latest plans to monitor internet use in the UK

Roland Perry lists at
Thu Jun 14 12:53:35 BST 2012

In article 
<CAGDKor+Mgr=p+9Zk6YsDb7ULnFuo2v6188CGoyOWiJ5Y57AMZg at>, 
Martin Hepworth <maxsec at> writes
>Interesting was quoted as saying 500,000 such requests where made in 
>2010 for fixed and mobile phone data, but no mention of that how much 
>of that 500,000 lead to prosecutions

Most of those are reverse-DQ, and each investigation might involve 
hundreds of them. So I think we need a more sophisticated metric 
regarding the "hit rate", and specifically concentrate on the minority 
of requests which aren't reverse-DQ.
Roland Perry

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