Data retention directive "invalid"

Roland Perry lists at
Mon Jul 14 10:22:01 BST 2014

In article <20140713223610.GD43159 at>, Clive D.W. Feather 
<clive at> writes
>Roland Perry said:
>> I'm trying to unpick the roles of RIPA and the EU when it comes to
>> mandating blanket retention. Nick Robinson is right that it [was] and EU
>> Directive (and by implication not RIPA).
>But you may recall that everyone was convinced it was a eurowash - the UK
>knew it would never get it through Parliament, so they got the Commission
>to propose it instead.

I'm aware of those suggestions, however despite its pedigree it wasn't 
part of RIPA. Trying to keep the concepts of retention and disclosure 
separate is vital to a proper understanding of the situation.

>What happened to that company setting itself up as an intermediary? Howard
>somebody, wasn't it?

It was called Singlepoint (a play on 'SPOC' no doubt). Presumably not to 
be confused with a USA-based payroll company. I have no recollection of 
it trading.
Roland Perry

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