Bug#945269: debian-policy: packages should use tmpfiles.d(5) to create directories below /var

Thorsten Glaser t.glaser at tarent.de
Tue Jun 13 22:14:38 BST 2023

On Tue, 13 Jun 2023, Russ Allbery wrote:

>Ah, I think I understand what you're getting at.  You're talking about
>using the init script of a daemon as this sort of wrapper script for

Not really. I was talking about normal programs, not dæmons.
I have the expectation that these, when invoked, create their
necessary temporary files/directories when they are placed on
volatile storage, i.e. /tmp and /run and possibly /var/tmp.

>nothing we're talking about here changes that behavior, because nothing
>needs to be pre-created.

Ah, good then.

For dæmons, running them in chroots is usually more tricky
anyway. Ideally, just /etc/init.d/foo {stop|start} would
work, but there’s situations where that doesn’t suffice.
If maintainers can get the former working, fine.

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