Bug#987316: initscripts: tmpfs has wrong size

Thorsten Glaser t.glaser at tarent.de
Wed Apr 21 16:56:50 BST 2021

On Wed, 21 Apr 2021, Roger Lynn wrote:

> tmpfs(5) says:
>        TMPFS_SIZE
>               Maximum  size  for  all tmpfs filesystems if no specific size is
>               provided.  The default is 20%VM (20% of virtual memory,  includ‐
>               ing  swap  space).  If no value is provided here, the kernel de‐
>               fault (50% RAM) will be used.
> I find this confusing, because the default in /etc/defaults/tmpfs is:

I found it confusing as well, which is why I tracked this down.

To “provide no value” you have to actually do…


… in /etc/defaults/tmpfs because the commented-out value is default.

Perhaps rewording tmpfs(5) to say “If this is explicitly set to the
empty string, the kernel default…” is in order?

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