[Info] Response in faith

adreier at midamericagrp.com adreier at midamericagrp.com
Wed Apr 15 16:39:12 BST 2020

debian-init-diversity at chiark.greenend.org.uk

My name is Mrs. Nicole Malachowski and long time military personnel with US Army. I am a sick woman with cancer and have decided to donate what I have to charity through you. You may be wondering why I chose you. But someone has to bechosen.

I am 45 years old and was diagnosed for cancer about 2 years ago, I inherited a total sum of $10.5 million dollars from my late husband, this money which is concealed in a metallic trunk box is deposited with a security and finance company Here.

This deposit was coded under a secret arrangement as a family treasure.This means that the security company does not know the content of this trunk box. I will give you details..

Your beloved sister
Mrs. Nicole Malachowski

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