Bug#1014511: sysvinit: debian/copyright reports incorrect licenses

binh1.tranhai at toshiba.co.jp binh1.tranhai at toshiba.co.jp
Fri Jul 8 08:15:07 BST 2022

Hi Beckert,

>debian/copyright _IS_ the canonical place for copyright statements about debian/*
>So this is wrong and MUST NOT be changed as it would mean we would LOOSE the copyright statements for the remaining files in debian/*.
Thank you for your sharing.

In the original debian/copyright file, debian/* paragraph is missing copyright of some files as below:

    Files: debian/po/pt_BR.po
    Copyright: 2009 Adriano Rafael Gomes <adrianorg at debian.org>, 2009-2020.

    Files: debian/po/da.po
    Copyright: 2019 sysvinit & Joe Hansen.

    Files: debian/po/es.po
    Copyright: 2009 Software in the Public Interest

    Files: debian/po/sv.po
    Copyright: 2012 Martin Bagge <brother at bsnet.se>

    Files: debian/po/fr.po
    Copyright: 2012 Debian French l10n Team

    Files: debian/po/ja.po
    Copyright: 2009 Hideki Yamane <henrich at debian.or.jp>

I'd like to update some missing copyright of debian/* paragraph from the original debian/copyright to new copyright.
I'd like to send you the new copyright without removing debian/* at the attachment.

If you have any comment/suggestion about my changes, Please let me know.
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