Response to active removal of initscripts

Lorenzo plorenzo at
Fri Jul 3 01:47:39 BST 2020

On 02/07/20 21:54, Tito wrote:
> I know nothing about debian packaging. That said you will excuse 
> me if I say horribly stupid things.
> Let us taken for granted that for the near future things will stay
> the same and therefore more and more init-scripts will  be removed
> from packages. What could be a viable solution besides forking
> all this packages, a effort that could overwhelm devuan's manpower?
> I would suggest creating a initscritps-extras package, where all
> the orphaned init-scripts (and more..) could be collected with 
> eventually needed support files (like those in /etc/default/).
> Most of the scripts (if not all) have a test to check if the
> daemon is installed e.g:
> test -x "$MDADM" || exit 0
> so they could not do any harm. The only problem I can think about
> is that the user needs to run insserv manually to enable the script
> in the various runlevels (but maybe this could be achieved automagically).
> Just my 0,2 cents.
> Ciao,
> Tito
Yes this is a viable option, but:

you need to fix the dependency problem (some of those packages have a
depends on systemd), see my other message

it's not just insserv, you need a way to convey info from the package
maintscripts so that update-rc.d

and invoke-rc.d actions are perfomed during install/upgrade/remove/purge.

I can try a prototype package and post it here (i already have some code
because I need to do the same for runit), but only if there is at least
a DD that is going to review and sponsor such package


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