chiark / gitweb /
descriptionUnnamed repository; edit this file to name it for gitweb.
ownerIan Jackson
last changeThu, 1 Feb 2024 21:59:00 +0000 (21:59 +0000)
2024-02-01 Ian Jacksonchangelog: Finalise 2.2 master
2024-02-01 Ian Jacksonchangelog: Retrospectively declare that ~~iwj3 that...
2024-02-01 Ian JacksonDebian: fix control file for dh version
2024-02-01 Ian JacksonDebian: override the warning about d/copyright
2024-02-01 Ian JacksonDebian: fix Priority
2024-02-01 Ian JacksonFix version of 2.0 in changelog, retrospectively
2024-02-01 Ian Fix AC_INIT invocation (autogen)
2024-02-01 Ian Fix AC_INIT invocation
2024-02-01 Ian JacksonLICENCE.txt: Discuss incorporated and related works
2024-02-01 Ian JacksonCopyright: *don't* ship LICENCE.txt as a separate file...
2024-02-01 Ian JacksonCopyright: ship LICENCE.txt using upstream Makefile...
2024-02-01 Ian JacksonCopyright: ship LICENCE.txt using upstream Makefile
2024-02-01 Ian JacksonCopyright: Replace debian/copyright with a symlink
2024-02-01 Ian Jacksoncopyright: Adopt the Signed-off-by convention
2024-02-01 Ian JacksonLICENCE.txt: Tidy up a bit
2024-02-01 Ian JacksonMove most copyright notice text into LICENCE.txt (autogen)
14 years ago innduct-0.1
5 months ago master
14 years ago chiark