Bug#989284: insserv: toggles rc0.d/{K02avahi-daemon => K01avahi-daemon} with every upgrade

Thorsten Glaser t.glaser at tarent.de
Wed Oct 6 18:26:42 BST 2021

On Wed, 6 Oct 2021, Mark Hindley wrote:

> I am going to tag this unreproducible until we can work out what is different on
> the system that is causing problems. Any insight or suggestions from you would
> be most welcome.

(back to the desktop in question) I’ve attached straces:

tglase at tglase:~ $ strace -f -o run1 insserv -p etc-stripped/init.d -i etc-stripped/init.d
tglase at tglase:~ $ strace -f -o run2 insserv -p etc-stripped/init.d -i etc-stripped/init.d
tglase at tglase:~ $ strace -f -o run3 insserv -p etc-stripped/init.d -i etc-stripped/init.d
tglase at tglase:~ $ strace -f -o run4 -e file insserv -p etc-stripped/init.d -i etc-stripped/init.d

From the run4 (file accesses only), after grepping out ENOENT
and grepping for /etc (/usr was only the README), these remain:

3768  openat(AT_FDCWD, "/etc/insserv.conf", O_RDONLY) = 3
3768  openat(AT_FDCWD, "/etc/insserv.conf.d", O_RDONLY|O_NONBLOCK|O_CLOEXEC|O_DIRECTORY) = 3
3768  stat("/etc/insserv.conf.d/postfix", {st_mode=S_IFREG|0644, st_size=30, ...}) = 0
3768  openat(AT_FDCWD, "/etc/insserv.conf.d/postfix", O_RDONLY) = 3
3768  stat("/etc/insserv.conf.d/kdm", {st_mode=S_IFREG|0644, st_size=36, ...}) = 0
3768  openat(AT_FDCWD, "/etc/insserv.conf.d/kdm", O_RDONLY) = 3

So apparently insserv still accesses system-global configuration,
maybe that’s it? Attaching all three files.

Infrastrukturexperte • tarent solutions GmbH
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# All local filesystems are mounted (done during boot phase)
$local_fs	+mountall +mountall-bootclean +mountoverflowtmp +umountfs

# Low level networking (ethernet card)
$network	+networking +ifupdown

# Named is operational
$named		+named +dnsmasq +lwresd +bind9 +unbound +pdns-recursor $network

# All remote filesystems are mounted (note in some cases /usr may
# be remote. Most applications that care will probably require
# both $local_fs and $remote_fs)
$remote_fs	$local_fs +mountnfs +mountnfs-bootclean +umountnfs +sendsigs

# System logger is operational
$syslog		+rsyslog +sysklogd +syslog-ng +dsyslog +inetutils-syslogd

# The system time has been set correctly
$time		+hwclock

# Services which need to be interactive
<interactive>	glibc udev console-screen keymap keyboard-setup console-setup cryptdisks cryptdisks-early checkfs-loop
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$x-display-manager              kdm
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$mail-transport-agent postfix

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