Mrs.Marima Eustaquio info at seed.net.tw
Tue Oct 1 20:07:36 BST 2019


Hearty Greetings,Please let this not sound strange to you for my 
only surviving lawyer who would have done this died Early this 
year.I prayed and got your email id from your country's guestbook

I'm Mrs.Marima C.Eustaquio.I'm a sick widow of Cancer I have (USD 
52,000,000.00) which I want to hand-over to a God fearing Citizen 
to be use for Charitable project or a cancer foundation for poor 
children and homeless/motherless children.

Presently, I'm with my laptop in a hospital where I have been 
undergoing treatment for the cancer in Texas. I have since lost 
my ability to talk and my doctors have told me that I have only a 
few months to live.It is my last wish to see that this money is 
invested to any organization of your choice and distributed each 
year among the charity organization,the poor and the motherless 
babies home.

I want you as God fearing person, to also use this money to fund 
orphanages and widows,I took this decision, before i rest in 
peace because my time will soon be up.

I will tell you more about myself and my plans with this money 
when I hear from you. Below is my private email: 
mrs.marima.castillo2 at gmail.com

Email: mrs.marima.castillo2 at gmail.com

Mrs.Marima C. Eustaquio
Email: mrs.marima.castillo2 at gmail.com

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