Bug#1042082: Please take over udev SysV init script

Mark Hindley mark at hindley.org.uk
Sun Oct 1 09:39:09 BST 2023

Control: clone -1 -2
Control: retitle -2 udev.postinst removes valid /etc/rc*.d/ symlinks


On Fri, Sep 29, 2023 at 09:51:21PM -0700, Bill Brelsford wrote:
> When upgrading (with aptitude), initscripts (3.08-1) is set up
> before udev (254.4-1). Udev claims to remove the "obsolete
> conffile /etc/init.d/udev", but it's still there. However, the
> rc*.d symlinks are not -- "update-rc.d udev defaults" fixes it.

This is a new issue. Cloning.


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