Desktop/login and network managers that 100% don't depend on systemd ?

Thorsten Glaser t.glaser at
Sat Jun 24 18:27:21 BST 2023

On Sat, 24 Jun 2023, Ottavio Caruso wrote:

>I get it that most of you guys are probably running debian from a
>wired IP, in which case a simple tweak to the network interfaces file

It doesn’t quite fit the subject, but, it *is* possible to run
WLAN interfaces with just ifupdown. I attached my
/etc/network/interfaces.examples which a good part of is from and the rest from experience.

Use like:

$ sudo ifup wlan0=pskwlan

Remember to make /etc/network/interfaces or, ideally with newer
releases, /etc/network/interfaces.d/pskwlan (one file per WLAN)
chmod 0600 so that the password does not leak, it has to be in
there in plaintext after all.

No manual configuration of wpa-supplicant is needed with this setup.

>What about DE? I am running Mate and I would probably have to get rid
>of Mate and lightdm.

Eh I’m not the right person for that, I log in and then type
“exec startx” like it’s the 1990s. I recall some display managers
working without systemd, but kdm is the last one I used (for more
than two releases since it last shipped in Debian). Using that
with IceWM as window manager and session manager, without a full
desktop environment, is user-friendly enough (resembles win95).

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