How to handle bugs like 1041703 - libgudev broken due to missed udev dependencies?

Thorsten Glaser t.glaser at
Sun Jul 23 01:20:44 BST 2023

On Sat, 22 Jul 2023, Martin Steigerwald wrote:


>I was not aware that eudev is not part of Debian.

Ouch, yes. This is unfortunate, because smcv is totally right.
Whereever libeudev1 came from it’s not packaged properly.

I’m so-and-so on the idea of bringing eudev to Debian. It’ll
raise complaints again, but on the other hand if it would enable
opening communication and reassignment, and if the udev maintainers
were willing to cooperate¹, it could take away some pains for
everyone (especially if eudev includes a sysvinit initscript).
At the same time, introducing it will cause complaints again…

I was wondering why libinput_drv depends on libgudev, which is…
GNOME? and found that I don’t even have it installed on my laptop,
evdev_drv is the only one there and it depends on libudev instead
of a wrapper.

① hahahaha
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