Building topgit for Debian -------------------------- The topgit source package uses quilt to apply and remove its patches. Please refer to /usr/share/doc/quilt/README.source for information about how to use quilt for source packages. The quilt series is, however, generated from the Git repository, using TopGit itself. While subject to change, this currently happens as follows. Please make sure to have the latest version of TopGit (>= 0.3) installed before trying this: 1. Cloning the repository ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cloning a TopGit repository requires an additional step to normal Git cloning: 1. git clone ssh:// 2. cd topgit 3. tg remote --populate origin TODO: debcheckout support Branches in use ''''''''''''''' The following branches are in use in the package: - upstream: tracks the upstream Git repository - fixes/*: patches fixing problems with upstream - features/*: patches providing new features, targetted upstream - master: the main Debianisation branch - debian/*: Debian-specific patches upstream and master are regular Git branches, while the others are TopGit branches. The reason why master is not a TopGit branch itself is so that it's possible to export all TopGit-managed branches into the quilt series, without having to make an exception for master. 2. Developing a new feature ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you want to develop a new feature (or bug fix), first consider whether the patch is intended to go upstream or is a Debian-specific change. Choose the namespace accordingly and base it off upstream or master respectively. If the patch depends on another patch, obviously base it off the respective TopGit branch. The following are the steps required to add a feature branch/patch: 1. tg create features/new-feature upstream - or - tg create debian/new-debian-stuff master 2. edit .topmsg and make the subject line be a short description, optionally add a longer description to the body 3. git add .topmsg && git commit -m'create branch features/new-feature' 3. Obtaining the upstream tarball ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The upstream tarball for $VERSION can be obtained using pristine-tar: pristine-tar checkout ../topgit_$VERSION.orig.tar.gz 4. Building the package ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To build the package, you check out the build branch, recreate debian/patches, commit, build, test, upload, tag: 1. tg create stage-0.4-1 debian/locations 2. git commit -m'staging 0.4-1' 3. tg export --quilt debian/ 4. rm debian/* 5. sed -i '/^stage-/d' debian/ 6. git checkout build && git rm -r debian/patches 7. mv debian/ debian/patches && git add debian/patches 8. git commit -m'preparing 0.4-1' 9. build, test, upload, tag ('debian/topgit-0.4-1') 10. tg delete stage-0.4-1 This process is still very cumbersome and needs to be improved, ideally within TopGit. TODO: provide Makefile snippet for the above to prevent useless duplication (#501991) TODO: rewrite to use tg-export -b, which will be fixed in TopGit 0.5 (#500273) 5. Importing a new upstream version ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To import a new upstream, update the remote, merge the tag you want to merge into the master branch, ideally together with an update to debian/changelog, then update all TopGit branches: 1. git remote update 2. git checkout master 3. git merge topgit-0.4 Now proceed as in the next step. 6. Making changes to the master branch ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you make changes to the master branch (the "debianisation" branch), follow this procedure: 1. tg summary 2. for every branch that is prefixed with 'D' in the output: git checkout $BRANCH && tg update 3. git checkout build && git merge master 7. Building an upstream tarball ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Until upstream provides official tarballs, the following can be used to create them for Debian: 1. git checkout topgit-0.4 2. git archive --prefix=$(git describe HEAD)/ --verbose HEAD \ | gzip -9 > ../$(git describe HEAD | sed s,-,_,).orig.tar.gz 3. pristine-tar commit ../$(git describe HEAD | sed s,-,_,).orig.tar.gz \ HEAD 4. git checkout master All comments and suggestions are welcome, especially those pertaining to auto-generating debian/changelog from commit logs. -- martin f. krafft Mon, 11 Aug 2008 17:32:48 -0300