#!/usr/bin/python from __future__ import print_function import signal signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_DFL) from moebius import * nomsize = 30; thick = 1.500; sliceat = 1.675; nv = 80 nw = 80 m = Moebius(nv, nw) class ScadObject: def __init__(so): so._points = [] so._point_indices = {} so._triangles = [] def writeout(so, objname, scalefactor=1): print('module %s(){ scale(%s) polyhedron(points=[' % (objname, scalefactor)) for p in so._points: print(p, ',') print('],faces=[') for t in so._triangles: print(repr(t), ',') print('],convexity=10); }') so._points = None def _point(so, p): l = list(p) s = repr(l) try: ix = so._point_indices[s] except KeyError: ix = len(so._points) so._points.append(s) so._point_indices[s] = ix return ix def triangle(so, a,b,c): ''' a b c are clockwise from inside ''' so._triangles.append([ so._point(p) for p in (a,b,c) ]) def quad(so, cnrs): ''' cnrs[0] [1] [3] [2] are clockwise from inside ''' so.triangle(cnrs[0], cnrs[1], cnrs[3]) so.triangle(cnrs[0], cnrs[3], cnrs[2]) def rquad(so, cnrs): ''' cnrs[0] [1] [3] [2] are anticlockwise from inside ''' so.triangle(cnrs[0], cnrs[3], cnrs[1]) so.triangle(cnrs[0], cnrs[2], cnrs[3]) relthick = thick/(nomsize*2) def make_moebius(objname): so = ScadObject() for v in range(0, nv): for w in range(0, nw): so.quad([ m.point_offset(v+a, w+b, relthick) for a in (0, 1) for b in (0, 1) ]) so.rquad([ m.point_offset(v+a, w+b, -relthick) for a in (1, 0) for b in (1, 0) ]) for q, w in ((so.quad, 0), (so.rquad, nw)): q([ m.point_offset(v+a, w, b*relthick) for a in (0, 1) for b in (-1, +1) ]) so.writeout(objname, nomsize) def make_pinlocations(): bests = [ None, None ] # bests[ y>=0 ] = (locn, normal) def goodness(info): # we find the one with biggest Z (actually, the least -ve) return ( 0 * np.linalg.norm(info[0][0:2]) -abs(info[1][2]) ) return abs(info[1][1]) for v in range(0, nv): for w in range(0, nw): core_quad = [ m.point(v+a, w+b) for a in (1, 0) for b in (1, 0) ] for p,q in [ (core_quad[i], core_quad[(i+1) % 4]) for i in range(0,4) ]: normal = (m.point_offset(v, w, 0.5) - core_quad[0] + m.point_offset(v+1,w+1, 0.5) - core_quad[3]); if normal[2] > 0: # inwards, make outwards normal = -normal #print(repr((p,q)), file=sys.stderr) if (p[2] > -sliceat) == (q[2] > -sliceat): continue lincomb = (-sliceat - p[2]) / (q[2] - p[2]) here = p * (1-lincomb) + q * lincomb; best_key = here[1] >= 0 prospective = (here,normal) if (bests[best_key] is None or goodness(prospective) > goodness(bests[best_key])): bests[best_key] = prospective def print_best_list(name, l): print('moebius_pin_%s=[' % name) for i in l: print(repr(list(i)),',') print('];') def print_bests(name, info_index): print_best_list(name, [b[info_index] for b in bests]) print_bests('locns', 0) print_bests('normals', 1) upwardses = [] alongs = [] matrices = [] for b in bests: along = unit_v(np.cross(b[1], unit_z)) upwards = np.cross(b[1], along) matrix = [ along, -upwards, -b[1] ] #print('initial', matrix, file=sys.stderr) matrix = np.concatenate((matrix, [[0,0,0]])) #print('concatd', matrix, file=sys.stderr) matrix = np.array(matrix).T #print('transposed', matrix, file=sys.stderr) matrix = np.concatenate((matrix, [[0,0,0,1]])) #print('concat2', matrix, file=sys.stderr) matrix = [ list(row) for row in matrix ] #print('listed', matrix, file=sys.stderr) alongs .append(along) upwardses.append(upwards) matrices. append(matrix) print_best_list('upwardses',upwardses) print_best_list('alongs', alongs) print_best_list('matrix', matrices) make_moebius('MoebiusCore') make_pinlocations() print('moebiuscore_nomsize=%s;' % repr(nomsize)) print('moebiuscore_sliceat=%s;' % repr(sliceat))