Bug#959860: initscripts: Please provide shutdown-equivalent to rc.local

Thorsten Glaser t.glaser at tarent.de
Wed May 6 10:14:33 BST 2020

On Wed, 6 May 2020, Patrik Schindler wrote:

> Please integrate this patch to have stuff done at system shutdown.

Use /etc/rc.shutdown please, for consistency with BSD.

But, good idea.

«MyISAM tables -will- get corrupted eventually. This is a fact of life. »
“mysql is about as much database as ms access” – “MSSQL at least descends
from a database” “it's a rebranded SyBase” “MySQL however was born from a
flatfile and went downhill from there” – “at least jetDB doesn’t claim to
be a database”	(#nosec)    ‣‣‣ Please let MySQL and MariaDB finally die!

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