Bug#921558: lsb-base: killproc does not pass name parameter to start-stop-daemon

Didier 'OdyX' Raboud odyx at debian.org
Wed Mar 13 20:36:35 GMT 2019

Le mercredi, 13 mars 2019, 18.17:34 h CET Dmitry Bogatov a écrit :
> [2019-03-11 21:51] Axel Beckert <abe at debian.org>
> > > I believe it would be reasonable to add '--name $base' into `else'
> > > clause. Opinions?
> > 
> > Sounds sane, I just checked that with #924311 (miredo, uses
> > start-stop-daemon directly, edited the init script) as well as #924312
> > (stunnel4, by editing /lib/lsb/init-functions) and it worked in both
> > cases.
> > 
> > Here's the change I made to /lib/lsb/init-functions (as Dmitry already
> > suggested):

Great. Thanks for the tests, you got me convinced. :-)

> Okay. Should I NMU or not? Anybody know what is the current status of
> maintenance?

I'll upload tonight, crediting the patch to Dmitry.

Regarding the maintenance status of src:lsb: I'm only keeping an (opinionated) 
eye on it, to avoid having it orphaned (hence my upload of tonight). But 
really, it is up for adoption. I should perhaps make that clearer by removing 
myself from uploader. Opinions?

Cheers, and thanks again for the testing!

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