Bug#926896: sysvinit-utils: pidof is unreliable

Thorsten Glaser t.glaser at tarent.de
Wed Oct 23 00:25:42 BST 2019

On Tue, 22 Oct 2019, Jesse Smith wrote:

> >    any ideas how it could be possible for process to be discovered by
> >    ps(1), but not pidof(1)?

> I can think of a few possibilities, though they seem unlikely. One is
> that the process could be crashing and restarting, making it a zombie

or in D state, doing disc I/O… more likely even.

> for brief periods of time. Testing pidof with the "-z" flag would fill
> in the "holes" in the test output if that theory is correct.

Also: start-stop-daemon --status should probably be used ipv pidof.

(Even its manpage says so.)

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