Bug#783990: efivarfs is a separate fs and needs moutning

The Wanderer wanderer at fastmail.fm
Sun Jul 18 00:29:54 BST 2021

On 2021-07-16 at 13:02, The Wanderer wrote:

> On 2021-07-16 at 12:55, Ian Jackson wrote:
>> I have now tested this.  I found that a safety catch in
>> mount-functions caused it to not work, and this additional patch is
>> needed.
>> mount-functions looks in /etc/filesystems and skips mounting things
>> which the kernel doesn't seem to supoort.  In general with so many
>> filesystems being kernel modules this seems to be of questionable use.
>> In this case it definitely broke things: I found that mounting the
>> filesystem with mount(8) auto-loads the module.

>> For your testing:
>> AFAICT it isn't a particularly good idea to just copy the new
>> mount-functions.sh into /lib but monkey-applying the patch with
>>   patch /lib/init/mount-functions.sh < 0001-initsripts-mount-functions-Do-not-check-efivarfs-in-.patch
>> worked for me.  With those patches (and the bodge in fstab commented
>> it) it all works.
> I need to do some other things for a while, so I won't be rebooting
> again immediately, but I'll probably test this sometime this afternoon.

This has now been tested (twice, once from intentional shutdown and once
from unexpected power loss).

I did not make note of what boot-time message(s) there may or may not
have been, but the mount is still in place and functioning without
issues, and I don't see any new errors in e.g. dmesg.

Barring reason to do otherwise, I plan to leave the patch applied until
such time as something overwrites it (probably on a package upgrade). If
I notice any issues, I will try to report back.

   The Wanderer

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one
persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all
progress depends on the unreasonable man.         -- George Bernard Shaw

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