy,fs): most_recent=self.list[len(self.list)-1] return most_recent.forsites(version,copy,fs) def listof(subtype): return lambda w: conflist(subtype, w) class single_ipaddr (basetype): "An IP address" def __init__(self,w): self.addr=ipaddress.ip_address(w[1].raw_mark_ok()) def __str__(self): return '"%s"'%self.addr class networks (basetype): "A set of IP addresses specified as a list of networks" def __init__(self,w): self.set=ipaddrset.IPAddressSet() for i in w[1:]: x=ipaddress.ip_network(i.raw_mark_ok(),strict=True) self.set.append([x]) def __str__(self): return ",".join(map((lambda n: '"%s"'%n), self.set.networks())) class dhgroup (basetype): "A Diffie-Hellman group" def __init__(self,w): self.mod=w[1].bignum_16('dh','dh mod') self.gen=w[2].bignum_16('dh','dh gen') def __str__(self): return 'diffie-hellman("%s","%s")'%(self.mod,self.gen) class hash (basetype): "A choice of hash function" def __init__(self,w): hname=w[1] self.ht=hname.raw() if (self.ht not in ('md5', 'sha1', 'sha512')): complain("unknown hash type %s"%(self.ht)) self.ht=None else: hname.raw_mark_ok() def __str__(self): return '%s'%(self.ht) class email (basetype): "An email address" def __init__(self,w): self.addr=w[1].email() def __str__(self): return '<%s>'%(self.addr) class boolean (basetype): "A boolean" def __init__(self,w): v=w[1] if re.match('[TtYy1]',v.raw()): self.b=True v.raw_mark_ok() elif re.match('[FfNn0]',v.raw()): self.b=False v.raw_mark_ok() else: complain("invalid boolean value"); def __str__(self): return ['False','True'][self.b] class num (basetype): "A decimal number" def __init__(self,w): self.n=w[1].number(0,0x7fffffff) def __str__(self): return '%d'%(self.n) class serial (basetype): def __init__(self,w): self.i=w[1].hexid(4,'serial') def __str__(self): return self.i def forsites(self,version,copy,fs): if version < 2: return [] return copy class address (basetype): "A DNS name and UDP port number" def __init__(self,w): self.adr=w[1].host() self.port=w[2].number(1,65536,'port') def __str__(self): return '"%s"; port %d'%(self.adr,self.port) class inpub (basetype): def forsites(self,version,xcopy,fs): return self.forpub(version,fs) class pubkey (inpub): "Some kind of publie key" def __init__(self,w): self.a=w[1].name('algname') self.d=w[2].base91(); def __str__(self): return 'make-public("%s","%s")'%(self.a,self.d) def forpub(self,version,fs): if version < 2: return [] return ['pub', self.a, self.d] def okforonlykey(self,version,fs): return len(self.forpub(version,fs)) != 0 class rsakey (pubkey): "An old-style RSA public key" def __init__(self,w): self.l=w[1].number(0,max['rsa_bits'],'rsa len') self.e=w[2].bignum_10('rsa','rsa e') self.n=w[3].bignum_10('rsa','rsa n') if len(w) >= 5: w[4].email() self.a='rsa1' self.d=base91s_encode(b'%d %s %s' % (self.l, self.e.encode('ascii'), self.n.encode('ascii'))) # ^ this allows us to use the pubkey.forsites() # method for output in versions>=2 def __str__(self): return 'rsa-public("%s","%s")'%(self.e,self.n) # this specialisation means we can generate files # compatible with old secnet executables def forpub(self,version,fs): if version < 2: if fs.pkg != '00000000': return [] return ['pubkey', str(self.l), self.e, self.n] return pubkey.forpub(self,version,fs) class rsakey_newfmt(rsakey): "An old-style RSA public key in new-style sites format" # This is its own class simply to have its own constructor. def __init__(self,w): self.a=w[1].name() assert(self.a == 'rsa1') self.d=w[2].base91() try: w_inner=list(map(Tainted, ['X-PUB-RSA1'] + base91s_decode(self.d) .decode('ascii') .split(' '))) except UnicodeDecodeError: complain('rsa1 key in new format has bad base91') #print(repr(w_inner), file=sys.stderr) rsakey.__init__(self,w_inner) class pubkey_group(inpub): "Public key group introducer" # appears in the site's list of keys mixed in with the keys def __init__(self,w,fallback): self.i=w[1].hexid(4,'pkg-id') self.fallback=fallback def forpub(self,version,fs): fs.pkg=self.i if version < 2: return [] return ['pkgf' if self.fallback else 'pkg', self.i] def okforonlykey(self,version,fs): self.forpub(version,fs) return False def somepubkey(w): #print(repr(w), file=sys.stderr) if w[0]=='pubkey': return rsakey(w) elif w[0]=='pub' and w[1]=='rsa1': return rsakey_newfmt(w) elif w[0]=='pub': return pubkey(w) elif w[0]=='pkg': return pubkey_group(w,False) elif w[0]=='pkgf': return pubkey_group(w,True) else: assert(False) # Possible properties of configuration nodes keywords={ 'contact':(email,"Contact address"), 'dh':(dhgroup,"Diffie-Hellman group"), 'hash':(hash,"Hash function"), 'key-lifetime':(num,"Maximum key lifetime (ms)"), 'setup-timeout':(num,"Key setup timeout (ms)"), 'setup-retries':(num,"Maximum key setup packet retries"), 'wait-time':(num,"Time to wait after unsuccessful key setup (ms)"), 'renegotiate-time':(num,"Time after key setup to begin renegotiation (ms)"), 'restrict-nets':(networks,"Allowable networks"), 'networks':(networks,"Claimed networks"), 'serial':(serial,"public key set serial"), 'pkg':(listof(somepubkey),"start of public key group",'pub'), 'pkgf':(listof(somepubkey),"start of fallback public key group",'pub'), 'pub':(listof(somepubkey),"new style public site key"), 'pubkey':(listof(somepubkey),"Old-style RSA public site key",'pub'), 'peer':(single_ipaddr,"Tunnel peer IP address"), 'address':(address,"External contact address and port"), 'mobile':(boolean,"Site is mobile"), } def sp(name,value): "Simply output a property - the default case" return "%s %s;\n"%(name,value) # All levels support these properties global_properties={ 'contact':(lambda name,value:"# Contact email address: %s\n"%(value)), 'dh':sp, 'hash':sp, 'key-lifetime':sp, 'setup-timeout':sp, 'setup-retries':sp, 'wait-time':sp, 'renegotiate-time':sp, 'restrict-nets':(lambda name,value:"# restrict-nets %s\n"%value), } class level: "A level in the configuration hierarchy" depth=0 leaf=0 allow_properties={} require_properties={} def __init__(self,w): self.type=w[0].keyword() self.name=w[1].name() self.properties={} self.children={} def indent(self,w,t): w.write(" "[:t]) def prop_out(self,n): return self.allow_properties[n](n,str(self.properties[n])) def output_props(self,w,ind): for i in sorted(self.properties.keys()): if self.allow_properties[i]: self.indent(w,ind) w.write("%s"%self.prop_out(i)) def kname(self): return ((self.type[0].upper() if key_prefix else '') + self.name) def output_data(self,w,path): ind = 2*len(path) self.indent(w,ind) w.write("%s {\n"%(self.kname())) self.output_props(w,ind+2) if self.depth==1: w.write("\n"); for k in sorted(self.children.keys()): c=self.children[k] c.output_data(w,path+(c,)) self.indent(w,ind) w.write("};\n") class vpnlevel(level): "VPN level in the configuration hierarchy" depth=1 leaf=0 type="vpn" allow_properties=global_properties.copy() require_properties={ 'contact':"VPN admin contact address" } def __init__(self,w): level.__init__(self,w) def output_vpnflat(self,w,path): "Output flattened list of site names for this VPN" ind=2*(len(path)+1) self.indent(w,ind) w.write("%s {\n"%(self.kname())) for i in self.children.keys(): self.children[i].output_vpnflat(w,path+(self,)) w.write("\n") self.indent(w,ind+2) w.write("all-sites %s;\n"% ','.join(map(lambda i: i.kname(), self.children.values()))) self.indent(w,ind) w.write("};\n") class locationlevel(level): "Location level in the configuration hierarchy" depth=2 leaf=0 type="location" allow_properties=global_properties.copy() require_properties={ 'contact':"Location admin contact address", } def __init__(self,w): level.__init__(self,w) self.group=w[2].groupname() def output_vpnflat(self,w,path): ind=2*(len(path)+1) self.indent(w,ind) # The "path=path,self=self" abomination below exists because # Python didn't support nested_scopes until version 2.1 # #"/"+self.name+"/"+i w.write("%s %s;\n"%(self.kname(),','.join( map(lambda x,path=path,self=self: '/'.join([prefix+"vpn-data"] + list(map( lambda i: i.kname(), path+(self,x)))), self.children.values())))) class sitelevel(level): "Site level (i.e. a leafnode) in the configuration hierarchy" depth=3 leaf=1 type="site" allow_properties=global_properties.copy() allow_properties.update({ 'address':sp, 'networks':None, 'peer':None, 'serial':None, 'pkg':None, 'pkgf':None, 'pub':None, 'pubkey':None, 'mobile':sp, }) require_properties={ 'dh':"Diffie-Hellman group", 'contact':"Site admin contact address", 'networks':"Networks claimed by the site", 'hash':"hash function", 'peer':"Gateway address of the site", } def mangle_name(self): return self.name.replace('/',',') def pubkeys_path(self): return pubkeys_dir + '/peer.' + self.mangle_name() def __init__(self,w): level.__init__(self,w) def output_data(self,w,path): ind=2*len(path) np='/'.join(map(lambda i: i.name, path)) self.indent(w,ind) w.write("%s {\n"%(self.kname())) self.indent(w,ind+2) w.write("name \"%s\";\n"%(np,)) self.indent(w,ind+2) pkm = pubkeys_mode() debugrepr('pkm ',pkm) pkm.site_start(self.pubkeys_path()) if 'serial' in self.properties: pkm.site_serial(self.properties['serial']) for k in self.properties["pub"].list: debugrepr('pubkeys ', k) pkm.write_key(k) pkm.site_finish(w) self.output_props(w,ind+2) self.indent(w,ind+2) w.write("link netlink {\n"); self.indent(w,ind+4) w.write("routes %s;\n"%str(self.properties["networks"])) self.indent(w,ind+4) w.write("ptp-address %s;\n"%str(self.properties["peer"])) self.indent(w,ind+2) w.write("};\n") self.indent(w,ind) w.write("};\n") # Levels in the configuration file # (depth,properties) levels={'vpn':vpnlevel, 'location':locationlevel, 'site':sitelevel} def complain(msg): "Complain about a particular input line" moan(("%s line %d: "%(file,line))+msg) def moan(msg): "Complain about something in general" global complaints print(msg); if complaints is None: sys.exit(1) complaints=complaints+1 class UntaintedRoot(): def __init__(self,s): self._s=s def name(self): return self._s def keyword(self): return self._s root=level([UntaintedRoot(x) for x in ['root','root']]) # All vpns are children of this node obstack=[root] allow_defs=0 # Level above which new definitions are permitted def set_property(obj,w): "Set a property on a configuration node" prop=w[0] propname=prop.raw_mark_ok() kw=keywords[propname] if len(kw) >= 3: propname=kw[2] # for aliases if propname in obj.properties: obj.properties[propname].add(obj,w) else: obj.properties[propname]=kw[0](w) return obj.properties[propname] class FilterState: def __init__(self): self.reset() def reset(self): # called when we enter a new node, # in particular, at the start of each site self.pkg = '00000000' def pline(il,filterstate,allow_include=False): "Process a configuration file line" global allow_defs, obstack, root w=il.rstrip('\n').split() if len(w)==0: return [''] w=list([Tainted(x) for x in w]) keyword=w[0] current=obstack[len(obstack)-1] copyout_core=lambda: ' '.join([ww.output() for ww in w]) indent=' '*len(obstack) copyout=lambda: [indent + copyout_core() + '\n'] if keyword=='end-definitions': keyword.raw_mark_ok() allow_defs=sitelevel.depth obstack=[root] return copyout() if keyword=='include': if not allow_include: complain("include not permitted here") return [] if len(w) != 2: complain("include requires one argument") return [] newfile=os.path.join(os.path.dirname(file),w[1].raw_mark_ok()) # ^ user of "include" is trusted so raw_mark_ok is good return pfilepath(newfile,allow_include=allow_include) if keyword.raw() in levels: # We may go up any number of levels, but only down by one newdepth=levels[keyword.raw_mark_ok()].depth currentdepth=len(obstack) # actually +1... if newdepth<=currentdepth: obstack=obstack[:newdepth] if newdepth>currentdepth: complain("May not go from level %d to level %d"% (currentdepth-1,newdepth)) # See if it's a new one (and whether that's permitted) # or an existing one current=obstack[len(obstack)-1] tname=w[1].name() if tname in current.children: # Not new current=current.children[tname] if current.depth==2: opmode.check_group(current.group, w) else: # New # Ignore depth check for now nl=levels[keyword.raw()](w) if nl.depth0: if complaints==1: print("There was 1 problem.") else: print("There were %d problems."%(complaints)) sys.exit(1) complaints=None # arranges to crash if we complain later opmode.write_out()