Bug#1009915: sysvinit: Please align with manpages-l10n and afterwards activate man page translations

Mark Hindley leepen at debian.org
Thu May 5 16:27:26 BST 2022

Jesse, Helge,


On Sun, May 01, 2022 at 04:16:33PM -0300, Jesse Smith wrote:
> > The attached Makefile for man/ does not yet work, but I think it's just my
> > limited man page knowledge.
> Thank you for putting this together. I'm applying upstream to our 3.05
> branch.

I was still having difficulties with the Makefile you committed. There are some
patches attached which resolve them for me.

Helge, I am unclear what the po4a option '--msgid-bugs-address "Your Bugmail
<mail at example.com>"' is for. Is it required or should it be set to something
@upstream sysvinit?

Jesse, I have suggested making po4a optional. I wonder if some users might not
want to install and build the translated pages?

Any successfully translated manpages are now installed.

What do you both think?


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Name: 0003-Use-single-rule-and-make-po4a-optional-with-warning.patch
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URL: <http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/pipermail/debian-init-diversity/attachments/20220505/ab9eabea/attachment-0005.patch>
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Name: 0001-Fix-parsing-LANGUAGES-needs-escaping-in-Makefile.patch
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Name: 0005-Use-po4a-stamp-option-to-avoid-rebuild-every-time-al.patch
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Name: 0004-Install-i10n-manpages-if-available.patch
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