Bug#851747: sysvinit_2.96-2.2_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable

Thorsten Glaser t.glaser at tarent.de
Fri Mar 20 01:19:36 GMT 2020

On Fri, 20 Mar 2020, Andreas Henriksson wrote:

> Section 3.8 can be read here:

Removing the Essential flag should be done with the greatest care,
though, and only after all users are moved off of implying its
presence. 3.8 also contains this:

“which means that removing functionality from the Essential set
   is very difficult and is almost never done.”

As I said, just don’t rush this. From your recent mails to the
bugreport you said there are packages to adapt first. And as I
said, bash still is Essential… so don’t rush.

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