Response to active removal of initscripts

Thorsten Glaser t.glaser at
Wed Jul 29 13:48:36 BST 2020

On Wed, 29 Jul 2020, Trek wrote:

> another viable option may be to create a package suffixed with -init,

Either way, separate packages have the problem of migrating
the conffiles from one to the other. This can be extremely
tricky to get right, so users might lose their settings in
between, or packages can be uninstallable due to file con‐

Separate packages have an even higher load on the mirrors
and ftpmasters, but a combined package has more problems:
version skew, both cross-architecture (e.g. if some buildd
hasn’t caught up yet on an arch, or if a package breaks on
an arch temporarily) and in backports(!).

IMHO the only really sustainable way is to keep the init
scripts in the packages themselves and maintain them to‐
gether with the package maintainer. This probably should
be forced as much as maintainers are forced to add systemd
units to their packages (that is, not much right now, but
will change).

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